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Author Topic: JFK - A simple solution  (Read 26999 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2018, 06:20:54 PM »
  ... real proof ...that exonerates Oswald beyond a reasonable doubt. 
[Just a reasonable doubt is sufficient.]
 The mayors office (City Of Dallas) had their hands on every part of this small town crime.The parade route,theTSBD building and the Dallas pd. Its a small town crime done by small town people. [They were a major power] Jesse Curry was quoted saying between the assassination and LHO?s ARREST was roughly 45 minutes. Thats 1.15pm folks the time of JD?s murder. (interview at dpd Nov 24th ) [Curry was a screw up and didn't know which way was up this-------],233.msg12652.html#msg12652
  ...  and by some small miracle got away with it. [It was no small miracle]
 This is strictly a Texan coup. [Nope. It was a military/big business coup. Inside the CIA and was organized using anti-Castro mercenaries as snipermen]
  I do think he genuinely loved the Kennedy?s [Ruby? Don't kid yourself.]
   Ruth Paine at this point but no, she has Lee totally under her spell. [Lee? Nope. Marina]
Some of the rest of the screenplay is probable. Throughout the history of events there had to be an Oswald look-alike. Too many contradictory stories revolve around that likelihood.
I saw that motorcade from the H L Green 2nd floor cafeteria. The racket made by the motorcycles with their sirens going [at least on Main St where I was] and cheering crowd could have covered up the suppressed shots from a rifle. I looked around at the surrounding buildings with their open windows and wondered commenting to my classmate I was with...What if. We stopped at a 7-11 and got a soda when we heard the news flash. Damn!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2018, 06:20:54 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2018, 06:37:26 PM »
Some of the rest of the screenplay is probable. Throughout the history of events there had to be an Oswald look-alike. Too many contradictory stories revolve around that likelihood.
I saw that motorcade from the H L Green 2nd floor cafeteria. The racket made by the motorcycles with their sirens going [at least on Main St where I was] and cheering crowd could have covered up the suppressed shots from a rifle. I looked around at the surrounding buildings with their open windows and wondered commenting to my classmate I was with...What if. We stopped at a 7-11 and got a soda when we heard the news flash. Damn!

You were there, Jerry! Wow, must have been something. BTW, who were these anti-Castro mercenaries?

Offline Alan Hardaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 06:43:48 PM »
Mt Hardaker, I'm sure you know that the revolver that was allegedly taken from Lee Oswald in the Texas Theater was a 38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver.   The S&W revolver is unloaded by releasing a latch and pushing the cylinder out of the frame of the revolver to the left side. Then the spent are pushed out of the cylinder by pushing an extractor rod toward the rear of the revolver.  All six chambers are emptied in one stoke of the extractor. 

This was demonstrated for the Warren Commission by FBI agent Cortland Cunningham....   Cunningham had fired "Oswald's" revolver before appearing before the WC, and later that morning demonstrated how the revolver operated. ( you can read his testimony )  He very clearly said that all six chambers of "Oswald's" revolver were emptied with one stroke of the extractor rod.

And he said he had burned gunpowder in the PALM of his hand when he pushed the spent shells from the chambers.

The witnesses at the scene of Tippit's murder ALL reported that the killer had removed one shell at a time from the revolver that the killer had used to shoot J.D.Tippit. The spent shells at the Tippit scene were scattered over a wide area.   The S&W that allegedly belonged to Lee Oswald cannot be unloaded in the manner the witnesses described, because the chambers are oversize for the 38 special ammunition that was used, and they expand and stick in the chambers. (Cunningham said he had some difficulty in pushing the spent shells out with the extractor rod...He hammered the rod to the rear with the heel of his hand) 

Anybody with the ability to reason can understand that the Killer was NOT using a Smith & Wesson revolver.

And on a final note....Cunningham had burned gunpower in THE PALM of his hand after he extracted the spent shells.  Lee Oswald allegedly had a TRACE of nitrates on the BACK of his hand .....

I have zero knowledge of guns. I live in Northern Ireland, although I am originally from Liverpool, Merseyside UK. Could it be that Oswald did indeed empty the six shells and decided to scatter them as he made his way from the scene. Who knows what was going through Oswald's mind seconds after shooting a uniformed officer dead. Small inconsistencies will occure. It's the eye witnesses that nail Oswald. One or two witnesses might be a bit flaky but there's just to many. Can't be explained away by saying they were all mistaken or not capable.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 06:43:48 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2018, 08:34:37 PM »
I have zero knowledge of guns. I live in Northern Ireland, although I am originally from Liverpool, Merseyside UK. Could it be that Oswald did indeed empty the six shells and decided to scatter them as he made his way from the scene. Who knows what was going through Oswald's mind seconds after shooting a uniformed officer dead. Small inconsistencies will occure. It's the eye witnesses that nail Oswald. One or two witnesses might be a bit flaky but there's just to many. Can't be explained away by saying they were all mistaken or not capable.

Could it be that Oswald did indeed empty the six shells and decided to scatter them as he made his way from the scene. ?

NO!...Not if you read the reports of the witnesses who saw the killer leaving the scene.    ALL of the witnesses who saw the killer leaving after the murder said that he REMOVED one shell at a time as he walked away.

And I would add....If Lee had held any shells in his hand his PALM would have tested positive for gun powder residue, but only one component of gunpowder ( nitrate) was found on his hand. 

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2018, 09:58:24 PM »
...must have been something. BTW, who were these anti-Castro mercenaries?
All I saw was a motorcade parade ...JFK and Jackie.
The first word of mouth reports that we heard at that time [maybe an hour later] was that the cops were looking for a black guy. I thought that sounded weird. Why would a black shoot a leader that was trying to do something for the black people? Anyway, in following years, it had been revealed that witnesses reported that they saw one or two dark complected guys walking around on the sixth floor...that one of them had a rifle. I seriously doubt that they had seen American Negroes. There are Dealey Plaza pictures of dark complected guys [OK perhaps Cubans] that were never identified. Alpha 66 was said to have been involved. Most of us know who they were.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2018, 09:58:24 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2018, 10:46:32 PM »
All I saw was a motorcade parade ...JFK and Jackie.
The first word of mouth reports that we heard at that time [maybe an hour later] was that the cops were looking for a black guy. I thought that sounded weird. Why would a black shoot a leader that was trying to do something for the black people? Anyway, in following years, it had been revealed that witnesses reported that they saw one or two dark complected guys walking around on the sixth floor...that one of them had a rifle. I seriously doubt that they had seen American Negroes. There are Dealey Plaza pictures of dark complected guys [OK perhaps Cubans] that were never identified. Alpha 66 was said to have been involved. Most of us know who they were.

Yes, I believe the plot originated with the Cubans who hated JFK because their CIA handlers had blamed JFK for the BOP fiasco in which many of their brothers, cousins, and sons had died ....  JFK being the CINC did not try to pass the buck ( publicly ) ... He accepted the blame for the fiasco, but in reality he had little control of the CIA.  The Cuban's wanted revenge and accepted JFK's acceptance of responsibility for the fiasco, so they started plotting to kill JFK....  Hoover with his vast network of informers learned of the plot, and decided that he would make sure the Cuban's succeeded even if he had to go to his mafia buddies to find a crack shot who would be secretly waiting for the Cubans to open fire.   
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 11:13:59 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2018, 09:57:19 PM »
So it is NOT accepted by the community that Mrs Paine was CIA affiliated?

There is plenty of evidence.

The way he got shoehorned into that job.

Somethings rotten in Denmark
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 10:10:47 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2018, 10:08:30 PM »
I just feel like Texas is full of great shooters

This was an inside job

I'm sure they would rather use local people

than outsource the most critical part of this job

to outsiders. I don't see that.Besides the shooting job was not "professional"

It looks like amateur hour to me.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK - A simple solution
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2018, 10:08:30 PM »