You do realize, do you not, that you are now asking and answering your own questions?So what, Plato?
I'm secretly hoping you can help me "see the light," and metamorphose from my present cockroach state back into the oh-so socially acceptable form of a Tinfoil Hat-Wearing "The-Evil-Evil--Evil-CIA-Did-It!" Conspiracy Theorist.
Problem is, your theory doesn't take into account Duran's and Azcue's short, blond, very thin-faced Oswald, or the fact that CIA's Ivan Obyedkov was a KGB triple-agent, or that run-of-the-mill KGB officer Valiery Kostikov was made uber-radioactive by Hoover's beloved-but-triple-agent "Fedora" and a mysterious former (East?) German FBI double-agent by the name of Guenter Heinz Schulz, or that the above-referenced Blond Oswald claimed, in 1993, to have met one-on-one with an emotional, revolver-brandishing Lee Harvey Oswald at the Soviet Embassy on that
Sunday in Mexico City, or ...
... or that the CIA might have been using Oswald in the USSR and/or in Mexico City in a highly compartmentalized mole hunt that ended up being piggybacked/compromized by the KGB or its sister-in-arms service, the DGI.
-- MWT

edited and bumped for Mike