You ask if it matters. Is not a better question whether it can be further developed?
The owners of the media are owned. This week they are fawning all over themselves,
even praising his public CIA tenure, loved by the Langley staff 21 years later as the new HQ
building was dedicated in his name.
After 15 years and expending a small fortune assisted by the rare experienced legal counsel in this
specialized niche.... the same attorney who represent Weissberg, Jeff Morley has been blocked at
every turn by Judge Richard Leon, minority counsel in 1992 who shut down the October Surprise reinvestigation.
I presume you know closer to the truth is a POTUS appointed by Nixon was alerted by his
handpicked, unelected V.P. Rockefeller that his cover up Op presented as a Commission to
examine the work product of the investigative body in the Senate led by Sen. Frank Church required
more distorting, discrediting, and disappearing than V.P. Rocky expected he could perform.
On CNN the universal description of this is that Bush turned around a demoralized agency,
How do you expect to go up against that? The vulnerable flaws in the veneer seem to be the
DeMohrenschildt, Devine, Dryer, Macomber dynamic.
Pick lower hanging fruit unless you are indifferent as to realistic likelihood of learning anything you
can prove, or you are indifferent to the impression you might make on reasonable people.
Or in the opposite alternative, declare that the BOP associated ship renamed Barbara J had any actual link to Bush.
Joe McBride took the Bush memo as far as it will impact, 30 years ago. Does that influence you at all to choose
a different tree?
Bush was a Bonesman, no more than 15 added per year, only males invited until 30 years ago,
They are influenced to never confess, or even explain.
That is the foundation for presenting his verfiable, grave shortcomings as far as what he owed to his countrymen
VS what he actually communicated.
I follow my own advice and cannot even spur a discussion. My presentation is not entertaining but it is solid.
I believe I succeed in fashioning Bush as unreasonable and dishonest, not even knowing right from wrong.,1429.0.htmlBush 2007 Ford Eulogy CT Taunts vs His Actual Knowledge & involved Acquaintances
You are not presenting anything new or, if McBride's then cutting edge research circa 30 years ago is an indication,
anything not too high up in the tree to ever reach and pick. BYP redux.