Subtitle: "Stirring The Hornets' Nest"
Before I start listing some of that circumstantial evidence here, I'm gonna start another thread that will answer the question I can hear y'all mumblin' to yourselves right about now --
"What Would Khrushchev Have Possibly Gained By The Death Of JFK That Would Be Worth Rhe Risk Of U.S. Retaliation?"
Perhaps you should read that one, first?
(Just a suggestion)
-- Tommy 
Okay, off the top of my head and in no particular order, here's a partial list (which I reserve the right to edit and / or augment, later).
1) In the Kremlin, a few minutes after Oswald had been arrested in Dallas (about 2.5 hours after the assassination), undercover FBI operative Morris Childs, posing as an official of the Communist Party USA, and his Russian hosts were told about the arrest by functionaries who rushed into their meeting (and who just happened to speak perfect English so that Childs could understand), "volunteering" to Childs that the KGB had neither had anything to do with the assassination, nor had had any operational relationship with Oswald.
Question: How could the functionaries have been so sure of these things so soon after the assassination?
2) Along the same lines, six months after the assassination and before the Warren Commission Report had come out, Khrushchev seemed to go out of his way at a party in Cairo, Egypt, to give newspaper columnist Drew Pearson the impression that he didn't believe Oswald and Ruby had acted alone, but that Kennedy (and Oswald) had been killed by a Right-Wing conspiracy.
3) According to a recently released FBI document, in April 1967, (loyal-to-the-Kremlin triple-agent) Boris Ohrekov, FBI's "Shamrock", "informed" the bureau that the KGB had undertaken a lengthy investigation of the assassination right after it happened, and had concluded that JFK had been killed by "representatives of a group of monopolists, characterized as the military-industrial complex in America." For what it's worth, the document notes that "Shamrock's" information is very similar to that already given the FBI by (false) defector, Yuri Nosenko, "whose bona fides has not been established".
4) I've recently shown that just seven weeks before the assassination, a Mexico City Soviet Embassy employee, Ivan Obyedkov, whom CIA thought it had successfully "doubled" but was in reality still loyal to the Kremlin, effectively planted a Kremlin-protecting "WW III virus" in Oswald's CIA file when he volunteered the radioactive name "Kostikov" to Oswald (or more likely to a Russian impersonator of Oswald) over a Soviet Embassy phone line which he must have known was tapped by the CIA.
4. a. ) The only reason the above-mentioned name "Kostikov" was "radioactive" on October 1, 1963, was because J. Edgar Hoover's prized "double-agent" (in reality a Kremlin-loyal triple-agent), Aleksei Kulak (Fedora), had earlier fingered KGB "UN diplomat" Oleg Brykin as being in KGB's notorious "Department 13".
4) Gilberto Policarpo Lopez
(Look him up.)
5) Miguel Casas Saez
(Look him up.)
6) The "passport-size photos" of Oswald that Sylvia Duran allegedly stapled to his Cuban visa application on October 27, 1963, were probably taken during Oswald's 2.5-year sojourn in Minsk, (Belarus), USSR, since he had similar photos of other people in his "Minsk Days" scrapbook. Regardless, one wonders how Duran could have dealt face-to-face with 5' 9.5", brown-haired, hazel/grey-eyed Oswald but described him over the years as being short (she was only 5' 3.5", herself), blond-haired, and blue-eyed. In other words, just like Mexico City "diplomat" (KGB colonel) Nikolai Leonov. (More about whom later.)
7) As alluded to above, Yuri Nosenko "defected" to the U.S. about six weeks after the assassination, and claimed to have been in a position to know for a fact that Oswald was so "crazy" and "dangerous-looking" in the USSR, that the KGB hadn't even bothered to interview the Marine Corps radar operator while he was living in the USSR.
Problem is, as Professor John M. Newman will attest, we now know that Nosenko was a false defector.
8 ) Robert Oswald said his brother Lee's hair had thinned out significantly during his 2.5 years in the USSR, and speculated that Lee had been subjected to electro-shock therapy or drug-based programming by the KGB.
9) Defector Ion Pacepa, former head of the Romanian "KGB", says that while Oswald was in the USSR he was trained / programmed to kill JFK, that Khrushchev got "cold feet" after Oswald returned to the U.S, and that Khrushchev was unable to call Oswald off the "mission".
Just thinking out loud here: Does this tie in with what Richard Russell writes in TMWKTM? I.e., is it possible that CIA officer Henry Hecksher (a possible candidate for Nagell's mysterious "Bob") a "mole" for the KGB?
10) Why did Cuban president Dorticos seem so anxious to find out whether or not Sylvia Duran had said anything to her Mexican interrogators about "money" (in the context of "Oswald's" meeting with her at the Cuban Consulate)?
11) Why did the above-mentioned KGB "diplomat," Nikolai Leonov, claim in a 1990s
National Enquirer article (and in a book written in the Russian language) that he had met one-on-one with an emotional, revolver-packing Oswald at the Soviet Embassy on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, when Oswald allegedly showed up there unexpectedly before (or during) an embassy volleyball match?
To (foolishly over)-emphasize that Oswald was one dangerous and crazy dude, thereby "confirming" (false) defector Nosenko's claim that KGB hadn't even interviewed the "crazy, dangerous-looking" Marine Corps radar operator in the USSR, or was Leonov simply "verifying" that Oswald was sufficiently "crazy and dangerous" to assassinate an American President?
Are we to believe that Oswald got crazy and dangerous for Nichiporenko, Kostikov, and/or Yatskov on SAPersonAY, September 27, and did the same darn thing for Leonov the very next day?
12) According to Richard Russell, CI/SIG analyst Edward Clare Petty told him around 1975 that he'd recently come upon some WW II Venona decrypts which suggested to him that Oswald's handler-like friend, George DeMohrenschildt, was a long-term KGB "illegal," having emigrated to the U.S. in 1938. (Which makes one wonder about DeMohrenschildt's mysterious older brother, Dimitri, who seems to have had high-level connections to the State Department and/or CIA.)
(More later)
-- Tommy