Isn't it the dream of many on here, part time researchers, conspiracy theorists, lone nut theory, to actually write a book extolling their pet theories. Whilst not wanting to insult Mr.Cakebread but doesn't he fall within this category.
The JFK assassination industry has many facets, many income streams for many. Many of them are a work of fiction or twisting and distorting the available data to fit their agenda. Nothing is sacred as regards making a fast buck.
Complaining about The H Channel making a profit sounds a little disingenuous. Publications keep the kettle boiling. If the kettle goes silent have to find something else to carp about.
Publications keep the kettle boiling.Yes've merely restated the idea.... Keep the pot boiling and keep adding to the misinformation and disinformation and confusion. Make the simple case as mysterious and seemingly unfathomable as possible....
Isn't it the dream of many on here, part time researchers, conspiracy theorists, lone nut theory, to actually write a book extolling their pet theories.Yes again I agree.... But many LNer's accuse the CT authors of writing books only for the profit from the sale of the book's,
but as I attempted to point out ...Many LNers have authored books on the murder of JFK,solely for the monetary gains.