The link between the Contra funding & material supply coordinator, Rob Owen, aka "the courier" on the ground
go between Indiana's John Hull in El Salvador and Oliver North is that although all those investigated stuck to the story that Rob Owen was simply a gung ho anticommunist, formerly a Latin America advisor in the office of then Indiana Sen. Dan Quayle, who was compensating for missing the opportunity his late older brother Dwight Owen, Jr. had had, dying as a civilian combatant in Vietnam, circa 1967, posing as a press credentialed (of a Providence, RI newspaper), 20 year old Stanford Univ. student on leave.
Much closer to the truth was that Rob Owen was the son of Dwight Owen Sr., 39 years long executive employee of Godfrey S Rockefeller owned Cranston Print Works. This link, a search of the internet confirms, was completely concealed from
US Gov investigators and all journalists.
Using just one segment of Russ Baker's book as the template inspiring me years ago to plumb the depths of the Bushes and Alan Quasha's Harken Energy, consider the evidence I have found of Rockefeller links to Bush '41 & '43 as Rockefeller
in 1943, Ernest Byfield, Jr. was described as best man in the wedding of William HG Fitzgerald and Annilese Petschek.
Bush '41 named Fitzgeral as US Ambassador to Ireland more than 45 years later. Ms.Petschek was of the Czech family
with extensive lignite coal holdings in Poland and Slovakia on the eve of WWII, a side story linked to Harriman-Prescott
Bush. Byfield was a Jew primarily raised in pre-war Paris by his mother, Gladys Tartiere, later the landlord of the
Middleburg, VA estate that JFK leased from her and used as his weekend White House. William HG Fitzgerald, a devote
RC Catholic, chose in 1943 a Jewish bride and best man, with OSS's William Donovan's priest brother performing the
wedding ceremony, as he did again in 1946, officiating in the Nancy Bush and Yale Bonesman Alexander Ellis wedding in
which William B Macomber served as his Yale classmate's best man.
Byfield Jr. is described by David KA Bruce as an OSS officer serving under official cover as a US Army captain. William
Donovan and Byfield's uncle Hugh Byfield had been good friends, meeting through their Polo field matches.
Macomber and Ellis graduated Yale earlier than anticipated, in January, 1943 due to a WWII accelerated Yale curriculum
intended to more rapidly produce military officer candidate.
OSS Col. Francis Perkins commanded the U.S. arm of a European continent infiltration program partnered with British
SOES. The British insisted on separate training and missions, resulting in the original OP Sussex renamed OP Sussex-Essex.
Less than 100 Americans were trained as infiltrators parachuting into occupied France to support and coordinate Macquis
resistance and Byfield was assigned as French language teacher of Macomber's and fellow OSS mission trainees. William
Casey was read into the plan, coordinating for OSS with Col. Perkins.
Macomber was trained as a weapons specialist, parachuted into France, met up with the Macquis as a tactics advisor
and weapons trainer. Macomber soon found himself successfully bluffing the local Wermacht command staff of 20,000
enemy troops, convincing the command to surrender despite actual U.S. combat troops of any massed quantity being
300 miles distant from the surrendering Germans. Macomber unusually was soon transferred to serve with Merrill in
Sewing this introductory background up, Byfield inherited and managed the Sherman Hotel group in Chicago upon the
sudden death of his father, Hotel promoter Ernest, Sr. in 1950. Patrick Hoy, a Univ. Wisconsin graduate, had been a
manager in the Sherman owned Ambassador Hotel Pump Room restaurant, promoted by Byfield, Jr. to President of
the entire Sherman Hotel group by 1957. The impending 1959 sale by Byfield, Jr. resulted in Henry Crown persuading
Patrick Hoy to become, with no relevant experience, a General Dynamics V.P. In that role Pat Hoy did the bidding of
Atty Sidney Korshak. Korshak through Hoy controlled labor relations and executive decisions within the Hilton Hotel
organization and the FBI reported that Hoy interacted often with Korshak friend Gus Alex, a mob captain of Tony Accardo.
Hoy arranged the no show employment at a Chicago Hilton Hotel of Gus Alex girlfriend, German national Suzanne Flueger.
William HG Fitzgerald's son, sharing the given name of the famous CIA officer Desmond Fitzgerald, married the grand-
daughter of Godfrey S Rockefeller in 1975, Helen Muffie Stone, daughter of Marion Rockefeller and Robert G Stone, Jr.

Believe it or not, then this scenario seems to grow even wierder, resembling a never ending reunion."called+russell+reynolds+associates"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwionbPvgYPfAhUSEqwKHc6GBn8Q6AEIKjAA#v=onepage&q="called%20russell%20reynolds%20associates"&f=false
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, ...
Russ Baker - 2010 - Preview - More editions
... president, and while Harvard was deeply involved with Harken and George W., Robert G. Stone was elected to the board of a large, private, Greenwich-based financial services executive recruiting firm called Russell Reynolds Associates.
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, ...
Russ Baker - 2010 - Political Science
The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the ... Indeed, even as Bush was dumping the bulk of his Harken holdings?about ...

Russ Baker was frank in his lack of understanding how Robert G Stone, Jr or Bush brother Jonathan came
to serve on the board of executive search firm RS Reynolds. It turned out Rockefeller front Frank Vanderlip, Jr.
was long (at least since 1929) a friend of RS Reynold's parents, and a friend of Alan Quasha's father William Quasha.:
74 Debutantes Introduced to Society At 33d Christmas...
New York Times - Dec 21, 1968
... the Union Club by Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip Jr. for Mr. Vanderlip's goddaughter, Miss Jill Quasha, and his niece, Miss Narcissa Cox Vanderlip 2d,...
Wedding 04 19 31 WaPo
Wallace Truman Backus
Rosina Dowker Malpass
Vanderlip, Jr. usher
Lt. Joseph Lyman, USMC best man
Wedding 10 11 34
Thomas Harcourt Urmston, Jr.
Maude Stokes Williams, dau. of E. Randolp Williams, niece of late John Skelton Williams, former comptroller of the currency. (Vanderlip, Sr., as president of Rockefeller Nat. City Bank, was one of the Jekyll Island ten who met
to create the Federal Reserve Bank and system and obviously tapped the grand uncle of JIM BEAMISS as first comptroller)
Vanderlip, Jr. and Langbourne Meade Williams, Jr. are guests
John Skelton Williams was the brother of the grandmother of the Billy Joe Lord described, Jim Beamis, Hotel operator in
the state of VA, Bush '41 Kennebunkport neighbor, formal name Fitzgerald Bemis, a friend closest to Bush literally
from cradle to grave.
Tom Scully_* Posted 09 July 2011 - 01:03 PM
If the letter from Billy Lord to President Carter is reliable in the form of it I've linked to in the post above, I noticed the text of it does not include a first name of "Mr. Beamis." The FBI report, however, adds "Jim" to the name, "Beamis."
Jim Allison....Jim Beamis.... The coincidental effect is that "Gerry" Fitzgerald Bemis is disappeared for the next 34 years.
NARA Record Number: 124-10370-10013

How in hell could Billy Lord have fabricated this?
Oct. 2, 1922 - Feb. 7, 2011

Former State Senator FitzGerald Bemiss died at home with his family on the evening of February 7, 2011 at the age of 88.
Senator Bemiss was born on October 2, 1922, the son of Samuel Merrifield and Doreen FitzGerald Bemiss.
He was predeceased by his parents and his sister, Cynthia Bemiss Stuart. ......
Samuel Merrifield Bemiss (1894 - 1966)*<*************BINGO!!!**
Eli Lockert Bemiss (1859 - 1924)
Cyane D. Williams Bemiss (1867 - 1952)<*************BINGO!!!**
Doreen FitzGerald Bemiss (1897 - 1982)
Cyane D. Williams Bemiss (1867 - 1952)*<*************BINGO!!!**
Eli Lockert Bemiss (1859 - 1924)
3. Samuel Merrifield Bemiss (1894 - 1966)* <*************BINGO!!!**
Langbourne Meade Williams (1872 - 1931)
Cyane D. Williams Bemiss (1867 - 1952)*<*************BINGO!!!**
Charlotte Randolph Williams (1868 - 1884)*
Edmund Randolph Williams (1871 - 1952)*
Langbourne Meade Williams (1872 - 1931)
William Berkley Williams (1878 - 1954)*
Langbourne Meade Williams, Jr<*************BINGO!!!**
Feb. 5, 1903 - Sep. 12, 1994
Langbourne Meade Williams (1872 - 1931)
Susanne Nolting Williams (1876 - 1951)
Frances Craik Breckinridge Pinckney Williams (1910 - 1984)
Maria Ward Williams (1901 - 1919)*
Langbourne Meade Williams (1903 - 1994)
Susanne Catherine Williams (1905 - 1992)*
Frank M Williams (1907 - 1941)*
Charlotte Randolph Williams Rust (1911 - 1976)*
George Dandridge Williams (1914 - 1980)* <*************BINGO!!!*****************
1. Robert Hurt: b. 16 Jun 1969 New York, NY; U.S. Representative from VA ?
2. Henry Charles Hurt, Jr.: editor of Reader?s Digest; m. 2 Oct 1968 Rapidan, VA
[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 4 Oct 1968: ?The marriage of Miss Margaret Nolting Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dandridge Williams of ?The Campbell Field,? Rapidan, to Henry Charles Hurt Jr., son of M. and Mrs. Henry Charles Hurt of Chatham, took place Wednesday, Oct. 2?in Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapidan??]
[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 29 Aug 1965: ?Miss Hallam Hurt is spending some time in Oxford, Miss., where she is visiting her brother, Henry C. Hurt, Jr., who is attending the University of Mississippi. She will visit also in Dallas, Texas, where she will be the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Taylor Hallam.?]
3. Margaret Nolting Williams:
4. Henry Charles Hurt: b. 10 Jan 1913 New York, NY; d. 23 Sep 1972 Danville, VA
[Danville Register (Danville, VA), 24 Sep 1972: ?Henry Charles Hunt, prominent Pittsylvania County banker, died yesterday?.A native of New York, N.Y., Mr. Hurt was born Jan. 10, 1913, a son of the late Robert Hurt and Ada Emett Hurt?.He is survived by his wife, Frances Hallam Hurt; a son, Henry C. Hurt Jr. of Carmel, N.Y??]
Edited by Tom Scully, 09 July 2011
Bottomline, in 1977, Billy Joe Lord was recalling enough detail he obtained over a lunch with Henry Hurt, to permit
me, 34 years later, to discover that Henry Hurt had married into the Williams family; Hurt's father-in-law was the
brother of the Langbourne Mead Williams who fronted the Jock Whitney financing for gaining control of Freeport Sulphur.
Benno Schmidt Sr. was a top Whitney executive and fellow Freeport Sulphur director with Godfrey S Rockefeller.
Almost all named are Yale educated and Benno Schmidt's son did not later randomly become president of Yale University.