Let's let the photos do the talking...They don't lie, but the DPD cops have been shown to be a pack of liars....
Here's Studebaker Exhibit C 
There can be no doubt that some boxes were moved ...because the boxes in this photo do NOT correlate with Boone's description. Boone said that the rifle was at the bottom of a cavern of book boxes.( he shined his flashlight down onto the floor) and saw a tiny portion of the BUTT ( not the muzzle as seen in the photo) of the rifle.
So since Boone indicated that the rifle was completely covered by the boxes that formed the roof of the cavern ..HOW could an escaping assassin have dashed by and dumped the rifle and the dashed down the stairs to arrive just 1 second ahead of Baker?
Answer that question Chappie....
Easy. Oswald already had prepared were he would hide the rifle just like he prepared the SN. In fact, that may have been the place were Oswald had hidden the rifle wrapped in the paper bag. Now, a lot is being made about how Boone described the area were he found the rifle but the following part of Boone's testimony is being ignored;
Mr. BALL - What happened then?
Some of the other officers came over to look at it. I told them to stand back, not to get around close, they might want to take prints of some of the boxes, and not touch the rifle. And at that time Captain Fritz and an ID man came over. I believe the ID man's name was Lieutenant Day--I am not sure.
They came over and the weapon was photographed as it lay. And at that time Captain Fritz picked it up by the strap, and it was removed from the place where it was. (Here, Boone's memory failed him as it was Day who picked up the rifle by the strap)
Mr. BALL - You saw them take the photograph?
Mr. BOONE - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Were you alone at that time?
Mr. BOONE - There was an Officer Weitzman, I believe. He is a deputy constable.
Mr. BALL - Where was the rifle located on the floor, general location?
Mr. BOONE - Well, it was almost--the stairwell is in the corner of the building, something like this, and there is a wall coming up here, making one side of the stairwell with the building acting as the other two sides. And from that, it was almost directly in front or about 8 feet south, I guess, it would be, from that partition wall that made up the stairwell.
Mr. BALL - The rifle was about 3 feet from the--
Mr. BOONE - Yes, sir; behind a row of boxes. There was a row of boxes that came across there. Then the rifle was behind that first row of boxes.
Mr. BALL - I show you 514. Is that the way it looked when you saw it?
Mr. BOONE - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Is that the way it was when the picture was taken?
Mr. BOONE - Yes; I believe so.
Mr. BALL - This shows the rifle as you saw it, does it?
Mr. BOONE - That is right. Then you could kneel down over here and see that it had a scope, a telescopic sight on it, by looking down underneath the boxes.Boone looked underneath the boxes. It's entirely possible that Boone indivertibly moved the box directly above the rifle. That would explain the position of the box covering more of the rifle when he first saw the rifle. When Day and Studebaker arrived to take the photos that's the position of the boxes as they found them. As can be noticed Ball asked Boone three times if CE-514 accurately portrayed the scene as he found it. I think Ball might have been trying to get Boone to admit he might have moved the box but Boone kind off (Boone - Yes; I believe so) recognized that and stuck to the description of CE-514. Boone testifies to admonishing others to stand back and to not touch the boxes and the rifle in order to keep the area undisturbed after he had just done that himself.
Your description of how Boone found the boxes does not correlate with Boone's testimony. Boone "
caught a glimpse of the rifle, stuffed down between two rows of boxes with another box or so pulled over the top of it." and not "a tiny portion of the BUTT ( not the muzzle as seen in the photo) of the rifle." and " the rifle was completely covered by the boxes that formed the roof of the cavern"(Cakebread fabrication # ?).