This document is very interesting in the fact that it obviously been created AFTER Lee was in the custody of the police ..... WHY would they create such an obviously false document??? Why Richardson, Texas.....?? Captain Fritz was a DALLAS police officer.....
An officer cannot search your dwelling or car when you're arrested elsewhere, such as on the street or at the mall. To justify a search as incident to an arrest, a spatial relationship must exist between the arrest and the search. The general rule is that the police may search the arrested person and the area within that person’s immediate control. For example, an arresting officer can often search not only a suspect’s clothes, but also his or her wallet or purse. (Chimel v. California, U.S. Sup. Ct. 1969; see Cellphone Searches After Arrest.)
Did anyone read the pages I linked from RH [Reclaiming History]? According to the timing of some warrant procurement process [and Bugliosi relates a 4:20 PM time] then the frigging search had supposedly already taken place at 1026 N Beckeley!!
Mr. BELIN. How long had you been at the house when the officers arrived?
Mr. JOHNSON. Oh, probably 30 minutes.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember about what time of the day they arrived?
Mr. JOHNSON. Well, it must have been around 1:30 or 2 o'clock--the best I remember.
Mr. BELIN.....How soon after you got home did the police come--approximately?
Mr. JOHNSON. I'd say within 30 minutes.
Mr. BELIN. All right. 30 minutes after you got home the Police came.
Mr. JOHNSON. Yes.---------------
Mr. BELIN. What did they say?
Mr. JOHNSON. Well, they wanted to see the records, and we showed them--the register, I mean--and we showed them the register. And then they searched his room.
The 'register' that was never produced to this day

Any Dallas County judge can sign a Dallas County warrant. RH states that Alexander
called Johnson. Where was Johnson? Who knows?
Apparently Bugliosi did not proof read the smelly dead fish in his book very well.
What say you...Bugliosi fans?