Marty, you're comparing 2 events which are non congruous.
The competition I was clearly refering to was never between two debaters but to what actually happened which has already been proven beyond all doubt by the overwhelming evidence and as pointed out, the sbf only happened one way so logically there is no other alternative and therefore in a one horse race there can be no competition and has zero do do with your doppelganger Eddie conceding that yes in fact I had already won.
The competition I was clearly refering to was never between two debaters Of course it wasn't....pfffff

. You've been playing this game for years, so pull the other one, Johnny!
what actually happened which has already been proven beyond all doubt by the overwhelming evidence In your not so modest opinion, of course....
the sbf only happened one way so logically there is no other alternative There's nothing logical about claiming something happened one way when you can't prove it and the alternative is simply that it didn't happen at all.
in a one horse race there can be no competitionVery true, but in your kind of one horse race, your horse always loses.... why is that?
Eddie conceding that yes in fact I had already won. I'm sure your ego got a boost from that one. Too bad the sarcasm went over your head.