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Author Topic: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?  (Read 10109 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2018, 04:46:46 PM »
Jon, my intent is not to link you to the other two posters I quoted above my quote of your post, or to the
wording of their comments. I structured my post to attempt to kill a few birds with one stone in as small of
a foot print on this page as possible.

Everyone: Please search to confirm details before you post.

My posts are known to be long because I verify before I post and almost always include supporting cites
to the degree of overkill, but hopefully readers will consider and compare the comments I quoted  with
their own held beliefs and assumptions and the body of available, verifiable facts.

Joe, I cannot emphasize any more firmly than this that it amounts to working against the impression you will
make on reasonable readers at the expense of your own credibility if you link direct involvement in the Assassination
of JFK with Bush 41.

There is reasonable support for the opinion or analysis that people close to Bush and an gov. agency Tom Devine
was representing concealed and obstructed after the fact and behaved as if they had somethings to suppress
or conceal.
Supporting presentations, (Aside from the 11/22 call from Bush to his Houston FBI friend Graham Kitchel) :
Bush, Devine and Devine friends:,1437.msg38781.html#msg38781

Billy Joe Lord's 1977 complaint letter about Bush and his close friend allegedly threatening his job security if
he refused an interview with Henry Hurt who was dispatched to Midland by Reader's Digest.:

It is a myth that Bush 41 did not recall where he was or what he was doing when informed JFK had been shot.

Denis has not been posting here lately, our loss, not his. He sets an example we all can use as an self improvement
There is more evidence the vessel Barbara J was nsmed after the wife of JFK aid Col. Howard Burris than after
Barbara Bush.

Bruce McAdams takes credit for publicly linking Bush to George Dem....
George Bush and the CIA: In the Company of Friends
by Anthony Kimery ? December 5, 2018
Following the defeat of Nazi Germany, DeMohrenschildt appears to have been submerged as a deep cover CIA ?asset,? operating under the guise of a consulting petro?leum geologist specializing in making deals between U.S. oil companies and the East-bloc nations to which he was remarkably well-connected.13 Mallon personally introduced the Count to Bush at about the same time Mallon handed Bush the highly sensitive responsibility of negotiating East?-bloc deals. The officials with whom Bush dealt had detailed knowledge of Soviet-bloc oil and gas production and ex?ploration and drilling capabilities, as well as strategic ex?ploration and production plans outside the USSR. Bush convivially wheeled and dealed with the communists? pe?troleum experts without the slightest grimace by U.S. auth?orities. In fact, when a Yugoslavian oil industry official came to the U.S. in 1948 to talk to Dresser Industries, the State Department barely flinched and he went straight to neophyte salesman George Bush in Midland, Texas.14....

My posts are known to be long because I verify before I post and almost always include supporting cites
to the degree of overkill,

Yes, your strategy Mr Scully, is one of Hoover's favorites....  His idea was ....Dump so much information on the suckers that they will throw up their hands in despair.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2018, 04:46:46 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2018, 06:04:56 PM »
My posts are known to be long because I verify before I post and almost always include supporting cites
to the degree of overkill,

Yes, your strategy Mr Scully, is one of Hoover's favorites....  His idea was ....Dump so much information on the suckers that they will throw up their hands in despair.

Wow! And I thought Dallas was called nut and Joe Elliott would fit right in. It seems too few are
eager to read what I post, I guess because I support (belabor) my points with over the top, extremists readers
such as you, Elliott, and yes, Horne, in mind.
Why do you suppose there is the  phrase, painful truth?

Doug Horne reacting to my discovery author Peter Janney's imaginary CIA assassin cum Ray Trumo murder trial
prosecution witness was not vanished since almost immediately after his 1965 DC court testimony.

I suggest readers marvel over the similarity of Cakebread and Horne reactions to my presentations of well
supported but inconvenient (to them) FACTS. If what I do seems negative to you, Walt, maybe you should
be wondering about your own relationship to truth vs alternative facts (thank you, KellyAnne Conway).

And here is Doug Horne pal Peter Janney contradicting in his own book, Horne accusing me of not being up front.:

Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary ...

Peter Janney - 2016 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
... to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace: Third Edition Peter Janney ... post of Mary's Mosaic in an email to a University of Georgia law professor, Scully identified himself as ?a moderator at the .
Is it not a symptom of unreasonable nuttery that you lack self awareness to the (severe) degree  you diminish
from the get go, your potential to make a favorable and convincing impression on reasonable people? Sheesh!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 06:43:36 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2018, 06:53:12 PM »
Wow! And I thought Dallas was called nut and Joe Elliott would fit right in. It seems too few are
eager to read what I post, I guess because I support (belabor) my points with over the top, extremists readers
such as you, Elliott, and yes, Horne, in mind.
Why do you suppose there is the  phrase, painful truth?

Doug Horne reacting to my discovery author Peter Janney's imaginary CIA assassin cum Ray Trumo murder trial
prosecution witness was not vanished since almost immediately after his 1965 DC court testimony.

I suggest readers marvel over the similarity of Cakebread and Horne reactions to my presentations of well
supported but inconvenient (to them) FACTS. If what I do seems negative to you, Walt, maybe you should
be wondering about your own relationship to truth vs alternative facts (thank you, KellyAnne Conway).

And here is Doug Horne pal Peter Janney contradicting in his own book, Horne accusing me of not being up front.:
Is it not a symptom of unreasonable nuttery that you lack self awareness to the (severe) degree  you diminish
from the get go, your potential to make a favorable and convincing impression on reasonable people? Sheesh!

It seems too few are eager to read what I post, I guess because I support (belabor) my points with over the top,

Since you know that your posts are generally ignored, because  they are "over the top" ( chock full of irrelevant information ) perhaps you'd try to use the kiss principle ( Keep it short and simple)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2018, 06:53:12 PM »

Offline Richard Rubio

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2018, 09:24:12 PM »
Just for this one thread, I will say some good stuff posted. I won't patronize anyone and I may not mean every thread as I admit, I've been confused before.

Offline Greg Bonkowski

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2018, 09:40:45 PM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2018, 09:40:45 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2018, 02:00:28 AM »
Joe, are you posting your inflammatory wording in your challenge to CTs twice in this thread
sarcastically or seemingly as a scoundrel likely would, or are you being sincere and struggling with some variety of a cognition challenge? I do not know the date the George DeM WC testimony above was publicly available or when the FBI 302 below was, but your painstaking to read premise is weasel BS.
And you and the other CTers are still dodging my one and only question.

When did a CTer first accuse George H. W. Bush of being a part of the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.

And provide a site or link for this.

You and others post a lot of links to articles that have nothing to do with this question. Including the 1964 testimony of George DeM.

Either say, yes, here is something published in 1971 . . . or just admit that CTers didn?t start to look into the George H. W. Bush question until he was appointed the CIA director, or after he became Vice President, or after he became President. Which would be consistent with the CTers building a BS attack on someone famous.

Don?t give me a dozen links that have nothing to do with this question. Just give me one link that supports your answer.

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2018, 01:24:19 PM »
And you and the other CTers are still dodging my one and only question.

When did a CTer first accuse George H. W. Bush of being a part of the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.

And provide a site or link for this.

You and others post a lot of links to articles that have nothing to do with this question. Including the 1964 testimony of George DeM.

Either say, yes, here is something published in 1971 . . . or just admit that CTers didn?t start to look into the George H. W. Bush question until he was appointed the CIA director, or after he became Vice President, or after he became President. Which would be consistent with the CTers building a BS attack on someone famous.

Don?t give me a dozen links that have nothing to do with this question. Just give me one link that supports your answer.

Howard Hunt wasn?t named in any JFK conspiracy theories before being named as a Watergate Conspirator. I imagine George Bush began to get suspected of being involved around the time he took over the CIA post-Watergate scandal...

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2018, 04:10:19 PM »
Howard Hunt wasn?t named in any JFK conspiracy theories before being named as a Watergate Conspirator. I imagine George Bush began to get suspected of being involved around the time he took over the CIA post-Watergate scandal...
No shortage of presented links these past few days in several
threads with regard to former top staffer, (Macomber) of WC Commissioner
John Sherman Cooper of KY, Yale, S&B 1922, the same year I think,
Godfrey S Rockefeller, Yale, Scroll & Key, tapped in 1920 into that  same secret society
that tapped Jock Whitney, 5 years later. The background, monied
principals were Scroll & Key, Skull & Bones was fronting for them, Macomber
fronted for members of both those societies. Wm B Macomber knew
Devine and Joseph Dryer from their youth, all three were Rochester boys.
Macomber was best man in Bush sister Nancy 1946 wedding, and
in Devine 1973 wedding, and a one of less than 20 living with Bush
and Ed Hooker in the AUV house at Andover in the 1940 term.
Sen. Cooper was married to the widow of a McAdoo brother
of Nona McAdoo Von Mohrenschildt, widow of George DeM?s
uncle, diplomat Ferdinand Von Mohrenschildt.
(May 6, 1985 Lorraine Cooper, 79, leader.... Washington Post)
EH Hunt was assigned to the Mullen Co. and had an office
in The Nixon WH around the same time. May 2, 1973 NY Times
reported that Colson knew Hunt had forged a State dept cable.
On May 9, one week later, NY Times reported State Dept had granted
Hunt access to 240 secret cables related to point in time of assassination of Dirk brothers was n Vietnam in 1963. The forged cable was fashioned by Hunt once he acquired continuity
by reading all the secret cables. The cable caper was intended to discredit
the Kennedy bros. Macomber was an Asst Secretary of State authorizing
Hunt access to the cables in response to a Nixon WH request. During the
heat generated from Ellsberg and his P papers in 1971,
Macomber was called into the WH and agreed to assist
in the Nixon admin attempts to discredit Ellsberg.
To postpone the heat anticipated by the disclosure of
Hunt and the access granted to him by Macomber resulting
in the Hunt forgery, Macomber was sent to Turkey with the rank
of US ambassador. Macomber grudgingly admitted he responded
to a White House request and had not even verified EH Hunt had
security clearance level to access the 240 cables.
 Sorry, no ability to post links at the moment.

This past week, I witnessed the total abdication
of primary duty of journalists and historians to inform
the public and speak truth to power. Too busy obsessing
with BS like Drumpf and FLOTUS only dignitaries
at the public church service in DC not reading along
with everyone else visibly participating in the service.

Drumpf and his Mrs. were used by the establishment like
the fart noises kids make to mask the source of the rotten
egg stink of the actual stinker.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2018, 05:53:17 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was George HW Bush employed by the CIA on 11/22/63? Does it matter?
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2018, 04:10:19 PM »