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Author Topic: Dec. 6 specially decorated Bush '41 Train engine, was Billy Joe Lord on board?  (Read 7468 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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This seemed a solidly supported smoking gun, but I've posted several times this week of the total MSM pushed
Bush rehab effort and lack of any political opposition to the symptoms of the 150 year hoodwinking of the have nots
by the haves
that has delivered us Trump. Our "job" is to vote for the oligarchs or those they finance the
candidacy of.... they use shiney objects to "guide" our vote.

Trump on Coming Debt Crisis: 'I Won't Be Here ... - The Daily Beast
1 day ago - Trump on Coming Debt Crisis: 'I Won't Be Here' When It Blows Up ... creditors?currently about $21 trillion?because he won't be around to ...

Can anyone name a journalist with independence from the ownership of the owners of MSM who could convincingly
carry this water, this simple evidentiary presentation of support for Billy Joe Lord's late 1976 appeal by letter to the
incoming Carter administration? Lord was savvy enough not to address it to Ford, but the blizzard of BS flung at us this
week coupled with the discrediting of even non-corporate journalists/ investigative reporters and seeing the locomotive
with Bush graphics and "4141" renumbering? (or did they actually find RR rolling stock operationally numbered as
such?) was an epiphany. Is Billy Joe Lord or at least his letter gonna be buried with Bush today, or does it have
even the slightest potential as a smoking gun,
considering the supporting circumstatial evidence has grown to
the most compelling it has ever been?

My approach is reach for the low hanging fruit instead of the futile grand slam home run, and the fruit could not
be lower in this instance unless it is windfall on the ground.

All that Lord described that is directlymaterial to the charge of Bush and those closest to him literally muscling Lord
in 1976, is on the table. However, I am now convinced after this week the haves are so far ahead, it cannot even be
a contest, anymore.

First, the core accusation, hyper curiousity displayed by team Bush towards Lord knowledge, as the HSCA geared up
and it had become clear republicans would lose control of the presidency and of the CIA. This answers the question
of why risk rattling Billy Lord's cage if you were among the innermost Bush circle?

....and an expanded version of the short form displayed above.:

Henry Hurt is simply supposed to be an Readers Digest journalist author with emphasis on National Security matters.
This dents that assumption quite remarkably.:

Eight years earlier, Hurt was working in Kennebunkport and marrying into the Bemiss/Williams family.:

Jim Beamis, full of advice for Hurt as described in the Lord letter is a slam dunk match for Bush Kennebunkport
summer neighbor and lifelong friend.:
FitzGerald Bemiss
BIRTH   2 Oct 1922
DEATH   7 Feb 2011 (aged 88)
BURIAL   Hollywood Cemetery
Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia, USA

Bemiss's father :
Samuel Merrifield Bemiss
BIRTH   21 Feb 1894
St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, USA
DEATH   7 Aug 1966 (aged 72)

Fitzgerald "Gerry" Bemiss's father's parents:
Eli Lockert Bemiss

Cyane Dandridge Williams Bemiss
Her (Cyane) parents and some of her siblings:
John Langbourne Williams

Maria Ward Skelton Williams

   Eli Lockert Bemiss

   John Skelton Williams (first comptroller of the currency, post Jekyll Island creation of the federal reserve

Charlotte Randolph Williams

Edmund Randolph Williams

Langbourne Meade Williams
Some children of Langbourne Meade Williams  :

Langbourne Meade Williams
George Dandridge Williams (the 2nd image above in this post indicates Henry Hurt in 1968 married the daughter.)
Langbourne M. Williams Jr. Announced by Her Brother, C.D. Stillman.
FIANCE A VIRGINIA BANKER Bride-to-Be, a Granddaughter of Late
James Stillman, Is a Member of Colony Club.
APRIL 15, 1930.....
James Jewett Stillman (June 9, 1850 ? March 15, 1918) was an American businessman who invested in land, banking, and railroads in New York, Texas, and Mexico. He was chairman of the board of directors of the National City Bank.[2] He forged alliances with the Rockefeller family, Standard Oil and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. to lay a foundation that made it, arguably, "the greatest bank in the Western Hemisphere." [3] He engaged in an expansion policy that made National City the largest bank in the United States by 1894,....
.....He married Sarah Elizabeth Rumrill (1855?1925).[8] Together they had:

Sarah Elizabeth "Elsie" Stillman (1872?1935), who married William Goodsell Rockefeller (1870?1922), the son of William Rockefeller, a senior executive of Standard Oil
Isabel Goodrich Stillman (1876?1935), who married Percy Avery Rockefeller (1878?1934) in 1901. Percy was another son of William Rockefeller
Ernest Goodrich Stillman (1884?1949), who married Mildred Margaret Whitney (1890?1950)[12] .....

Langbourne Williams Is Dead; Retired Businessman Was 91 - The ...
Langbourne Williams Is Dead; Retired Businessman Was 91
Langbourne Meade Williams Jr., the retired chairman of a company now known as
Freeport-McMoRan Inc., died on Thursday at his country home near Rapidan, Va.
He was 91.
Mr. Williams was born in Richmond and was the descendant of a family that
had been socially prominent since the founding of the country. One ancestor was
Edmund Randolph, who was the Attorney General in George Washington's first
Cabinet and in part of his second and also served as Governor of Virginia. Another,
Bartholomew Dandridge, was Treasurer of Virginia and the brother of Martha
Billy Joe Lord's employer at the time he wrote the letter to incoming President Carter :
The Victoria Advocate ? Sep 1, 1978
?President and publisher of the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
Allison died of . pneumonia ? Allison owned the Plainview Daily Herald and the Alpine Avalanche. ? He was in the ROTC and was com missioned a second lieutenant in the US Air Force upon his graduation from He then served two years oversea before returning to Midland to join the reporter-telegram as a vice president?
?.He directed George H.W. Bush?s successful paign for Congress from Houston and later joined Bush?s staff in Washington. Allison was named deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee in April 1969 and served in that post until Dec. 15, 1970 when he resigned in order to organize a political consulting firm in Washington. He liquidated the firm and returned to Midland in the summer of 1974 to rejoin the Reporter-Telegram as executive vice president. He became president and publisher of the newspaper on Jan. 28, 1975, succeeding his father, who had died on Jan. 14.

The FBI claimed it could not corroborate the claims in the Lord letter or identify Jim Beamis.
I doubt Lord had much of a concept of who he was complaining about!

(Lord says he never met Jim Allison, but out of necessity works for the Midland newspaper, and the other name is Mr. Bemis(?) )
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 07:10:19 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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If any reader found the intro of the opening post of this thread off putting or out of synch with the rest
of the opening post, please explain why Bush '41 named his son Neil Mallon Bush and not
after the man he was honoring's father, an earlier Yale Alumni, Guy W Mallon? I am shocked, shocked I tell you...
shocked to discover the MSM does not do even make a feeble effort to inform us who the bad people are.
Instead, the MSM fall all over themselves to put lipstick on the HAVES, and then leave it at that.
Social Credit" Offered to America  Sept. 10, 1930
BANKERS VS. CONSUMERS. By Guy W. Mallon. With an Intro- duction by Stuart
Chase. 139 pp. New York: The John Day Com- pany. $1.50.

MR. MALLON'S interesting and important work is the first considerable
attempt to present for public consideration in this country a policy of
economic relief known as "social credit," advocated by the Douglas School
in England. ....

PART 2, above article continues at this link:

Neil Mallon Bush (born January 22, 1955) is an American businessman and investor. He is the fourth of six children of former President George H. W. Bush.....


An Excerpt from the Introduction to Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas ...
.....Rejecting ideological compromise of any kind, Hunt demanded absolute victory over a collection of enemies that included not only Communists, fellow travelers, and Democrats but also the Republican Eisenhower administration. The oil tycoon used his fortune to spread his message, parlaying his great wealth into Facts Forum, a veritable media empire that extended into radio, television, and print. Hunt was an eccentric who had nursed at his mother?s breast till age seven. He liked to engage in a type of exercise that he called ?creeping.? On the carpet of his office suite, he would crawl like an infant in order to develop what he believed to be a form of higher brain function. He was convinced that he could live forever and believed that he possessed a sixth sense.

On the other end of the Dallas Republican Party from Hunt was Henry Neil Mallon, the quintessential Dallas moderate conservative Republican. Molded by conservatism in his native Ohio, which he left in 1950 to become president of Dresser Industries, Mallon typified the political leanings of his adopted hometown. An active, lifelong member of the GOP, he concentrated on building the party?s institutional structure in Dallas in accordance with his straightforward views: he embraced small government and hailed tax cuts; he assailed Communism and believed in a global Communist conspiracy but rejected as nonsense the idea that high-level American officials colluded with the Kremlin; and he espoused a soft segregationist stance but avoided abject racial demagoguery.

During the early 1950s, Mallon became deeply concerned about Hunt and his burgeoning media empire. In 1953, Mallon wrote about Hunt to his best friend?a Yale classmate, fellow member of the Skull and Bones secret society, and US senator?Prescott Bush, the father of George H. W....

In March, 1942, Prescott Bush and fellow Bonesman Neil Mallon attempted to put lipstick on this pig, Ohrstrom.:
They had the juice but resistance did not fade quietly! Why would Mallon and Bush want a swindler on Dresser s board?

March 17, 1942

Dresser Elects Directors Here Shareholders Okeh $1,500,000 Loan To ; Get
Working Funds Shareholders of the Dresser Man-' ufacturing company,
holding an annual meeting at the company of-! fices late yesterday, gave
approval to the management's proposal to i borrow $1,500,000 to pay an
existing j bank loan and supply additional working capital for the company
and its subsidiaries. The following directors were reelected to serve for
the ensuing i year: ' P. S. Bush, New York city; C. P. : Clark, Olean:
Merrill N. Davis. Bradford; William V. Griffin, New ! York city; Lyle C.
Harvey, Cleve-I land. Ohio: H. N. Mallon, Bradford: j William A. McAfee,
Cleveland; J. I D. O'Connor, Olean; George L. : Ohrstrom. New York city;
Arthur : R. Weis. Huntington Park, Calif.

In March, 1920, Ohrstrom married the daughter, Emma of Ann Arbor Prof Henry
Riggs. The couple then immed. left for US occupied Haiti so Ohrstrom could
peddle public finance bonds for PW Chapman.
Just six years later, there was money enough to build this  mansion on Old
Mill Rd., Greenwich, CT.

Smedley Butler on Interventionism - Federation of American Scientists
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the ... I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys ...
Mel Gibson's former 75-acre Greenwich estate is back on the market ...
Feb 15, 2018 - Mel Gibson's former 75-acre Greenwich estate is back on the market for $22.5M ... The marvelously enormous Greenwich, CT estate known as Old Mill ... in 1926 architect Lewis Bowman for investment banker George L. Ohrstrom, Old Mill ..
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 08:08:22 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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If any reader found the intro of the opening post of this thread off putting or out of synch with the rest
of the opening post, please explain why Bush '41 named his son Neil Mallon Bush and not
after the man he was honoring's father, an earlier Yale Alumni, Guy W Mallon? I am shocked, shocked I tell you...
shocked to discover the MSM does not do even make a feeble effort to inform us who the bad people are.
Instead, the MSM fall all over themselves to put lipstick on the HAVES, and then leave it at that.
Social Credit" Offered to America  Sept. 10, 1930
BANKERS VS. CONSUMERS. By Guy W. Mallon. With an Intro- duction by Stuart
Chase. 139 pp. New York: The John Day Com- pany. $1.50.

MR. MALLON'S interesting and important work is the first considerable
attempt to present for public consideration in this country a policy of
economic relief known as "social credit," advocated by the Douglas School
in England. ....

PART 2, above article continues at this link:

In March, 1942, Prescott Bush and fellow Bonesman Neil Mallon attempted to put lipstick on this pig, Ohrstrom.:
They had the juice but resistance did not fade quietly! Why would Mallon and Bush want a swindler on Dresser s board?

In March, 1920, Ohrstrom married the daughter, Emma of Ann Arbor Prof Henry
Riggs. The couple then immed. left for US occupied Haiti so Ohrstrom could
peddle public finance bonds for PW Chapman.
Just six years later, there was money enough to build this  mansion on Old
Mill Rd., Greenwich, CT.

Some timely posts.. Thanks, Tom +

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Some timely posts.. Thanks, Tom +
2-1/2 7-1/2 years have passed and Priscilla's name is still mixed up in his (John Simkin @Spartacus) article with the name of CIA's Tom McCoy's wife,
Priscilla Livingston Johnson McCoy, the name John Newman described as having a CIA file intermingled in 1956 with the file (2) of the person Simkin was trying to cover in his page. Ironically, Tom McCoy went to work for the "clean for Gene" McCarthy campaign in spring, 1968, and he shared this about his fellow campaign volunteer, the law partner of one of my favorites, Clark M. Clifford.:

Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship ...
By John Newman
That excuse might be that the second, Swedish-born, Priscilla Johnson—whether she was a real person or a cover story—had a good security record. Historians now have the unenviable task of trying to figure out whether the CIA was ......

Tom McCoy was best friend of Clark Clifford law partner, Tom Finney. Tom McCoy's wife.:
U.S., Consular Reports of Births, 1910-1949 > Alphabetical > Jamieson - Johnson

We are left to make of all of this, what we will; a recap of backgrounds and relationships.:
In his 1968 presidential campaign, in addtion to known CIA clandestine operatives McCoy and Finney, Eugene McCarthy was assisted by two other men who had backgrounds easily associated with
U.S. intelligence and espionage work, McCarthy's neighbor John Safer, and Larry Merthan, WWII bomber navigator fluent in German, who had worked for the State Dept. in Stuttgart in 1946 and temporarily left his law practice in 1959 to work for a State Dept. educational program in West Germany. He married Bill Harvey's secretary, later Rosalind Carter's White House assistant, Rita Chapowicki. Rita's sister was a Navy nurse "installed" by George Burkley in response to JFK's choice of his own female personal physician. Nurse Elizabeth Chapowicki and Navy Capt. George Burkley continued at the White House through the administration of LBJ.
So, one or the other of the two Chapowicki sisters was in an intimate White House position during nearly the entire administrations of the three democratic party affiliated US presidents in office between 1961 and 1981, and Rita Chapowicki's husband Larry was
close to democratic senator and presidential candidate McCarthy.

In the small, tight knit Bar Harbor, ME community of the 1930s and 40s were John D Rockefeller II and his sons, Priscilla Livingston Johnson's father,
diplomate Hallett Johnson, John Train's father, Arthur Train, and of course, John McCloy.

John Train's partner Tom Devine roomed with 16 Sigma Chi frat brothers on the MIT campus fraternity house with Gary Coit, CIA handler of Priscilla Mary Post
Johnson. Devine had nine contacts with DeMphrenschildt, beginning April 25, 1963, just 15 days after the alleged shooting attempt against Gen. Edwin Walker.

Tom Finney was law partner of Clark Clifford, loaned to CIA in 1955 to serve in Denmark, and loaned again in 1968 to the Eugene McCarthy campaign.

The man in this 1964 photo, a close friend and Santa Fe, NM neighbor of Priscilla's first cousin, David C Davenport, formerly of the CIA, was Jerome A Hasty,
aka Hastings, married at the time the photo was taken in late 1964, to the aunt of Clark Clifford, Marguerite Bowman McAdams.

Marina Oswald (left), widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, with friend Jerre Hastings (center) and Priscilla Johnson McMillan. McMillan befriended Oswald after the assassination of JFK. (Josh Reynolds/JOSH REYNOLDS PHOTO)
Again.......... why no interest in Tom's findings/connections?  Is it not pertinent to the thread?  Or is this just 'Ramon's Corner'?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 10:23:51 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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The real reason the CIA loved George H.W. Bush
Why the outpouring of affection for Bush?

Jefferson Morley  - January 25, 2019 8:00AM (UTC)
This article was produced by the Deep State, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Last month, 19 senior CIA officials,

current and former, signed a statement lauding the late president George H.W. Bush, who served as CIA director for one year. The agency put out a complimentary “unclassified” video about his service to the agency. Langley’s Twitter feed featured 11 straight days of photos and anecdotes about Bush’s warm relationship with America’s $15 billion a year spy service.
After his death, Bush was memorialized as a consequential one-term president. He presided over the peaceful end of the Cold War and waged two other wars (in Kuwait and Panama). He was praised for his civility even while he played hardball racial politics. But why he was so beloved by the CIA was curious.

Bush’s time as director was brief. He never served in the CIA as operations officer or analyst. As far as we know, he never ran an operation or an agent. He never wrote a situation report or an after-action memo or a National Intelligence Estimate. He didn’t hire or cultivate exceptional intelligence officers. As director, Bush oversaw no known operations regarded as a huge success.
CIA director Richard Helms, who died in 2002, had a much longer and more consequential CIA career than Bush, and he was not so honored. Why the outpouring of affection for Bush?
That question prompted me to file a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit with the James Madison Project in Washington, D.C., seeking records on a possible connection between the late president and the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s beforehe became CIA director and U.S. president.

The complaint, filed in Washington federal court, seeks records of Bush and Zapata Offshore, the oil drilling business that he ran before he went into politics. On December 31, the CIA rejected my request for expedited handling of the FOIA request. I am pursuing the lawsuit with an amended complaint.
Bush’s service
From the public record, it seem Bush’s service to the CIA was political, not operational.

Bush became director in November 1975 after President Ford fired his predecessor William Colby. He assumed the position when morale was terrible. Congressional investigators and the Washington press corps clamored to investigate the agency. An assassin, never identified, had just gunned down Richard Welch, station chief in Athens.
Bush and the agency’s defenders decried Welsh’s death as a consequence of public exposure of the agency’s illegal operations. That insinuation was false. Welch’s identity and address were already known in Athens, but the claim put the agency’s critics on the defensive.

known in Athens, but the claim put the agency’s critics on the defensive.

Bush did not flinch from the task of putting the best face on the agency’s dirty work.
In September 1976, the CIA’s liaison partners in the Chilean intelligence service assassinated a former defense minister on Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Washington. It was the most significant terror attack in Washington until 9/11. Not only had the CIA failed to prevent it, but warm relations with Chile had practically condoned it.
In October 1976, Luis Posada Carriles, a CIA-trained anti-Castro operative (code-named AMCLEVE-15), helped plant a bomb on a Cuban airliner, killing 73 people. It was the most significant aerial terror attack in the Western Hemisphere until September 11. The agency’s role in the attack wouldn’t be learned for years.

It was a decisive year for the agency. In the words of the agency’s online biography,Bush “established himself as a leader who restored the morale and reputation of the CIA.”
In the White House
Bush was elected vice president in 1980. He put his intelligence experience to use when President Reagan’s plans to intervene in the civil wars of Central America were blocked by a Democratic Congress. The White House mobilized to evade the ban on CIA support for Nicaraguan counterrevolutionaries by selling arms to Iran.

When the scheme was exposed in 1986, the Iran-Contra scandal engulfed Washington. Reagan’s popularity cratered. Congress and the media again launched wide-ranging investigations of the agency.
Bush managed to stay above the fray and won the presidency himself in 1988. in December 1992, in one of his last acts as president, he pardoned three top CIA officials facing criminal charges for their role in the Iran-Contra conspiracy.
The patrician president had saved the agency a second time. If Reagan-era operations chief Clair George and division chief Dewey Clarridge had gone on trial for conspiracy and obstruction of justice, as charged by Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, the public would have learned of a plot against America: how senior undercover officers conspired to thwart the will of Congress in violation of the agency’s charter and the U.S. Constitution.
Without the pardons, Bush himself would have faced further investigation for his shadowy role in the conspiracy, and the agency would have faced renewed scrutiny. Support might have grown from the agency’s abolition, as proposed in 1991 and 1995, by Sen. Pat Moynihan, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The clandestine service survived. In 1999, the CIA named a building after Bush, an extraordinary honor for an outsider.
Or was he an outsider?
"Cleared and witting asset"
A handful of declassified records suggest that Bush’s relationship to the agency might have run deeper than his overt roles as director, vice president, and president. The records, which I believe were first reported in Russ Baker’s 2009 book, "Family of Secrets," went unmentioned in the recent media coverage of Bush’s death.

From 1954 to 1966, Bush ran Zapata Offshore, a Houston-based oil drilling business that supported petroleum exploration in the Caribbean. His business partner was an engineer from MIT named Thomas J. Devine.
According to a 1968 memo, Devine was a “cleared and witting commercial asset” for the agency from 1954 to 1966. (Bush left Zapata Offshore when he went into politics in 1966.) In the memo, a senior agency official describes Devine as “a personal friend and unofficial foreign affairs advisor to Representative George Bush of Texas.”
In a 1964 report, Devine is identified by the cryptonym WUBRINY/1. The memo states he took a meeting in the offices of a company identified only by the code name WUSALINE.
(CIA code names in those days consisted of a digraph referring to a country and a randomly selected word. WU signified operations in Haiti, where Zapata Offshore did business.)

The authenticated records are available from the Mary Ferrell Foundation online archive. The foundation’s cryptonym database compiles the true identities of code-named CIA assets. The database is run by Bill Simpich, a retired civil rights litigation in the Bay Area, who reminded me about the records after Bush’s death.
The documents raise the questions: Was Bush also a “cleared and witting asset”? Does WUSALINE refer to Zapata Offshore?
"We never talked about it"
I spoke with Tom Devine, now 92 years old, by telephone after Bush’s passing. I asked him if the late president was also a witting asset of the CIA.
“I don’t know,” he said. “We never talked about it.”
Asked to characterize Bush’s relationship with the agency, Devine said he did not know how to answer the question.
Asked if Zapata Offshore was a CIA proprietary, Devine said flatly, “no.”
Devine rejected the charge, made in an online publication, that he used CIA money to start Zapata Offshore. Devine said he worked for CIA briefly and decided to pursue a different career with his MIT engineering degree. He joined Zapata in 1954, when Bush was already a vice president of the company.
“Zapata existed when I was hired,” he said. “So I couldn’t have used CIA money to start it.”
Devine’s comments indicate that if Bush had a formal relationship with the CIA before he became director, he held that information closely.

The larger issue -
“WUSALINE could refer to Zapata,” Simpich, the cryptonym expert, commented. “It could refer to a CIA holding company that encompassed Zapata and other proprietaries. We don’t have enough records to figure it out.”
The larger issue concerns the CIA and the presidency.
Did the agency recruit and use Bush as an intelligence asset without disclosing the fact to voters when he was confirmed as director in 1976 or when he was running for president in 1980, 1988, and 1992?
That’s the question the lawsuit seeks to answer.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Dang, nobody gets this, Tom.  Personne !!  It's a shame, really.  You must write a book, quoting who is left on earth to confirm/deny any of your postulations.   Otherwise, when we're all gone, and the Wayback Machine is all we have, there shall be a great void in history.

I remember my pastor (who married Tanya & I) saying, "In fifty years, nobody will remember you, or what you did and said."  Unless you're Thomas Jefferson, par example.......  Oh, Lord !!!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 04:48:11 PM by Mark A. Oblazney »

Offline Tom Scully

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Dang, nobody gets this, Tom.  Personne !!  It's a shame, really.  You must write a book, quoting who is left on earth to confirm/deny any of your postulations.   Otherwise, when we're all gone, and the Wayback Machine is all we have, there shall be a great void in history.

I remember my pastor (who married Tanya & I) saying, "In fifty years, nobody will remember you, or what you did and said."  Unless you're Thomas Jefferson, par example.......  Oh, Lord !!!

Mark, filling in "the gaps" in Jeff Morley's writing quoted aboved, I'm telling this story with document images....

"Miss Priss's" book editor, Marion S. Wyeth, waiting patiently until "the opus," Marina & Lee was finally ready for print, in 1977....

Wyeth's family resided on a deadend, West Palm street so close to the Philip Sharples, the two families could shout at each other from their respective front steps....

"Priss" testified to HSCA that her book was delayed in reaction to the "concealed suicide" in 1969 of her father, Stuart. Last person to see Stuart alive, reporting him missing to Locust Valley, LI police, was James A. Thomas, Jr., cousin of Allen Dulles.

HSCA asked Priscilla her opinion about why her Harper's book editor, Wyeth had been so exceedingly patient during the past decade....

David Lifton firmly finds nothing suspicious about Priscilla or Marina

Tom Devine was yearbook editor of his 1944 class @ Allendale-Columbia in Rochester. The K-12 grades class of 20 boys had been halved, over time. Devine stayed because his father, Adrian was headmaster of the school.

Devine included this in the 1944 yearbook.... Peter Dryer was the brother and kenaf farming partner of Joseph F Dryer, Jr. Hawley Ward (bottom of list) was a friend of Priscilla's book editor, Wyeth, and Hawley Ward's brother's wedding party included, "Priscilla Johnson of New York".

Tom Devine went off to M.I.T., meeting up with new housemate, later Miss Priss's CIA handler, Garry Coit. Coit, Devine, and 15 other frat mates resided in the Sigma Chi house. :

Lifton firmly finds nothing suspicious about Priscilla or Marina

David Lifton, of course, is "all over" the same thread page this is posted on....:

Just to the south, on the right, in the image below, I added the letter "B" on the beach, to highlight the home of DiDi Sharples and her second husband, a dentist. That beachfront estate was purchased from David K.E. Bruce's sister, Ailsa Mellon Bruce. Speaking of the Bruces, Tom Devine happened to be a wildcat partner of Jackie's
best friend, Leigh Hunt's husband, a Bruce cousin...

Baltimore Sun:
The Sun - Feb 25, 1951

MISS JESSIE LEIGH-HUNT, daughter of Mr. Henry Leigh Hunt, of Las Vegas, Nev., and Countess Palffy, of

Paris, France, was married yesterday to Mr. A1bert Cabell Bruce, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A1bert Cabell

Bruce, of Charlcote road.

The bridesmaids wore Miss ine Bridesmaids wore Mils Helena Leigh-Hunt and Miss Alexandra Leigh-Hunt,

sisters, of the bride: Miss Mary Elizabeth Le May. Miss Jacqueline Bouvicr, bnth of Washington, DC;

Miss B. Perkins, of Santa Cal., and Mrs. S. Bonsai Jr., of this city. All wore green taffeta and car-

yellow daisies. Mr. Iredell W. Iglehart was man. The ushers were Mr B. Reeves, Mr. David Mr. J. Edward

Johnston, Mr. F. ....
Guest Tom Scully - Posted April 7, 2013

....And an explanation of the following photo of a small section of West Palm Beach, FL. DeMohrenschildst's former

wife, Didi Sharples and her next husband bought the Ocean Front estate of Ailsa Mellon Bruce, labeled with a "B" in

this photo. Up above, the lot just below the "W" in Woodbridge Rd., was the residence from 1940 to 1983 of the architect father

of Priscilla Johnson's second Harper editor, the very patient and understanding Marion S. Wyeth, Jr. Two doors down

from Wyeth, Sr. at the end of very end of Woodbridge Rd. on the left, was the longtime residence of DIdi Sharples' parents,

the Philip Sharples. " Mrs. Philip Sharples, 185 Woodbridge Rd.
Georgian brick house. Beautifully landscaped to lake, charming

rock and water garden beside entrance court "

« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 07:51:41 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Mark, filling in "the gaps" in Jeff Morley's writing quoted aboved, I'm telling this story with document images....

"Miss Priss's" book editor, Marion S. Wyeth, waiting patiently until "the opus," Marina & Lee was finally ready for print, in 1977....

Wyeth's family resided on a deadend, West Palm street so close to the Philip Sharples, the two families could shout at each other from their respective front steps....

"Priss" testified to HSCA that her book was delayed in reaction to the "concealed suicide" in 1969 of her father, Stuart. Last person to see Stuart alive, reporting him missing to Locust Valley, LI police, was James A. Thomas, Jr., cousin of Allen Dulles.

HSCA asked Priscilla her opinion about why her Harper's book editor, Wyeth had been so exceedingly patient during the past decade....

David Lifton firmly finds nothing suspicious about Priscilla or Marina

Tom Devine was yearbook editor of his 1944 class @ Allendale-Columbia in Rochester. The K-12 grades class of 20 boys had been halved, over time. Devine stayed because his father, Adrian was headmaster of the school.

Devine included this in the 1944 yearbook.... Peter Dryer was the brother and kenaf farming partner of Joseph F Dryer, Jr. Hawley Ward (bottom of list) was a friend of Priscilla's book editor, Wyeth, and Hawley Ward's brother's wedding party included, "Priscilla Johnson of New York".

Tom Devine went off to M.I.T., meeting up with new housemate, later Miss Priss's CIA handler, Garry Coit. Coit, Devine, and 15 other frat mates resided in the Sigma Chi house. :

Lifton firmly finds nothing suspicious about Priscilla or Marina

David Lifton, of course, is "all over" the same thread page this is posted on....:

Just to the south, on the right, in the image below, I added the letter "B" on the beach, to highlight the home of DiDi Sharples and her second husband, a dentist. That beachfront estate was purchased from David K.E. Bruce's sister, Ailsa Mellon Bruce. Speaking of the Bruces, Tom Devine happened to be a wildcat partner of Jackie's
best friend, Leigh Hunt's husband, a Bruce cousin...

Baltimore Sun:

Posted on april 16th

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