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Author Topic: Bush 2007 Ford Eulogy CT Taunts vs His Actual Knowledge & involved Acquaintances  (Read 5619 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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The strange, unanswered questions of unresponsive George HW Bush, vs JFK assassination controversies
he now takes, secretly, to the grave.

It will be left to those who do not want the justifications/excuses/obfuscations in response to the myriad of Bush controversies to survive him to insure they do not!:,1264.msg37972.html#msg37972

Those uninformed but in possession of the podium, CNN's Don Lemon & Dana Bash are praising Bush and lamenting
the awfulness (@ age 94) of his passing, even as I post this. Historian Douglas Brinkley, "He was really loved
by all Americans...."

As he gasped his last breaths on a WWII battlefield, Tom Hanks's character whispered to Matt Damons character,
Private Ryan, "EARN THIS. (enormous sacrifice}" If you find my sentiments distasteful or in poor form, first, answer this question, did Bush "earn this", or hide this, mischaracterize this, and confuse this?
George H.W. Bush?s Eulogy for Gerald R. Ford
Published: January 2, 2007
....Long before he arrived in Washington, Gerald Ford?s word was good. During the three decades of public service that followed his arrival in our nation?s capital, time and again he would step forward and keep his promise even when the dark clouds of political crisis gathered over America. After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford?s word was always good....

... But in the last four years,
C.I.A. directors have become as interchangeable as Cabinet officers.
Mr. Bush was the first purely political appointee to the office. He was a friend of
President Ford and had served two terms in the House in the 1960's. He was
chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1972 and was considered a Vice‐
Presidential hopeful....

Tom S. March 7, 2016 at 10:15 am
This is not ?that kind? of comment site. BTW, Wisner was suffering from mental illness and left the CIA in 1962.
Can you understand the difference between what is presented in my comment, vs. yours, or why I think your comment details are actually counterproductive? Is your purpose to convince or enlighten other conspiracy theorists or to influence ?the record?? ?The record,? is what is permissible to cite in news reporting, wikipedia articles, academic papers, non-fiction book notes?. links to NARA document pages at, or,
regularly published college newspapers, other student publications?.example:

[PDF]Beaver Sig Vol. 1946, No. 1 ? Sigma Chi Fraternity, Alpha ?
ger, Brannan, Bennett and Coit. A large class was pledged, headed
by Norman Meullen and followed by Carl Bergm?ann,. Thomas Devine, Bradford Endi

The details in my comment are presented and supported by links to primary sources of the level I just presented
examples of. A reasonable person would not read my comment and wonder, ?who does this writer expect is his audience or expect to influence,? as I did while reading your comment details in this thread.

I am assuming visitors who may or may not become regular readers of articles and comments are drawn here seeking facts. Roy, do you understand what I am attempting to tell you? Can you point to details in your comments you think best support your credibility? Aren?t we what we post? I try to present in a way that does not rule out the possibility of drawing out a Bush spokesperson to respond, as Joe Mcbride did in 1988. What have you put in a comment in this thread that you think has the potential to prompt a Bush associated response?
I think Jeff expects commenters to use this example as a benchmark?.at least to keep it in mind?..

63 FBI Memo Ties Bush to Intelligence Agency ?
The New York Times
Jul 11, 1988 ? The Nation magazine, in its current issue, quotes a memo of Nov. ? The magazine article, written by Joseph McBride, also quoted an unidentified ? However, Mr. Bush also notes in the book that ?I?d come to the C.I.A. with

What is the meaning of 'earn this, earn it' in saving private ryan ...
Mar 11, 2016 - Saving Private Ryan, one of the best war movies ever made. This particular scene where Captain John H. Miller (Tom Hanks) tells Private James Ryan to ?earn this, earn it? and then dies right there is one of the most tragic scenes I have seen. Captain Miller was assigned the ...

Speaking of practicing Good Taste.... Oh really?
Interview with George H.W. and Barbara Bush - - Transcripts
... H.W. and Barbara Bush. Aired November 22, 2010 - 21:00 ET ... LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, President George H.W. Bush and Barbara. Hear his comments about ... I don't miss going to work every day in the White House. I miss the ...

Wolf Blitzer, (as I write this) "What a wonderful family man! I love his family."

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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All (too many) of the relevant government records were long suppressed, but not in the 60s and 70s
through any documented fault of Bush. I am simply saying there is a record of individuals very close to Bush either operationally curious pre-Assassination or interfering with/badgering witnesses who were  subject to investigation relevant to the post assassination investigation, but all Bush gave to the public was, "he doesn't recall," through his spokespersons,
or his direct taunt at his labeled "CTs" in his Ford euology.
Bush himself reported James Parrott's threats to Bush's FBI
friend Graham Kichel, but only immediately after JFK was shot.

I spent 3 years as an JFK Debate forum moderator and ten months as comments editor in efforts to dispell
or discourage precisely what you seem to assume in advance I am doing here, engaging in poorly supported, speculative
CT claims. I strongly disagree. I will begin with interesting, relevant details not suppressed for years and work up
to what the government kept close and only dribbled out mostly through FOIA requests and the ARRB efforts.

Presented in chronological order. Edward G Hooker, was step nephew of George Dem, and Bush's Phillip's Andover
prep school fraternity house mate in 1940.

Marion Wyeth, named above, later was Priscilla's book editor, waiting patiently, as she related to the HSCA,
13 years for her to submit her book, Lee and Me. Wyeth's parents resided two lots down on a West Palm Beach
dead end street, from the Philip Sharples.

1951 DeMohrenschildt Sharples wedding:

B. Rionda Braga's first cousin and sugar trading partner was Placido Ervesun. Nina Osterman
was the wife of Ervesun.
Mrs. Ernest Byfield Jr. Is Dead; Active in Many Society Benefits - The ...
Aug 19, 1970 - Byfield, Ernest Jr (Mrs) (Valentina) ... Please send reports of such problems to Mrs. Ernest Byfield ... Besides her husband, she leaves a sister, Mrs. Placido Ervesun of Alpine, N. J.. A funeral ...
Miss Suzanne B. Hooker Married to Ames Braga
SEPT. 14, 1973

St. Jean Baptiste's Roman Catholic Church was the set ting here yesterday for the
marriage of Miss Suzanne Butler Hooker, a junior at Barnard College, to Ames
Braga, who graduated with the class of '73 from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Rene Fontaine.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Edward‐Gordon Hooker of New York and the
late Mr. Hooker, who was a member of the New York Stock Ex change, and a
descendant of the Rev. Thomas Hooker, founder of Hartford, and of Thomas
Jefferson. The bride groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. B. Rionda Braga of Alpine, N.
J. His father was formerly a partner in Czarni kow Rionda, Inc., sugar brokers here.
George H. W. Bush, chair map of the Republican Na tional Committee, escorted
the bride
, who had her sister, Mrs. Alberto Mejia, as matron of honor and Miss
Susan Whipple as maid of honor. Other attendants were Mrs. John Drexel 4th, sister
of the bridegroom, and the Misses Lynn Laporte, Helena Hack ley, Belinda Donner,
Colleen O'Rourke and Carol Gram.
David Braga was best man for his brother.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 03:59:54 AM by Tom Scully »

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The China Diary of George H. W. Bush: The Making of a Global President

Jeffrey A. Engel - 2011 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
But there is Mel Laird holding the behind-the-scenes press conference, saying, ?Well we'll keep Bush on till after the ... Bemis, Lias and Devine had a meeting regarding my political future?very thoughtful of them.5 All I know now is to do the ...

I will fill in the background for this post later today. Devine, on CIA assignment, investigated and met with George DeM in NYC beginning April 25, 1963, through late May, and Bemis was reported to the FBI by Billy Joe Lord in 1977 after Lord related to the FBI that Henry Hurt had attempted  to coerce his cooperation in an interview, allegedly telling Lord that Bemis was close to Bush and had suggested Hurt had the option via Bush's relations with his former campaign manager, Allison, the then employer of Lord, of terminating Lord's employment.

William B Macomber was best man in 1946 and again in 1973.:

Miss Alexandra Mills Is Bride of T.J. Devine
APRIL 15, 1973

HOBE SOUND, Fla., April 14?Miss Alexandra Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Wynne Mills of Locust Valley, L. I., and Hobe Sound, was married here this
afternoon to Thomas J. Devine, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adrian G. Devine of
Rochester. The ceremony was performed by Dean N.R.H. Moor in Christ Memorial
Episcopal Chapel.
Miss Barbara K. Mills was her sister's maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were
the Misses Marjorie K. Gerry, her cousin, and Susan C. Babcock and Lucy Bucknell,
niece of the bridegroom. William B. Macomber Jr., United States Ambassador to
Turkey, was best man.
Mrs. Devine attended the Green Vale School in Glen Head, L. I., and graduated
from the Foxcroft School, Middleburg, Va., in 1963 and from the Katharine Gibbs
School in 1965. She made her debut at a dinner dance given in her honor by her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge T. Gerry, in Old Westbury, L. I., in 1963, and
was a member of the New York Junior Assemblies that year.
She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Mills of Philadelphia
and Georgetown, S. C., and the late Mr. and Mrs. John P. .... of Locust Valley and
New York. Her great‐greatgrandfather, Anthony Joseph Drexel, started Drexel & Co.
in Philadelphia, which later became Drexel Morgan & Co. Her great‐grandfather
William J. Wild Bill Donovan, Major General, United States Army
His brother, Vincent, in the robes of a Dominican, gave Donovan the last rites. ... Chaplain of the 165th Infantry, at Camp Mills just before her father sailed for ...
In the process today of assembling this post, I happened to notice R.C. priest Rev. Vincent Donovan, (at 2 different
R.C. Churches.
had officiated at both the 1946 wedding of Nancy Bush and in the 1943 Wedding of William HG Fitzgerald.
Note that Ernest Byfield Jr., mentioned in my prior post, was Fitzgerald's best man. Rev. Donovan was the
brother of O.S.S. founding director William Donovan. Note the name of usher O. W. Hammond, a USAAF intel officer
whose later career was as Dallas partner in accounting of George Day, leading author on the oil depletion allowance.
OW Hammond was partner with Jack Crichton in Arab Shield as well as the accountant for that partnership!

« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 03:25:30 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Kindly post speculative and discredited or formerly widely believed but since discredited or unproven
Bush allegedly linked JFK Assassination related accusations and highly speculative "stuff" in the earlier
thread created immediately in response to his passing on November 30, 2018.....

The Andover AUV and all other campus societies and their houses were closed permanently, circa 1950.
In the image below, Hooker and Macomber have graduated and moved on to university, Bush and a new
face (bare torso) Godfrey A Rockefeller were in residence. Years later, Rob Owen, aka Oliver North's Contras
courier had come out of Bush future VP Quayle's office. His father, Dwight Owen was a V.P. and corp. spokesperson
of Cranston Print Works where he was a 39 year employee of owner Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller, father of Bush's
1942 AUV housemate
Cranston Workers At Webster, Mass. Turn Down Union .Oct 12, 1963
The employes in the Webster division of Cranston Print Works Company have ... of America, Dwight Owen, company director of industrial and public relations, ...

Young Godfrey's sister, Marion, married Robert G Stone, Jr., the Harvard endowment investment
director who invested Harvard money in Alan Quasha's Harken Energy  which had bailed GW Bush out of his failing
petroleum development venture.


Robert W. Owen, a ''foot soldier'' in the secret operation to help the Nicaraguan
rebels, detailed today how he and Lieut. Col. Oliver L. North used the State
Department's humanitarian-aid program to supply weapons to the rebels.
Mr. Owen, a tall 33-year-old, also recounted numerous anecdotes, some of them
humorous, showing how an avowed amateur fared in the world of covert operatives.
In one case he described a tale of intrigue when he was sent from Washington with
instructions ''to go to a corner Chinese market'' in New York.
Using a code name, he related, and acting on the orders from Maj. Gen. Richard
V. Secord, Mr. Owen picked up a wad of 95 100-dollar bills that the grocer had kept
hidden under a pants leg. He then flew back to Washington and delivered the money,
wrapped in a newspaper, to General Secord in a hotel. Told to Reload Plane
On one occasion, Mr. Owen testified before the joint Congressional committees
investigating the Iran-contra affair, Colonel North told him to reload a Governmentchartered
plane that had carried medical supplies from Washington to Central
America with munitions. At the time, in March 1986, Mr. Owen was being paid by
both the contras and the State Department's Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance
Office, which was established in 1985 to distribute only nonlethal supplies to the
Mr. Owen insisted he was only a private citizen working on behalf of a cause he
believed in deeply.
For the contras, he said, ''I was willing to risk my life, my fortunes
and also the advancement of my career.''
Mr. Owen's and Colonel North's action appeared to be in direct violation of the law
banning United States military aid to the contras during 1986. The State Department
had chartered the plane as part of a Congressionally approved program of $27
million in humanitarian aid to the rebels during the fiscal year 1986. 'Savings Was
The State Department declined to comment on Mr. Owen's testimony.
One State Department official said the humanitarian-aid office ''ended up
paying a good portion of the pre-positioning costs for aircraft and other equipment''
that Colonel North and his operatives, including Mr. Owen, used to deliver military
supplies to the contras. ''The savings to them, the expense, was considerable,'' the
official added.
A full day of testimony also included these other disclosures:
* Colonel North often joked that he might go to jail if his actions were
discovered, Mr. Owen said. Colonel North also repeatedly said ''he was going to be
the fall guy'' if they were caught.
* Colonel North himself cashed some of the traveler's checks intended to finance
the contras, according to Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah. Senator
Hatch, who has been a staunch defender of President Reagan and often of Colonel
North in the hearings, said the committee had evidence that Colonel North used the
traveler's checks to buy snow tires and an airplane ticket. He also cashed some of
them at food stores and gas stations in the Washington area. The implication was
that some of this was for Colonel North's personal use, but that was not stated
* Senator Paul S. Trible Jr., Republican of Virginia, said there was evidence that
General Secord and his associates might have earned a profit of as much as 300
percent on some items they supplied the contras, including hand grenades. General
Secord insisted in weeklong testimony than he earned no profits. Reagan on Legality
President Reagan, in Chattanooga, Tenn., speaking to a group of graduating
high-school seniors, was asked by a local reporter if he would resign if it was proved
that he broke the law during the Iran-contra affair. Mr. Reagan replied: ''I know
absolutely that I did nothing illegal.''
At the start of today's hearings, Senator Warren B. Rudman, Republican of New
Hampshire, disclosed that General Secord had still not turned over $8 million in
profits from the arms sales to the contras and Iran. It is still in Swiss bank accounts.
Nor has the General signed a waiver that would empower the Senate committee to
examine his bank records.
In his appearance before the committee, General Secord said he would consider
signing the waiver and hoped to donate the $8 million to a fund for the contras in
the name of William J. Casey, the late Director of Central Intelligence. Today his
lawyer said the general would probably open his bank records to investigators soon.
On the subject of Mr. Casey, Mr. Owen repeated a suggestion made last week by
Robert C. McFarlane, President Reagan's former national security adviser, that Mr.
Casey and Colonel North had a special relationship. 'Under the Wing of Casey'
''I believe he was under the wing of Director Casey,'' Mr. Owen said of Colonel
North. On several occasions when he was in Colonel North's office in the White
House, Mr. Owen testified, he overheard Colonel North talking on the phone with
Mr. Casey or saw Mr. Casey walking in or out of the office.
Mr. Owen, who described himself in testimony last week as a ''foot soldier'' in
the operation to help the contras, spoke of Colonel North with fervor. He concluded
his two days of testimony by saying, ''I love Ollie North like a brother,'' and reading a
poem in praise of Colonel North and the contras.
It was Colonel North who arranged for him to get a job as a contract employee in
1985 with the State Department's humanitarian assistance program for the contras,
Mr. Owen said. Robert W. Duemling, the State Department officer in charge, was
suspicious of him, Mr. Owen, acknowledged, because everybody knew ''I was Ollie's
When he signed his contract with the State Department, it prohibited him from
supplying to the contras any weapons ''which can be used to inflict serious bodily
harm or death.''
But Mr. Owen said he did not hesitate when Colonel North ordered him to use a
L-100 transport chartered by the State Department to carry medical supplies to
Central America and then reload it with munitions. The contras badly needed the
weapons, and Colonel North - code-named in one memo ''B.G.'' for ''Blood and Guts''
-thought the plane could expedite their delivery, Mr. Owen said.
In the end the operation fell through when the weapons did not arrive, he
testified, despite help from several officials of the Central Intelligence Agency.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 08:53:19 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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The link between the Contra funding & material supply coordinator, Rob Owen, aka "the courier" on the ground
go between Indiana's John Hull in El Salvador and Oliver North is that although all those investigated stuck to the story that Rob Owen was simply a gung ho anticommunist, formerly a Latin America advisor in the office of then Indiana Sen. Dan Quayle,  who was compensating for missing the opportunity his late older brother Dwight Owen, Jr. had had, dying as a civilian combatant in Vietnam, circa 1967, posing as a press credentialed (of a Providence, RI newspaper), 20 year old Stanford Univ. student on leave.
Much closer to the truth was that Rob Owen was the son of Dwight Owen Sr., 39 years long executive employee of Godfrey S Rockefeller owned Cranston Print Works. This link, a search of the internet confirms, was completely concealed from
US Gov investigators and all journalists.
Using just one segment of Russ Baker's book as the template inspiring me years ago to plumb the depths of the Bushes and Alan Quasha's Harken Energy, consider the evidence I have found of Rockefeller links to Bush '41 & '43 as Rockefeller

in 1943, Ernest Byfield, Jr. was described as best man in the wedding of William HG Fitzgerald and Annilese Petschek.
Bush '41 named Fitzgeral as US Ambassador to Ireland more than 45 years later. Ms.Petschek was of the Czech family
with extensive lignite coal holdings in Poland and Slovakia on the eve of WWII, a side story linked to Harriman-Prescott
Bush. Byfield was a Jew primarily raised in pre-war Paris by his mother, Gladys Tartiere, later the landlord of the
Middleburg, VA estate that JFK leased from her and used as his weekend White House. William HG Fitzgerald, a devote
RC Catholic, chose in 1943 a Jewish bride and best man, with OSS's William Donovan's priest brother performing the
wedding ceremony, as he did again in 1946, officiating in the Nancy Bush and Yale Bonesman Alexander Ellis wedding in
which William B Macomber served as his Yale classmate's best man.

Byfield Jr. is described by David KA Bruce as an OSS officer serving under official cover as a US Army captain. William
Donovan and Byfield's uncle Hugh Byfield had been good friends, meeting through their Polo field matches.
Macomber and Ellis graduated Yale earlier than anticipated, in January, 1943 due to a WWII accelerated Yale curriculum
intended to more rapidly produce military officer candidate.
OSS Col. Francis Perkins commanded the U.S. arm of a European continent infiltration program partnered with British
SOES. The British insisted on separate training and missions, resulting in the original OP Sussex renamed OP Sussex-Essex.
Less than 100 Americans were trained as infiltrators parachuting into occupied France to support and coordinate Macquis
resistance and Byfield was assigned as French language teacher of Macomber's and fellow OSS mission trainees. William
Casey was read into the plan, coordinating for OSS with Col. Perkins.
Macomber was trained as a weapons specialist, parachuted into France, met up with the Macquis as a tactics advisor
and weapons trainer. Macomber soon found himself successfully bluffing the local Wermacht command staff of 20,000
enemy troops, convincing the command to surrender despite actual U.S. combat troops of any massed quantity being
300 miles distant from the surrendering Germans. Macomber unusually was soon transferred to serve with Merrill in

Sewing this introductory background up, Byfield inherited and managed the Sherman Hotel group in Chicago upon the
sudden death of his father, Hotel promoter Ernest, Sr. in 1950. Patrick Hoy, a Univ. Wisconsin graduate, had been a
manager in the Sherman owned Ambassador Hotel Pump Room restaurant, promoted by Byfield, Jr. to President of
the entire Sherman Hotel group by 1957. The impending 1959 sale by Byfield, Jr. resulted in Henry Crown persuading
Patrick Hoy to become, with no relevant experience, a General Dynamics V.P. In that role Pat Hoy did the bidding of
Atty Sidney Korshak. Korshak through Hoy controlled labor relations and executive decisions within the Hilton Hotel
organization and the FBI reported that Hoy interacted often with Korshak friend Gus Alex, a mob captain of Tony Accardo.
Hoy arranged the no show employment at a Chicago Hilton Hotel of Gus Alex girlfriend, German national Suzanne Flueger.

William HG Fitzgerald's son, sharing the given name of the famous CIA officer Desmond Fitzgerald, married the grand-
daughter of Godfrey S Rockefeller in 1975, Helen Muffie Stone, daughter of Marion Rockefeller and Robert G Stone, Jr.

Believe it or not, then this scenario seems to grow even wierder, resembling a never ending reunion.

Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, ...

Russ Baker - 2010 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
... president, and while Harvard was deeply involved with Harken and George W., Robert G. Stone was elected to the board of a large, private, Greenwich-based financial services executive recruiting firm called Russell Reynolds Associates.

Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, ...
Russ Baker - 2010 - ‎Political Science
The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the ... Indeed, even as Bush was dumping the bulk of his Harken holdings?about ...

Russ Baker was frank in his lack of understanding how Robert G Stone, Jr  or Bush brother Jonathan came
to serve on the board of executive search firm RS Reynolds. It turned out Rockefeller front Frank Vanderlip, Jr.
was long (at least since 1929) a friend of RS Reynold's parents, and a friend of Alan Quasha's father William Quasha.:

74 Debutantes Introduced to Society At 33d Christmas...
New York Times - Dec 21, 1968

... the Union Club by Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip Jr. for Mr. Vanderlip's goddaughter, Miss Jill Quasha, and his niece, Miss Narcissa Cox Vanderlip 2d,...

Wedding 04 19 31 WaPo
Wallace Truman Backus
Rosina Dowker Malpass
Vanderlip, Jr. usher
Lt. Joseph Lyman, USMC best man

Wedding 10 11 34
Thomas Harcourt Urmston, Jr.
Maude Stokes Williams, dau. of E. Randolp Williams, niece of late John Skelton Williams, former comptroller of the currency. (Vanderlip, Sr., as president of Rockefeller Nat. City Bank, was one of the Jekyll Island ten who met
to create the Federal Reserve Bank and system and obviously tapped the grand uncle of JIM BEAMISS as first comptroller)
Vanderlip, Jr. and Langbourne Meade Williams, Jr. are guests
John Skelton Williams was the brother of the grandmother of the Billy Joe Lord described, Jim Beamis, Hotel operator in
the state of VA, Bush '41 Kennebunkport neighbor, formal name Fitzgerald Bemis, a friend closest to Bush literally
from cradle to grave.
Tom Scully_* Posted 09 July 2011 - 01:03 PM

If the letter from Billy Lord to President Carter is reliable in the form of it I've linked to in the post above, I noticed the text of it does not include a first name of "Mr. Beamis." The FBI report, however, adds "Jim" to the name, "Beamis."

Jim Allison....Jim Beamis.... The coincidental effect is that "Gerry" Fitzgerald Bemis is disappeared for the next 34 years.

NARA Record Number: 124-10370-10013

How in hell could Billy Lord have fabricated this?

Oct. 2, 1922 - Feb. 7, 2011

Former State Senator FitzGerald Bemiss died at home with his family on the evening of February 7, 2011
at the age of 88.
Senator Bemiss was born on October 2, 1922, the son of Samuel Merrifield and Doreen FitzGerald Bemiss.
He was predeceased by his parents and his sister, Cynthia Bemiss Stuart. ......

Samuel Merrifield Bemiss (1894 - 1966)*<*************BINGO!!!**
Eli Lockert Bemiss (1859 - 1924)
Cyane D. Williams Bemiss (1867 - 1952)<*************BINGO!!!**

Doreen FitzGerald Bemiss (1897 - 1982)

Cyane D. Williams Bemiss (1867 - 1952)*<*************BINGO!!!**
Eli Lockert Bemiss (1859 - 1924)
3. Samuel Merrifield Bemiss (1894 - 1966)* <*************BINGO!!!**
Langbourne Meade Williams (1872 - 1931)

Cyane D. Williams Bemiss (1867 - 1952)*<*************BINGO!!!**
Charlotte Randolph Williams (1868 - 1884)*
Edmund Randolph Williams (1871 - 1952)*
Langbourne Meade Williams (1872 - 1931)
William Berkley Williams (1878 - 1954)*
Langbourne Meade Williams, Jr<*************BINGO!!!**
Feb. 5, 1903 - Sep. 12, 1994

Langbourne Meade Williams (1872 - 1931)
Susanne Nolting Williams (1876 - 1951)

Frances Craik Breckinridge Pinckney Williams (1910 - 1984)

Maria Ward Williams (1901 - 1919)*
Langbourne Meade Williams (1903 - 1994)
Susanne Catherine Williams (1905 - 1992)*
Frank M Williams (1907 - 1941)*
Charlotte Randolph Williams Rust (1911 - 1976)*
George Dandridge Williams (1914 - 1980)* <*************BINGO!!!*****************

1. Robert Hurt: b. 16 Jun 1969 New York, NY; U.S. Representative from VA ?


2. Henry Charles Hurt, Jr.: editor of Reader?s Digest; m. 2 Oct 1968 Rapidan, VA

[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 4 Oct 1968: ?The marriage of Miss Margaret Nolting Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dandridge Williams of ?The Campbell Field,? Rapidan, to Henry Charles Hurt Jr., son of M. and Mrs. Henry Charles Hurt of Chatham, took place Wednesday, Oct. 2?in Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapidan??]

[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 29 Aug 1965: ?Miss Hallam Hurt is spending some time in Oxford, Miss., where she is visiting her brother, Henry C. Hurt, Jr., who is attending the University of Mississippi. She will visit also in Dallas, Texas, where she will be the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Taylor Hallam.?]


3. Margaret Nolting Williams:


4. Henry Charles Hurt: b. 10 Jan 1913 New York, NY; d. 23 Sep 1972 Danville, VA

[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 24 Sep 1972: ?Henry Charles Hunt, prominent Pittsylvania County banker, died yesterday?.A native of New York, N.Y., Mr. Hurt was born Jan. 10, 1913, a son of the late Robert Hurt and Ada Emett Hurt?.He is survived by his wife, Frances Hallam Hurt; a son, Henry C. Hurt Jr. of Carmel, N.Y??]
Edited by Tom Scully, 09 July 2011

Bottomline, in 1977, Billy Joe Lord was recalling enough detail he obtained over a lunch with Henry Hurt, to permit
me, 34 years later, to discover that Henry Hurt had married into the Williams family; Hurt's father-in-law was the
brother of the Langbourne Mead Williams who fronted the Jock Whitney financing for gaining control of Freeport Sulphur.
Benno Schmidt Sr. was a top Whitney executive and fellow Freeport Sulphur director with Godfrey S Rockefeller.
Almost all named are Yale educated and Benno Schmidt's son did not later randomly become president of Yale University.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 02:40:54 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Billy Joe Lord's late 1976 letter combined with Russ Baker's "Bush Family of Secrets"
combine to prove beyond doubt the good ole USA features neither equal justice or journalism.
Upton Sinclair explained in his 1919 The Brass Check the corruption of journalism via "ownership of
the owners" of NY Times, Associated Press, et al. there was no radio or radio news at that time.

Page 336 thru 351 from Russ Baker's book....prompting my verification of accuracy of Billy Joe Lord's complaint letter:
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, ...

Russ Baker - 2010 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years Russ Baker. CHAPTER 16. The. Quacking. Duck.

(Bear with me, I am attempting to at least post links to the whole chapter....)

Link to Page 337b

Link to Page 338

Link to Page 339

Link to Page 340

Link to Page 342b

Link to Page 343

Link to Page 344

Link to Page 345

Link to Page 345b

Link to Page 346

Link to Page 347a

Link to Page 347b

Link to Page 348

Link to Page 349

Link to Page 350

Link to Page 351a

« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 02:21:57 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Conrad Black: As Madoff victims go unpaid, my old rival Richard ...
May 27, 2017 - It emerged that Richard Breeden, who was placed at the head of a fund set ... George W. Bush, of suspicion of insider trading at Harken Energy, ...

Richard Breeden was today permitted air time on CNN to praise Bush '41, emphasizing how Bush permitted him to
lead the SEC without any interference from the Bush '41 White House after appointing him to head the financial
industry regulatory and oversight (accountability) federal agency. Breeden can do little now to influence the reputation
or legacy of Bush '41. He was given the opportunity to distribute his message in an attempt to support the reputations
of himself and the man (Bush '43) he may have bent the rules to greatly help make a multii-millionaire.
A solid week of official mourning tends to influence the media to stand done as far as any rebuttal to the statements
of those a news network decides to put in front of its cameras.

This commentator, James Carroll, a former RC Catholic priest, explains the "set up".
Carroll comes with a pedigree. This gentleman was his father.:
Joseph Francis Carroll

Official Photograph upon appointment as Director, DIA. From U.S. Air Force Official Biography
Born   March 19, 1910
Chicago, Illinois
Died   January 20, 1991 (aged 80)
.......Rank   Lieutenant General
Commands held   Defense Intelligence Agency
Awards   Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit (2)
Relations   James P. Carroll
Lieutenant General Joseph Francis Carroll (March 19, 1910 ? January 20, 1991) was the founding director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)....

The peril of valuing celebrity over history

.....The difference between Sinclair Lewis and Upton Sinclair matters. Both were
acclaimed novelists, setting much of the literary style of American letters in the first
half of the 20th century. Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle," published in 1906 and
exposing abuses in the meat packing industry, was the progenitor of muckraking, but
as late as 1943 his "Dragon's Teeth" won the Pulitzer Prize. He was a Socialist and
frequently ran for political office.
Among the many people who were inspired by him was the young Sinclair Lewis,
who joined a short-lived utopian community that Upton Sinclair founded in 1907.
But Lewis became famous for "Main Street" and "Babbitt" in the early 1920s and, in
1930, became the first American writer to win the Nobel Prize. Like Upton Sinclair,
Sinclair Lewis was profoundly countercultural, but he was an omni-directional
satirist, and his 1935 forecast of American fascism, "It Can't Happen Here," included
a portrait of Upton Sinclair as a political nutcase.
It was my host's house that "had history," but not my host. The shallowness of
contemporary public discourse, devoid of history, is everywhere visible - from the
"eternal now" of celebrity journalism to the absurdity of an "antiwar" rhetoric that
assumes, in fact, a permanent U.S. war machine in Iraq. In the emerging Democratic
consensus, forged by Congressional leaders and presidential front-runners,
supposedly in opposition to President Bush's war, "out now" is becoming "out when
conditions permit" - which is, of course, Bush's exact position. Such conditions will
never come; therefore - Garrison Forever.
Yet, speaking of history, this conjuring of the appearance of opposition where
none actually exists has been mandated by the American political system since the
onset of the Cold War. The quadrennial political puppet show, highlighting not
opposition but its appearance, is essential to keeping the captive-taking war machine
running and to inoculating the American people from the viral knowledge that they
themselves were first to be captured.
A minimal acquaintance with history, including dissections of American culture
already performed by both Sinclairs, would undermine our national complacency.
Upton Sinclair, for example, showed the rapaciousness of capitalism, the vampirelike
appetite with which it feeds on the blood of human beings. Even with "reforms"
("The Jungle" led to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration), the
profit-worshipping economy to this day eludes controls that would protect majorities
of citizens in this country and across the world.
Sinclair Lewis, for his part, showed
how the simultaneously banalizing methods of capitalist enterprise (false advertising, consumerism,
pieties of affluence, amoral bureaucracy) are exactly what
that enterprise created to keep from being criticized.
Then inhale the crack cocaine
of celebrity....

Only 15 members of the Yale junior class are tapped for membership annually.:


Disclosure: After reading the 2015 article by David Richards, I contacted him by email and
exchanged two messages with him regarding the Skull & Bones Tomb and received two cordial, unguarded replies.
The origins of the tomb
How Skull and Bones found a home.

By David Richards | May/Jun 2015....
New book ignites society debate - Yale Daily News
Oct 5, 2017 - ... of Yale's Secret Societies? by David Richards LAW '72 ? has reignited the divisive ... In his book, Richards, a member of Skull and Bones, crafts an ... as John Kerry and George W. Bush, both members of Skull and Bones, ...

By Lloyd Grove
Thursday, July 1, 2004,

It seems that folks in Skull & Bones -
the Yale secret society that claims both President Bush and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) as members - don't always like what they're reading in Lowdown. Author and Bones expert Toby Rogers tells me that Manhattan real-estate lawyer David Richards, the Bonesman who "tapped" Yale undergrad George W. Bush into the elite club in 1967, is taking a lot of heat for his anti-Bush comments that appeared in this column in May. Last week, Rogers recounts, Richards and several other Bonesmen journeyed to Washington to watch their Bones brother Victor Ashe, the former mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., be sworn in as the U.S. ambassador to Poland. At a reception following the ceremony at the Metropolitan Club, according to what Richards has been telling people, a Bonesman nicknamed "Groggy" sidled up to him and complained about his remarks in this column (originally published in Rogers' book "Ambushed") in which Richards insisted that Bush doesn't deserve to be reelected President. "I think it's pretty grim, I think he has trashed the economy, and I think he has conducted foreign policy badly, and I think he is a bad President," Richards said. "I don't know what he has done well.
" "Groggy" advised Richards: "Keep your f-- mouth shut....

Just 15 new members invited to join Bones annually, not all even accepting the invitation, yet we can connect the
best man in this wedding, H. James Rand, employer and sponsor of Robert Webster and his 1959 attendance at
the Moscow science fair, after which Webster defected to the Soviet Union, and had a background reportedly confused
by Marina Oswald, with her husband Oswald's!

Bonesman Dr George W Criles, Cleveland next door neighbor of newspaper columnist Drew Pearson's wife's
brother, Dan T Moore, actually shared the honeymoon with groom John Shaheen, best man H James Rand,
and Dan Moore....

supporting cites in my next post....
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 03:38:02 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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As promised, all supporting cites of my claimed links between Skull & Bones and the sponsorship of Robert Webster,
except the John Shaheen wedding announcement image that prompted the gathering of supporting cites,
survived the data loss last year on this forum.
My Response to Robert Parry's April 9, 2014 Report on Bi-Parisan Hypocrisy in Congress Suppressing Truth of 1980 October Surprise
"...while H James Rand of Cleveland, Ohio was best man."

« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 08:25:58 AM by Tom Scully »

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