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Author Topic: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766  (Read 70114 times)

Offline Steve Logan

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #264 on: December 20, 2018, 07:13:37 PM »

The gift that keeps giving.
I think Wally's on new Meds. He can't stop himself from posting his stagnant nonsense.

Next up:
Stetson's to signal the assassin on who to shoot at.
Red Rings to let Johnson know "It's a go" and that he better start ducking.
Oswald's signal beaming electric razor.
Photos of the rifle sticking out of the 6th floor SN window.
Chicken bones on the top of one of the boxes in the SN.
Then there's his earth shattering photo evidence of (depending on which day it is) the shooter hit the ledge or the ledge was hit because someone was shooting at the shooter.

Remember this is who your dealing with John.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #264 on: December 20, 2018, 07:13:37 PM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #265 on: December 20, 2018, 07:31:19 PM »
The gift that keeps giving.
I think Wally's on new Meds. He can't stop himself from posting his stagnant nonsense.

Next up:
Stetson's to signal the assassin on who to shoot at.
Red Rings to let Johnson know "It's a go" and that he better start ducking.
Oswald's signal beaming electric razor.
Photos of the rifle sticking out of the 6th floor SN window.
Chicken bones on the top of one of the boxes in the SN.
Then there's his earth shattering photo evidence of (depending on which day it is) the shooter hit the ledge or the ledge was hit because someone was shooting at the shooter.

Remember this is who your dealing with John.

Hi Steve, I'm sure Walt keeps seeing the refutation for his rifle nonsense but being the intellectually dishonest person that he is, Walt just ignores my irrefutable evidence just so he can say his lies all again tomorrow.


Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #266 on: December 20, 2018, 07:41:56 PM »
Hi Steve, I'm sure Walt keeps seeing the refutation for his rifle nonsense but being the intellectually dishonest person that he is, Walt just ignores my irrefutable evidence just so he can say his lies all again tomorrow.


Psssst Mytton...What you've posted is NOT irrefutable evidence...  What you've posted clearly demonstrates how the carcano could have been photographically  inserted into a photo that had no rifle in it.  And I thank you for that nice demonstration....

Tom Alyea's  film shows Lt Day reach out and grab the leather sling on the carcano as it was laying on it's side on the floor    The rifle was NOT standing with the butt plate vertical as it is depicted in the fake in situ photo.  If the carcano had been positioned as depicted in the fake photo, the sling would have been on the far side of the rifle, and  away from Lt. Day's hand, and he couldn't have grabbed it as is shown in Alyea's film.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #266 on: December 20, 2018, 07:41:56 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #267 on: December 20, 2018, 08:52:59 PM »

Day had moved the box immediately in front of the rifle in order to lift the rifle from the floor so, naturally, the rifle would then fall to it's side as it no longer had the box for support.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #268 on: December 20, 2018, 09:02:27 PM »
You're waaaaay off course Mr Navarro.....   Why don't you try to get back on track, and Let's discuss and examine  the EVIDENCE...

In the above tirade you're dealing with the abstract, and emotions....

  Tell me again how the "fleeing" arch villain, and devil's handy man, Lee Harrrrrvey Osssswald  ( booooo hissss) managed to reach across a five foot span with an 8 pound rifle and lay that heavy rifle on the floor beneath a pallet that had boxes of books stacked on it. ...and then place boxes of books over the top of the opening so that the rifle was completely hidden at he bottom of an enclosed cavern.

Boone didn't do as you claim. Look at the arrow in CE-515. That's were he found the rifle.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #268 on: December 20, 2018, 09:02:27 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #269 on: December 20, 2018, 09:05:58 PM »
Can you prove that he did use those aliases?

Of course it can be proven. You'll just trot out the usual CTer MO of denying that the evidence proves anything so why bother.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #270 on: December 20, 2018, 09:08:13 PM »
He lied based on his own trip sheet.

See! When presented with evidence deny the validity of the evidence. You're so predictable.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #271 on: December 20, 2018, 09:14:34 PM »
Lee periodically received CASH at the Western Union office.... It's a little difficult to trace CASH....   Who sent him that money?

You may recall that in January 1964 LBJ's Special Blue Ribbon Cover Up committee learned that Lee Oswald worked for J.Edgar Hoover and was paid $200 per month.

That was a hoax perpetrated on Lonnie Hudkins of the Houston Post  by DMN reporter Hugh Ayenesworth

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: USPS workers screwing things up i.e..LHO receiving c2766
« Reply #271 on: December 20, 2018, 09:14:34 PM »