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Author Topic: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766  (Read 70046 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2018, 07:05:15 AM »
Agreed Oscar. Plus the number of people who saw what they didn't see, like the doctors at Parkland. People who did things they never did, and people who told lies. Doesn't make sense does it?


People who did things they never did

Like Crenshaw

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2018, 07:05:15 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2018, 07:07:36 AM »
It would have to be a lot of people who were in on it

This is a commonly heard LN claim, but I have never understood why it would have involved a lot of people.

Perhaps you can explain it?

I have never understood why it would have involved a lot of people

There's hope for you yet

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 02:27:29 PM »
Ok...Let's use this scenario... 

George... "Lee, We need to get moving on creating the photo that will show that you are a bonafide communist revolutionary, Have you received that cheap rifle that I gave you the Money order to buy from Kleins?

Lee...  Yes, I know George, that there is a need to hurry, And, yes, I did order that rifle ...  It should be in the mail....Perhaps you can check my mail box tomorrow and see if there is a notice of a parcel to be picked up in the P.O. box... Here's my key to box number 2915...

Good one, Cakebread. So you admit the Klein coupon and envelope were sent by Oswald alias A. Hidell and that the BY photos are genuine. Have you felt the wrath of the CT community for committing this act of treason?

What about Ruth Paine. How does she fit into the equation?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 02:27:29 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2018, 02:41:16 PM »
Oscar apparently 130,000 people worked on the Manhattan atom bomb project and that never leaked.

Ray, I'm surprised you would make such a statement. There were several leaks, included amongst them was the German Communist Klaus Fuchs at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  If not for the leaks the USSR probably would not have had the capabilities to make an atomic bomb well into the fifties. A couple of other examples of leaks that revealed conspiracies were the revelation that the CIA worked with the Mafia to try to assassinate Fidel Castro, Deep Throat and Watergate, Daniel Ellsberg and The Pentagon Papers. IMHO, if there had been a conspiracy by any agency of the US government to kill JFK there would have been a whistle blower by now. 

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2018, 03:08:12 PM »

Good one, Cakebread. So you admit the Klein coupon and envelope were sent by Oswald alias A. Hidell and that the BY photos are genuine. Have you felt the wrath of the CT community for committing this act of treason?

What about Ruth Paine. How does she fit into the equation?
Ruth Paine was working for the FBI....Hoover didn't know that  Lee had been sent to Russia by ONI. Hoover thought that Lee really was a turncoat Marine, and he hated him.    When the Oswald's moved from Russia to Texas, Hoover wanted to keep an eye on them because he thought they were communist spies.   ( Hoover preached that one way to spot a communist is by listening to a suspected commie, and if he espoused Russia over the U.S. then he was a commie. Which is a gross oversimplification )   Lee most certainly had denounced the US , because he would never have been allowed to stay in Russia if he praised life in the US, and he had a mission to fulfill...Thus, he was a commie in Hoover's eyes.   

Since Hoover suspected the Oswald's of being Russian spies, he assigned Ruth Paine to keep tabs on them.   ( she admitted that she was spying on Lee, and called FBI agent Hosty to come and pick up a letter that she had stolen from Lee Oswald.)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2018, 03:08:12 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2018, 03:31:42 PM »
I'm not sure what the point of this thread is.

By claiming that Oswald could have picked up a package addressed to Hidell, due to postal workers screwing up, aren't you also implicitly saying that anybody else could have picked up that same package as well?

Online Richard Smith

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2018, 05:19:17 PM »
I have noticed that some CTers don't believe Oswald could have picked up C2766 from the USPS because it would have violated certain postal regulations or would have left a paper trail. I'm not familiar with postal regulations back then or now but I'm very familiar with postal workers screwing up in one way or another. Same goes for UPS, Federal Express so I'm not trying to just pick on the USPS. In fact, there have been times when dealing with government agencies at all levels and the private sector that orders and transactions have been botched and, I must confess, that includes me.

To illustrate one incident of major screwup by the USPS here is quoted text from a legal case involving the theft of Postal Money Orders and negligence by two postal clerks.

The point of the post is.... Why assign to malice when stupidity and carelessness can explain the event.

Oswald ordered a rifle and it was sent to his PO Box.  All he had to do was take the slip placed in his box to a clerk who handed him his package.  CTers have argued it couldn't be delivered because the Hidell name was not listed on his PO authorization form.  But that form was lost and Oswald did list Hidell on his NO PO box form.  If CTers were correct, however, then the logical next sequence in this pedantic interpretation of post office procedure would have been for the rifle to be returned to Klein's.  It was not.  CTers could care less about the implications of their theories due to an inability or unwillingness to apply logic to any event that results in an outcome they don't like.  If by asserting that A did not happen, it must result in B occurring, then the absence of B occurring undermines the original claim.  Klein's sent a rifle to Oswald's PO Box.  It can't be accounted for in any way except as being received by Oswald.  If post office procedures had precluded delivery, it would have been sent back.  It was not.  If there were any doubt, there are pictures of Oswald holding the rifle, his prints are on the rifle sent to his PO box (same serial #) etc.   And when all is said and done, if there had been some document Oswald signed or clerk who could remember giving him the rifle, CTers would claim they were lying or forged.  The game never ends when any evidence of Oswald's guilt is suspect for that reason alone.  We would just add a postal clerk's name to all the others who lied to frame Oswald.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2018, 05:48:04 PM »
Oswald ordered a rifle and it was sent to his PO Box.  All he had to do was take the slip placed in his box to a clerk who handed him his package.  CTers have argued it couldn't be delivered because the Hidell name was not listed on his PO authorization form.  But that form was lost and Oswald did list Hidell on his NO PO box form.  If CTers were correct, however, then the logical next sequence in this pedantic interpretation of post office procedure would have been for the rifle to be returned to Klein's.  It was not.  CTers could care less about the implications of their theories due to an inability or unwillingness to apply logic to any event that results in an outcome they don't like.  If by asserting that A did not happen, it must result in B occurring, then the absence of B occurring undermines the original claim.  Klein's sent a rifle to Oswald's PO Box.  It can't be accounted for in any way except as being received by Oswald.  If post office procedures had precluded delivery, it would have been sent back.  It was not.  If there were any doubt, there are pictures of Oswald holding the rifle, his prints are on the rifle sent to his PO box (same serial #) etc.   And when all is said and done, if there had been some document Oswald signed or clerk who could remember giving him the rifle, CTers would claim they were lying or forged.  The game never ends when any evidence of Oswald's guilt is suspect for that reason alone.  We would just add a postal clerk's name to all the others who lied to frame Oswald.

These sociopathic gaslighters can spew any crap they want, but the fact remains that Oswald was the only man on the face of the earth that was identified as being at both murder scenes.

And to further confirm their marginalization to the far shores of the lunatic fringe, no one can prove that anyone other than the prime suspect knew there was to be an attempt made on Kennedy that day.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2018, 05:48:04 PM »