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Author Topic: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766  (Read 70119 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #128 on: December 17, 2018, 08:38:31 PM »
Then why does the photo not show "another box or so pulled over the top of it"?

Shhhhhhh.... John, I'm trying to get Chappie into a discussion..... But, I think he lacks the guts.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #128 on: December 17, 2018, 08:38:31 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #129 on: December 17, 2018, 08:55:17 PM »
Oswald said that the landlady misunderstood his name when he gave it to her.

Oswald said it so it must be true!


"I want to believe that Oswald used Hidell as an alias, so it must be true".

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #130 on: December 17, 2018, 09:00:11 PM »
Bottom line:

You claimed 514 was faked, just a recreation
Boone confirmed 514 as accurate

You're cornered, Wallyburger

I'll get to that point....Now answer the question..... Have I quoted Boone accurately when he described the finding of the rifle.

Boone used his flashlight and shined it down into a dark cavern of ... "two rows of boxes with another box or so pulled over the top of it."

 Boone had moved a box that formed the "roof" of the cavern.... (Think of a capital "H" with the horizontal bar moved up to the top of the vertical sides. )   The rifle was laying on the floor at the bottom of the cavern... Isn't that correct?

 I had my light in my hand. I was slinging it around on the floor, and I caught a glimpse of the rifle,

You claimed 514 was faked, just a recreation
Boone confirmed 514 as accurate

Boone said that the position of the boxes IN THE PHOTO ( at the time the photo was snapped)  the boxes visible were as they appeared at the time .... BUT he moved at least one box and the other boxes that HE MENTIONED ("With another box or so pulled over the top of it.") that formed the roof of the cavern are NOT in the photo....

Here's the question for you Chappie.... How could an escaping assassin have inserted the rifle into that enclosure as the secret Service agent who was working with LBJ's "Special Blue Ribbon Cover Up Committee" did with a 3 foot piece of 1" x 4" light lumber.  And Mr Boone said the top of the enclosure was closed by placing "another box or so pulled over the top of it."

So either the assassin was a magician who could insert solid objects like a rifle right though a solid object like boxes of books, or the rifle was not deposited beneath those books as you propose...
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 09:07:03 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #130 on: December 17, 2018, 09:00:11 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #131 on: December 18, 2018, 01:23:35 AM »
Oswald is arrested with a false ID in the name of Hidell in his wallet but some are still not convinced he used that alias.  Wow.  What more needs to be said about how far out these folks are?  Now they will lecture us on how they are not suggesting any evidence was planted or that they are implying a conspiracy.  How could anyone come that conclusion? The evidence found on Oswald that confirms his use of the alias just isn't so for reasons we are left to ponder.

In the Anybody But Oswald (ABO) crowd nothing is what it seems. These guys and gals are the self appointed Oswald defense team. Since it can be denied that JFK was assassinated, and since it could not have been Oswald, the only conclusion is that it had to be a conspiracy because Oswald wouldn't lie. No, sir. He was a patsy. His mother said so. Never mind that both his wife and brother knew Oswald was guilty as sin. Never mind that he denied living at the Neely Street address where the BY photos were taken. Never mind that he fled the scene of two murders. Both events can be rationally explained. In the first instance Oswald left the TSBD within minutes of the shooting because he figured there was no more work to be done. In the second instance Oswald was not there. Yea! The witnesses didn't see what they saw, the evidence was planted, and there was an Oswald impersonator who either entered the Texas Theater early or was seen leaving the theater after the real Oswald was arrested, or both.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #132 on: December 18, 2018, 02:03:53 AM »
In the Anybody But Oswald (ABO) crowd nothing is what it seems. These guys and gals are the self appointed Oswald defense team. Since it can be denied that JFK was assassinated, and since it could not have been Oswald, the only conclusion is that it had to be a conspiracy because Oswald wouldn't lie. No, sir. He was a patsy. His mother said so. Never mind that both his wife and brother knew Oswald was guilty as sin. Never mind that he denied living at the Neely Street address where the BY photos were taken. Never mind that he fled the scene of two murders. Both events can be rationally explained. In the first instance Oswald left the TSBD within minutes of the shooting because he figured there was no more work to be done. In the second instance Oswald was not there. Yea! The witnesses didn't see what they saw, the evidence was planted, and there was an Oswald impersonator who either entered the Texas Theater early or was seen leaving the theater after the real Oswald was arrested, or both.

In the Anybody But Oswald (ABO) crowd nothing is what it seems. These guys and gals are the self appointed Oswald defense team.

And you are part of the Oswald prosecution team, right?

Since it can be denied that JFK was assassinated, and since it could not have been Oswald, the only conclusion is that it had to be a conspiracy because Oswald wouldn't lie.

Who said it could not have been Oswald? Isn't that up to the prosecution team to prove it was Oswald? But if it wasn't Oswald, whatever other option but a conspiracy do you suggest?

Never mind that he fled the scene of two murders.

Did he?

Oswald left the TSBD within minutes of the shooting because he figured there was no more work to be done.

Did he?

witnesses didn't see what they saw

You mean, like some of the people at Dealey Plaza and the doctors at Parkland as well as several people who were present at the autopsy?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #132 on: December 18, 2018, 02:03:53 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #133 on: December 18, 2018, 04:40:24 AM »
In the Anybody But Oswald (ABO) crowd nothing is what it seems. These guys and gals are the self appointed Oswald defense team.

And you are part of the Oswald prosecution team, right?

Since it can be denied that JFK was assassinated, and since it could not have been Oswald, the only conclusion is that it had to be a conspiracy because Oswald wouldn't lie.

Who said it could not have been Oswald? Isn't that up to the prosecution team to prove it was Oswald? But if it wasn't Oswald, whatever other option but a conspiracy do you suggest?

Never mind that he fled the scene of two murders.

Did he?

Oswald left the TSBD within minutes of the shooting because he figured there was no more work to be done.

Did he?

witnesses didn't see what they saw

You mean, like some of the people at Dealey Plaza and the doctors at Parkland as well as several people who were present at the autopsy?

I await an AnybodyButOswald who was positively identified as being at the scene during both murders.

I await an AnybodyButOswald who knew there was to be an attempt made on Kennedy that day.

What? Too soon?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 04:47:51 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #134 on: December 18, 2018, 05:35:02 AM »
Bottom line:

You claimed 514 was faked, just a recreation
Boone confirmed 514 as accurate

You're cornered, Wallyburger

Lt. J. C. Day and Det Robert Studebaker both testified the photos were taken before the rifle was moved.

Here's Studebaker Exhibit C

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #135 on: December 18, 2018, 01:02:46 PM »
Lt. J. C. Day and Det Robert Studebaker both testified the photos were taken before the rifle was moved.

Here's Studebaker Exhibit C

Let's let the photos do the talking...They don't lie, but the DPD cops have been shown to be a pack of liars....

Here's Studebaker Exhibit C

There can be no doubt that some boxes were moved ...because the boxes in this photo do NOT correlate with Boone's description.    Boone said that the rifle was at the bottom of a cavern of book boxes.( he shined his flashlight down onto the floor) and saw a tiny portion of the BUTT  ( not the muzzle as seen in the photo) of the rifle.

So since Boone indicated that the rifle was completely covered by the boxes that formed the roof of the cavern ..HOW could an escaping assassin have dashed by and dumped the rifle and the dashed down the stairs to arrive just 1 second ahead of Baker?

Answer that question Chappie....


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #135 on: December 18, 2018, 01:02:46 PM »