The only false defector you need to focus on is LHO, but your heroes at the CIA don't know anything about that, right?
Dear Whatever,
If Oswald was a false defector to the USSR, why did CIA send him there?
Probable answer: In a vain effort to help catch Popov's Mole, whom we now know was Popov's former "dead drop" arranger, honey-trapped-in-Moscow CIA officer Edward Ellis Smith, or someone
he helped KGB to recruit after being recalled to Washington in late 1956, interrogated, and fired.
Edwin Walker believed Oswald worked for both the evil, evil, evil CIA and your beloved KGB.
How Many "Lives" Did Oswald Lead?
Was Oswald suspected by CIA of having been "doubled" in the USSR, and let back in to the U.S. (with his KGB wife) "problem-free" so they could be monitored to see whom they might contact?
Was that the plan?
If so, was the plan known by a mole?
(You knew that George DeMohrenschildt, based on some deciphered WWII Venona intercepts, was suspected by CI/SIG's Clare Edward Petty of being a long-term KGB "illegal," right?)
-- MWT

More grist for Tommy Scully's "Widdle Mill In Duh Gully": A Hyde is mentioned!!!