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Author Topic: JFK - A simple solution  (Read 26995 times)

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #80 on: December 14, 2018, 10:18:46 PM »
oh great, you guys seem to have the answers

perhaps you can explain how a bullet enters the third thoracic

and exits the throat.

please show me how.

or I guess you can just get nasty
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 10:20:41 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #80 on: December 14, 2018, 10:18:46 PM »

Offline Alan Hardaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #81 on: December 14, 2018, 10:19:57 PM »
read my post regarding how LHO was employed.

things do not add up to 

"the opportunistic assassin"

but more the setup "patsy"

The proof is there as plain as day.

Except that there isn't any clear proof whatsoever other than a few uncorroborated incidents. As opposed to reams of solid evidence, eye witnesses included against Oswald.

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #82 on: December 14, 2018, 10:24:16 PM »
Lets for arguments sake assume he did take a shot at walker.

This is where it all comes undone. On one hand they are presenting this like a totally innocent coincidence where they get him the job by chance and good intent but on the other is the walker evidence being revealed after the fact showing him to be an aspiring assassin all along.

So which one is it? You can?t have both.

Oh and BTW the route was changed too leading up to the visit.

You wanna talk about getting Dracula a job at the blood bank?

This is real evidence (circumstantial) but undeniably strong as to a wider conspiracy In Dallas and it was provided by the Warren Commission.

The public only knew on the morning of the 19th (Tuesday) the motorcade route and it was depicted as going straight down main street. At this point lets just agree there is confusion over who printed what map when and If the route was changed at all, who approved it? Lets just say If you were a lone assassin you wouldn?t know where to shoot from or when exactly.

From the Evidence you have to charge Ruth Paine with conspiracy to murder don?t you? The rifle is kept at your house? You speak Russian? She rang to enquire about the job herself.

October 16, 1963: LHO begins work at the TSBD. 5 Weeks.

Does he apply for a dozen jobs all along the motorcade route? No

Who are the ONLY people who might have foreknowledge of the route? The secret service, JFK administration and Officials of the city of Dallas.

Was the route changed? It doesn?t matter. The City of Dallas was ultimately responsible for the route. The secret service don?t plan the route in someone else?s town.

Who did LHO work for? The city of Dallas.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 11:14:02 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #82 on: December 14, 2018, 10:24:16 PM »

Offline Alan Hardaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #83 on: December 14, 2018, 10:31:49 PM »
The opening post is an entertaining read.

But to claim " Two massive things went wrong...Oswald wasn't killed...and...Zapruder filmed the event"

Zapruder filmed the come on, are you suggesting the conspirators didn't expect or think somebody would film the event...I mean..!! lost a bit of credibility right there.

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2018, 10:35:51 PM »
please walk me through the SBT

not my own post

thanks but, I have read it

you should read the entire post

 :D :D :D :D :D
« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 01:19:22 AM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2018, 10:35:51 PM »

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #85 on: December 15, 2018, 01:28:40 AM »
No, ok how bout this

The US intelligence agencies would have had good reason to know who LHO was well before 1963. As soon as he was repatriated to the US he would have had to be closely watched on some level surely for some years. For all intents and purposes he could be a foreign agent or acting in the interests of. They don't just let cold war traitors come back and live freely.
So If that surveillance were to be necessary who might carry that out? Probably CIA counter intelligence. The catch with CI is you must speak the language of those you wish to coerce.

To think its a coincidence a returning traitor killed JFK.

Come on now.

The intelligence community in the US knew who he was in 1961.

not sold? ask yourself this.

How many ex-servicemen do you think might defect to Russia and then ask to

come home and it gets granted, in lets say in 1 year? or ten years? or ever?

and nobody knew who he was?  Man GTFO that is simply unbelievable

How dumb do you think your intelligence is?  huh? ::) ::) ::) ::)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 01:45:28 AM by Eddie Haymaker »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #86 on: December 15, 2018, 03:35:56 PM »
Yes, the CIA did fund/direct and control (or try to) many of these groups. The evidence for that is overwhelming. After the missile crisis, however, they shut down many of these operations in an attempt to control them. Something they had difficulty doing.

But I'm asking specifically about Alpha 66. Tracy Parnell has written extensively on Alpha 66 and the political head of the group Antonio Veciana.

Here's the link to his research:

There's very little evidence that I am aware of - and Tracy too - that Alpha 66 was funded/directed by the CIA. Veciana says that a mysterious person named Maurice Bishop gave him and the group help and that, after denying it for 30 years, Bishop was CIA officer David Atlee Phillips. But Veciana also said that the CIA through Bishop/Phillips never gave Alpha 66 any funds at all. They did, he alleged, provided material for some of their operations but there is no evidence - other than his claims - to this (that I've seen). In fact Tracy cites several CIA documents that show that Veciana went to representatives of the agency for help and was turned down.

So, I think the issue of the CIA's support for Alpha 66 is open for discussion.

Ask Tracy if he has researched the unification of II Frente, Alpha 66 and M.R.P in 1963 and the formation of Plan Omega and how raids into Cuba were carried out. I would be willing to accept that there was no overt support for these groups by the CIA but covert support is another story.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #87 on: December 15, 2018, 03:59:32 PM »
None of this is news to me Mr Navarro....Most of what you've posted is common knowledge and history.

The most important bit of info that you posted is:  "Other people that I know of personally trained for another invasion of Cuba in Louisiana,"

This is at the very core of the murder of JFK....   JFK had been "snake bit" by the BOP fiasco and he ordered that all such clandestine training for another attack on Cuba to be curtailed.  And he was taking action to stop the illegal training. (He ordered the ATF  (alcohol, tobacco, firearms)  to raid a training camp near Mandeville La. in July 1963.  ( Lee Oswald had uncovered the secret camp and reported it)  Many Cubans and their CIA handlers were arrested and munitions were seized.

J Edgar Hoover sanctioned the illegal camps ( His Mafia associates wanted their casinos and drug manufacturing and warehouses back )

JFK did not inform Hoover that he was going to have the ATF raid the camp until the last minute ( about 1 hour before the raid)  when he then ordered Hoover to provide FBI agents in support of the ATF.  Needless to say, Hoover was furious at having to support the destruction of an enterprise that he had sanctioned and promised his criminal buddies he was supporting. 

That raid was the fertilization of the seed that lead to the murder of JFK.....

P.S.  The raid also led to the death of Lee Oswald...  Because it didn't take a genius to figure out who the rat was who had tipped JFK about the illegal camp at Mandeville.  Hoover knew that Lee was the snitch and he got both JFK and LHO ...

It appears that super kook Jim Garrison has made a significant impact on you. I would be the first to acknowlege that Hoover was no angel but to accuse him of such a dirty deed is simply outrageous.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #87 on: December 15, 2018, 03:59:32 PM »