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Author Topic: Jack Crichton, George Whitmeyer: Collaborative Research Led by Steve Thomas  (Read 6716 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Continued from my post, above:

Richard, From all I've read and tried to gather... and seen in photos... I have concluded that Oswald was possibly the first scenario that the conspirators hoped would go down... If Oswald, for some odd reason, had to be rushed to the hospital at 12:20pm that fateful day, there were other nefarious persons in the area called in by their "bosses" to pin the assassination on... possibly in other locations...
JFK was going down that day... The only question was which scenario of assassination would play out, A, B, C, or D.

Which means, quite possibly there were several rifles around in the area November 22, 1963, and events were fairly well orchestrated and planned out, and to be altered depending on how events developed...

Chauncey Holt's book, "Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel," seems very credible to me. He was one of the three tramps, found in the boxcar behind Dealey Plaza... and is absolutely convinced that Oswald was framed... that other nefarious individuals were called in to be on site (like himself), and that he heard four or five shots fired in about 8 seconds.

He writes:

As I was vaguely instructed to do, I settled in and cautiously waited ?in a support position? for the activities to begin. I was extremely nervous because my instructions were so imprecise. Had I had an inkling of the enormity of what was planned, which I had been unwittingly drawn into, I would have fled the area like a scalded dog. Kennedy was due at the Trade Center at 12:30 and, if on schedule, would be passing Dealey Plaza around 12:25. I had been told, emphatically that the disturbance would develop at either the Dal-Tex Building or the School Book Depository, but that great care would be taken to see that no one in the motorcade or in the crowd was injured. There were many other individuals....

I, and apparently Harrelson and Montoya as well, had been provided with the location of a boxcar, containing weapons and explosives, which the ATF was ostensibly was interested in. If the police swarmed over the area, I was to hide in that boxcar, which would appear from the outside to be locked. I was assured, in any event, that this boxcar would not be searched. If it were searched, I would simply show my credentials. These instructions, apparently, had been given to Montoya and Harrelson, as well. Since I was an all old hand at planning ?black operations,? I should have known there was more to this plot than I had been told. The plans were too meticulous to have involved a mere attempt to create a disturbance. This has weighed heavy on me, since that day, which now seems like remote antiquity. (Holt, Chauncey. Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel (Kindle Locations 3174-3180). Trine Day. Kindle Edition.)

There quite possibly were more rifles on site than Oswald's MC... IMO...

Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel
Chauncey Holt - 2013 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Incidentally, two of the defendants were represented by ? you guessed it ? Joe Ball and Frank Belcher. ... A month or so after the Kennedy assassination, I was at my apartment at Horace Heidt Estates in Sherman Oaks, California, sharing ...

If even the BS is rife with coincidence, what are the odds of learning anything actually new and reliably verifiable?
December 24, 2015 at 7:12 pm
Seriously no offense intended, Roy, but you are falling for the endless misdirection put out there ? first those so-called tramps Harrelson, Holt, etc., next they really are tramps, and on and on.
I attempt to explain this in my fumbling way at the site below (please search on ?assassins ball? and you?ll find it ? rather lengthy, so did not want to take up too much space at Mr. Morley?s outstanding site! (with links to declassified docs, etc.)
(Four international assassins: on the grassy knoll, turned-up collar was Moise Maschkivitzan and Lazlo the Hungarian, third tramp really was a tramp [not Hunt], and on the overpass, Jean Souetre, and in the Dal-Tex Building, most likely Lucien Conein, the CIA assassin: two Frenchmen, on Belgian Jew, and a Hungarian.)
Nothing like all the disinformation they spread!

My documentation supporting the proximity of Chauncey Holt's late 1963 residence location to the Sherman Oaks, CA
residence of the entire family of Mosez Benny Maschkivitzan followed the text quoted above.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Robert Reeves

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Continued from my post, above:

If even the BS is rife with coincidence, what are the odds of learning anything actually new and reliably verifiable?

My documentation supporting the proximity of Chauncey Holt's late 1963 residence location to the Sherman Oaks, CA
residence of the entire family of Mosez Benny Maschkivitzan followed the text quoted above.

Six degrees of separation in JFK assassination strikes again! fascinating coincidences plague the assassination of JFK. Makes you wonder if it's all controlled chaos.

Interesting to me: if the tramps were backup patsies. And if Harrelson was really the tallest tramp.

Did 'they' eventually nab him as the useful idiot ... in the end ...

Harrelson: I believe I know who's responsible for his death, I believe the people who killed Lee Chagra killed the judge.I believe that, corrupt members, of an agency, of the federal government killed the judge.(John Wood)

interviewer: DEA?

Harrelson: The DEA, I believe they killed him (Judge Wood) ... well do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy? -- we'll get back to that -- alone -- without any aid from a rogue, agency of the US government, or at least, a portion of that agency

Lucien Conein, head of covert operations (DEASOG) for the DEA 1973-84

"After leaving the CIA in 1968, Col. Conein returned to South Vietnam as a private businessman. In 1972, he joined the DEA.

He was in media headlines in the mid-1970s when then-Sen. Lowell Weicker (R-Conn.) investigated allegations that a DEA unit was preparing to arrange the assassination of drug lords. These charges were denied, and nothing was ever proven."


the rest of that WAPO article is a bunch of BS glamorizing Conein.

The same faces pop up in tricky situation after situation.

Offline Tom Scully

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It is not in a new thread, but in a topic Bart revived today with text images of HSCA, 1978 questioning of  Col. Robert Edward Jones,
the obituary in preceding posts, and background (Ellis middle name, Phoenix, Vietnam) are not the background of Col. Jones of the 112th.

The comment before and after this one display obit/grave related links to the MI 112th Colonel, Robert Edward Jones.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 06:49:00 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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It is not in a new thread, but in a topic Bart revived today with text images of HSCA, 1978 questioning of  Col. Robert Edward Jones,
the obituary in preceding posts, and background (Ellis middle name, Phoenix, Vietnam) are not the background of Col. Jones of the 112th.

The comment before and after this one display obit/grave related links to the MI 112th Colonel, Robert Edward Jones.

well, then........

JFK Assassination Forum