It's hilarious how you often refer to the rifle as being carefully placed ...
How would you know? Were you there?
Carefully hidden....The rifle was carefully hidden by placing it beneath the pallet on which boxes of books were stacked and then placing boxes of books over the crevasse between the boxes of books. I was NOT there, But Eugene Boone swore under oath that officers had searched the area along the likely escape path from the SE corner window to the NW stairway, and the rifle was not seen until Boone who was using a powerful flashlight moved a box that had been placed over the crevasse and shined his flashlight down into the dark cavern. He the spotted a tiny portion of the butt of the rifle as it lay on the floor beneath the pallet. At about the same instant Seymour Weitzman who was approaching the same area from the east and working westward toward Boone got down on the floor and shined his flashlight BENEATH the pallet of books, and he too spotted the rifle laying on the floor....
The area was bathed in bright sunlight shining through a window that was only a few feet from the stairway....but nobody saw the rifle until Boone moved at least one box and used his bright flashlight.
The rifle obviously had been carefully hidden.......
Boone WC testimony
Mr. BALL - What did you do after you got up to the sixth floor?
Mr. BOONE - Well, I proceeded to the east end of the building, I guess, and started working our way across the building to the west wall, looking in, under, and around all the boxes and pallets, and what-have-you that were on the floor. Looking for the weapon. And as I got to the west wall, there were a row of windows there, and a slight space between some boxes and the wall. I squeezed through them.
When I did--I had my light in my hand. I was slinging it around on the floor, and I caught a glimpse of the rifle, stuffed down between two rows of boxes with another box or so pulled over the top of it. And I hollered that the rifle was here.
Boone testified that this was the positioning of the boxes as found:

Once again you are lying otherwise you would have posted this image