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Author Topic: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?  (Read 23432 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #56 on: December 21, 2018, 06:31:54 PM »

A one-inch high bunch (which uses two-inches of material in total) is enough to raise the jacket so it accommodates the SBT entrance. The shirt isn't visible but it was similarly displaced. The jacket and shirt have a 1/8" difference in the height of the hole.

    Bump as to visual aid sternum exit wound.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #56 on: December 21, 2018, 06:31:54 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #57 on: December 21, 2018, 07:24:39 PM »
So you don't know the context and rationale behind Ford's concern over the initial wording? You're just mindlessly aping Ford's "moving" the back wound location because it suits your bias.
The initial wording (that Ford and the other Commissioners decided to make more accurate) was so vague it could have been taken as being away from the actual wound site or even as a "miss". Just like you are doing with my words in the above quote.
The red highlighted object in the 3D graphic is the sternum. Obviously lower than the exit site on the line drawing.

       YOU referenced "...ABOVE the shoulder" regarding an initial description.  A description being generally "vague" would be understandable. A description Specifically referencing "....ABOVE the shoulder" would be one I am not familiar with. This is why I asked Who/What your source was.
       Maybe you should avoid using that visual aid? It Clearly displays the exit wound to be through the sternum

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2018, 10:07:08 PM »

It is widely accepted the bullet entered at or about

the third thoracic vertebrae

"The President's death certificate places the wound at the third thoracic vertebra, which corresponds to the holes in the coat and shirt. This document was also marked verified."

Thats 5-6 inches down from the collar folks

please do this for me at home and get your partner to put their finger on your back there.Then try to explain how that bullet travels through to your neck and without smashing the spinal column.please try this at home.Feel how LOW that is?

FBI says 21 degrees down angle from the TSBD

forget about this "bunched shirt bologna"  lets not re-invent the wheel

We know exactly where the wound was

case closed

If you wish to challenge the official death cert. evidence please do so

Around the sternum yes - somewhere around the nipple level is where the bullet would have exited (It obviously hit a vertebrae and embedded there)
Similar to the angle of GC's wound. That would fit the evidence

« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 10:18:54 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2018, 10:07:08 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #59 on: December 21, 2018, 10:14:41 PM »
     There is absolutely Nothing in the Link which in Reality corroborates the Lack of Damage to the bullet involved in the SBT. None

There's only one CE-399. That bullet caused all the wounds to JFK and JBC other than the final and fatal head shot to JFK. As Dale Myers says

For a really detailed study of the SBF read The JFK Myths; A Scientific Investigation of the Kennedy Assassination by Larry M. SPersonivant.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2018, 10:21:18 PM »
There's only one CE-399. That bullet caused all the wounds to JFK and JBC other than the final and fatal head shot to JFK. As Dale Myers says

For a really detailed study of the SBF read The JFK Myths; A Scientific Investigation of the Kennedy Assassination by Larry M. SPersonivant.

Can you, or Dale Myers or Larry SPersonivant, prove that the bullet now in evidence as CE-399;

(1) was fired by the MC rifle on 11/22/63,
(2) was the bullet found by Tomlinson at Parkland Hospital
and (3) was the bullet that passed through Kennedy and Connally?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2018, 10:21:18 PM »

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #61 on: December 21, 2018, 10:24:19 PM »
Why do you guys need all these computer generated aids?

When the sitting president of the US himself said it was BS?

The bullet damage? hell, we cant even get that far
The MB stops at JFK's 3rd Thoracic and cannot continue
UP to jfk's throat through his spinal column and miraculously out a perfect round hole THEN THINGS GET CRAZY.

If that was an exit wound (having smashed through the spinal column and trachea) in the throat it would have been "blasted out" around the size of a golf ball.JFK would have died instantly and the bullet would have lost all inertia.How would the bullet look? There would not be much left of it.
I could go on all day with simple logic.

If you believe this nonsense you are brain dead yourself

Forget Kennedy we need a de-fib in here for you - stat.

You can't sell this rubbish, hell you can't give it away

this donkey is dead.

Im calling it. Time of death. 5.51pm EST some 2 minutes ago...

« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 10:52:56 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #62 on: December 21, 2018, 11:14:34 PM »
The best anyone can do is to say that the SBT is possible, and then only if a whole bunch of assumptions are made that cannot actually be demonstrated:

- that JFK's shirt and coat bunched up an equal amount
- that the back wound was not really at the 3rd thoracic vertebra
- that Connally was moved over far enough to the left that his butt was halfway off the jump seat
- that Nellie was mistaken about the president being hit first
- that the shot originated from the 6th floor SE window of the TSBD at about Z223-4
- that Connally had a "delayed" physical reaction to being shot

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #63 on: December 21, 2018, 11:19:46 PM »
I believe they were hit simultaneously but Kennedy from the front

and Connolly from behind

For me the GC back wound is evidence of how a normal bullet reacts
The JFK back shot reacted in much the same way (perhaps an inch or 2 higher up)
but was stopped by striking the strong Vertebrae bones
thats why the wound was so shallow

there is so much evidence to support the neck shot as a  "wound of entry"

I'm sorry I must disagree - for me it is impossible


yeah impossible.

bullets do deviate
bullets do not deviate near 90 degree's
when bullets hit bone the bone breaks
It's not steel plate.It's bone.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 11:40:39 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Was Kennedy's Jacket bunched on Elm Street?
« Reply #63 on: December 21, 2018, 11:19:46 PM »