JohnI, all you've demonstrated by the responses is that you're not serious about requesting evidence. This is just a stupid little game you, Mark and that other fella play so that you can pretend to be Perry Mason wannabees.
It actually demonstrates quite nicely that you are all bluff and misrepresentation. The only people who would fall for it is people who don't know the evidence.
Contrary to your incorrect version of Markham's testimony she testified to recognizing Oswald by looking at his face, from a sidewiew and by the dark trousers he was wearing.
Nice cherry pick. Maybe you missed his part.
Mr. BALL. Did you recognize anyone in the lineup?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. You did not? Did you see anybody--I have asked you that question before did you recognize anybody from their face?
From their face, no.
Mr. BALL. Did you identify anybody in these four people?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I didn't know nobody.
Mr. BALL. I know you didn't know anybody, but did anybody in that lineup look like anybody you had seen before?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No. I had never seen none of them, none of these men.
Mr. BALL. No one of the four?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No one of them.
Mr. BALL. No one of all four?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Was there a number two man in there?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Number two is the one I picked.
Mr. BALL. Well, I thought you just told me that you hadn't--
I thought you wanted me to describe their clothing.
All four shells were traced to Oswald's S&W 38 Special and the two shells picked up by the Davis girls had a complete chain of evidence.
"Oswald's S&W 38 Special". LOL. I suppose now you'll try to claim that the HSCA photo panel said the revolver in the backyard photos was "identical" too...

And of what use is a shell handed to a police officer in a wad of kleenex
at the police station? Can you show that it was ever at the crime scene?
In addition bullets recovered from Tippit's body were of Western-Winchester and Remington-Peters manufacture the same as the shells recovered from the crime scene and found in Oswald's S&W revolver and in his pocket.
You mean in the revolver that Hill pulled out of his pocket two hours later and the shells that were "found in Oswald's pocket" also two hours later? The police just "forgot" to search the pockets of a suspected double murderer when he was arrested, I guess. Yeah, that's the ticket.
The above statement has to win the award for silliness. During interrogation Oswald admitted to having a gun.
He (allegedly) admitted he had a gun purchased in Fort Worth. Does that describe V510210?
"When Captain Fritz asked him why he carried the revolver, he answered, "Well, you know about a pistol. I just carried it."
And I'm sure you believe that Fritz recalled his exact words verbatim several months later.
I said there were a dozen example of Oswald using Hidell as an alias and that included other names. I never claimed there were any witnesses that could identify Oswald as using Hidell to represent himself. There is the example of Oswald using O. H. Lee as an alias for himself and the probable example of Oswald using Osborne as himself when he ordered and picked up the FPCC flyers in NO.
What in the hell do "Osborne" and "O.H. Lee" (neither of which you have actually shown that Oswald used, by the way, you just assumed it) have to do with your supposed dozen examples of him using "Hidell" as an alias? With the possible exception of the selective service ID card that you claim he was carrying when he was arrested (despite no direct evidence of such), you haven't even given a
single example! What makes you think Osborne and Hidell weren't other people? Just because you want them to be Oswald?
I just thought of a possible example that would fit your criteria. Railway Express shipped the revolver C.O.D. It's entirely possible, and even probable, that Oswald had to produce the Hidell ID to the RE courier in order to receive the package before paying cash for the balance owed.
Is there any record that this payment was ever made or deposited into a Railway Express account at all, much less by whom?
Your question implies there was forging of documents by the DPD to implicate Oswald in the murder of Tippit.
I made no such implication. What are you talking about? You claimed that Oswald used Hidell as an alias and you claimed there were a dozen examples. This is just your weak attempt at shifting the burden of proof, because you got called out on another misrepresentation.