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Author Topic: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK  (Read 18517 times)

Offline Michael Clark

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2019, 01:05:56 PM »
You do realize, do you not, that you are now asking and answering your own questions?

So what, Plato?

I'm secretly hoping you can help me "see the light," and metamorphose from my present cockroach state back into the oh-so socially acceptable form of a Tinfoil Hat-Wearing "The-Evil-Evil--Evil-CIA-Did-It!" Conspiracy Theorist.

Problem is, your theory doesn't take into account Duran's and Azcue's short, blond, very thin-faced Oswald, or the fact that CIA's Ivan Obyedkov was a KGB triple-agent, or that run-of-the-mill KGB officer Valiery Kostikov was made uber-radioactive by Hoover's beloved-but-triple-agent "Fedora" and a mysterious former (East?) German FBI double-agent by the name of Guenter Heinz Schulz, or that the above-referenced Blond Oswald claimed, in 1993, to have met one-on-one with an emotional, revolver-brandishing Lee Harvey Oswald at the Soviet Embassy on that Sunday in Mexico City, or ...

... or that the CIA might have been using Oswald in the USSR and/or in Mexico City in a highly compartmentalized mole hunt that ended up being piggybacked/compromized by the KGB or its sister-in-arms service, the DGI.

-- MWT  ;)

edited and bumped for Mike


Your theory relies on transcripts of recordings that were erased by the CIA, weeks after the assassination. The Oswald in Mexico City did not fit the description of Oswald, did not sound like him, spoke poor Russian, and was 6 feet tall. Duran described a different man. There is no evidence for this Oswald doing what you say. The CIA destroyed their “evidence”.

Yours truly,


« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 11:29:29 PM by Michael Clark »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2019, 01:05:56 PM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2019, 04:35:40 AM »

Unfortunately, you've been "brainwashed" (like so many other well-meaning Americans) into believing that neither the KGB nor the DGI had anything to do with the JFK assassination, but that the evil, evil, evil CIA "dood da deed".

-- MWT   ;)

PS  Have you read Tennent H. Bagley's book Spy Wars or his 35-page PDF Ghosts of the Spy Wars, yet, or do they cause you so much cognitive-dissonance pain that you've gotta set 'em down?

Too boring?

Too many Russian names?

Okay, then, how about chapter 10 of Mark Riebling's fine 1994 book Wedge: The Secret War Between the FBI and CIA?  Think you can handle that?
The Russians did it
The Russians did not do it
Castro did it
Castro did not do it
CIA did it
CIA did not do it

Do you think the CIA, Russians or Castro were involved?

A more interesting question is why would a LNer, like yourself, spend any time discussing more than just Oswald being involved? Not only that but for you, Thomas Graves, to initiate the topic makes no sense. If you support the WC -- you support the WC. What is strange you are playing with 3 other theories as if one is more plausible than the other 2. That shows me you have no confidence in the LN theory. Is that because you know you can't even prove Oswald did it so you need an alternative theory?

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2019, 06:59:08 AM »

Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Sorry to disappoint you, but since I believe that the CIA and the FBI, fearing nuclear Armeggedon and acute embarrassment, respectively -- due to the "WW III Virus" planted in Oswald's CIA file by KGB triple-agents Aleksei Kulak and Ivan Obyedkov (and probable Oswald phone impersonator Nikolai Leonov) and by FBI's failure to keep track of Oswald and to warn the Secret Service and the Dallas PD about him -- covered up evidence suggesting Khrushchev's and Castro's involvement in the assassination, I obviously don't believe everything in the Warren Report.

Question: Do you believe anything in the Warren Report?

Do you believe that the evil, evil, evil CIA killed JFK?


-- MWT  ;)

« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 08:07:19 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2019, 06:59:08 AM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2019, 08:39:17 AM »
Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Sorry to disappoint you, but since I believe that the CIA and the FBI, fearing nuclear Armeggedon and acute embarrassment, respectively (due to the "WW III Virus" planted in Oswald's CIA file by KGB triple-agents Aleksei Kulak and Ivan Obyedkov, and by FBI's failure to keep track of Oswald and to warn the Secret Service and the Dallas PD about him), covered up evidence suggesting Khrushchev's and Castro's involvement in the assassination, I obviously don't believe everything in the Warren Report.

Question: Do you believe anything in the Warren Report?

Do you believe that the evil, evil, evil CIA killed JFK?


-- MWT  ;)
It is strange that you wander off into an area that has nothing to do with Oswald being a LN.  When it comes to anything other than Oswald being a LN, there you are going out of your way to support the CIA. Why say anything, instead, you can't help yourself so out comes Tom's gossip tabloid bs. Just tell me you created these stories because then I will say you are one hell of a storyteller. The great CIA was so paranoid of the communist threat, that your LN re-enters the U.S. like he never left. At that point could a reasonable person say the CIA was evil? No, but lazy comes to mind. How could the CIA be lazy? They were not lazy. They sent Lee there and they welcomed him back. Use your head it is right on your shoulders. I love CIA because they know everything at the same time they know nothing.

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2019, 03:38:18 PM »

Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Gossip tabloid bs?

What gossip tabloid bs?

-- MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 09:12:20 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2019, 03:38:18 PM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2019, 04:21:59 AM »
Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Gossip tabloid bs?

What gossip tabloid bs?

-- MWT  ;)
Do you know of the CIA having possession of the Z-film early on when stupid people believe TIME-LIFE had it? You know the CIA did or you know Time-LIFe did? Actually, you could not know. But wait, maybe the Russians had it. Was TIME-LIFE in Chicago? Maybe mobster Sammy G had it in Chicago. Did you get your copy?

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2019, 04:40:54 AM »
Do you know of the CIA having possession of the Z-film early on when stupid people believe TIME-LIFE had it? You know the CIA did or you know Time-LIFe did? Actually, you could not know. But wait, maybe the Russians had it. Was TIME-LIFE in Chicago? Maybe mobster Sammy G had it in Chicago. Did you get your copy?

Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Are you the worst of the worst -- an Alterationist?

-- MWT  ;)

Offline Michael Clark

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Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2019, 05:00:57 AM »
Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

Are you the worst of the worst -- an Alterationist?

-- MWT  ;)


Don’t you know that your claim of a couple Russian stooges sheanking into Angleton’s filing cabinet and planting Incriminating LHO evidence is pretty, er, um, silly?

You do know that, Tom? Do you not?

Yours truly,


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Circumstantial Evidence Khrushchev And/Or Castro Killed JFK
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2019, 05:00:57 AM »