In his top-secret June 19, 1975, Church Committee testimony, former chief of CIA counterintelligence James Angleton mentioned
Ivan Obyedkov, the surprisingly well-paid Mexico City Soviet Embassy security guard who, according to the transcript of a CIA phone-tap on the Soviet Embassy, volunteered the radioactive name "Kostikov" over the phone to Lee Oswald
(or to an impostor) in Mexico City on October 1,1963.
"Radioactive" because J. Edgar Hoover's beloved KGB triple agent "Fedora", in concert with a witting or unwitting undercover KGB officer at the U.N. and "Tumbleweed," a mysterious FBI double-agent from East Germany, had, about a year earlier, implicated Kostikov as a high-ranking officer in the KGB sabotage-and-assassination department known as
Department 13 of the First Chief Directorate (FCD).
I'm speaking, of course, of Aleksey Kulak, Oleg Brykin, and Guenter Schulz, respectively.
It seems clear to me that, contrary to what many conspiracy theorists fervently believe, Oswald may have been telephonically impersonated in Mexico City
by a Soviet, and in support of my theory I'd like to remind the reader that there's a scrap of paper in CIA files that states that the caller to the Soviet Embassy on 9/28/63 had difficulty making himself understood in both English
and Russian. I believe that the apparent incongruity of a Russian "Oswald" not being able to speak Russian very well can be explained by the impersonator's not realizing that Oswald was a fluent speaker of Russian, and had therefore intentionally spoken Russian poorly in his misguided attempt to imitate Oswald.
Angleton mentioned triple-agent Igor Obyedkov in his June 19, 1975, Church Committee testimony (at the very top of MFF page 16), but the stenographer/court reporter/transcriber mis-spelled his name as "Byetkov." It's interesting to note that somebody who had access to this document wrote a "?" above the word "Byetkov" in the transcript; interesting in that it suggests that the name was mis-spelled and therefore unknown/unidentifiable to that reader.
Bill Simpich recently wrote in a FB Message to me that he agrees with my conclusion that this "Byetkov*?" must have been Obyedkov. In Chapter 5 of "State Secret," Simpich points out that Angleton talks about this triple-agent for about five consecutive pages in his February 9, 1976, Church Committee testimony, in which Angleton refers to "Byetkov*?" not by name, but as
"the second hangnail". I digress.
My theory is that Khrushchev and/or Castro planned to have JFK killed (as to why, read page 391or so in chapter 10 of Mark Riebling's book "Wedge" -- linked below), and Obyedkov's superiors, knowing that the embassy phone that Obyedkov would be speaking to "Oswald" on was tapped by the CIA, and knowing that Valeriy Kostikov was already suspected by the CIA and FBI as being "Department 13," had Obyedkov plant a John Newman-like "WW III Virus" in Oswald's CIA file in order to force Armageddon-fearing CIA/FBI into covering up, after the assassination, any and all evidence of KGB and/or DGI involvement in it.
PS As a footnote of sorts, it's interesting to note that Obyedkov's 48-page 201 file is very highly redacted, with several pages completely blank. I believe this fact tends to support Angleton's assertion that CIA had "doubled" Obyedkov. promised,
here's chapter 10 from "Wedge"-- Tommy