Hi Joe, when Thomas talks of "retaliation" I don't think he's referring to the Cuban missile crisis, I think he means retaliation if it was discovered they hifad assassinated Kennedy. If this is what Thomas means then I can't agree. Thomas isn't taking into consideration how much Presidents are influenced by the electorate. It would be political suicide for a President not to take military retaliation and that would certainly have meant nuclear war.
Immediately after the assassination, CIA leadership took action to prevent evidence of Cuban involvement from coming to the surface. For example, Richard Helm's deputy, Thomas Karamessines, fearing Cuban complicity in the assassination, frantically implored the Mexican police to "go easy" on Sylvia Duran so that she might not reveal any dark Cuban secrets along those lines.
Perhaps sensing American reluctance to start WW III over the death of a president, Duran's partial description of The-Man-Who-Was-Not-At-The-Cuban-Consulate was actually based on the #2 KGB man in Mexico City, "Third Secretary" Nikolai Leonov, the Ruskie who had introduced Communism to Raul Castro and Che Guevara around 1956. Duran and her colleague, consul Eusebio Azcue, fleshed out the description of "Oswald" in a Leonov-like way for the HSCA in 1978.
Right after the assassination, Duran told the Mexican police that her Oswald was "short" (she was only 5' 3.5", herself) and that he had "blond hair". Leonov was 5' 7" and had blond hair.
-- Tommy