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Author Topic: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House  (Read 31942 times)

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #80 on: January 14, 2019, 11:40:44 AM »
Oswald was wearing shirt CE-151 to work according to the description of policeman Marion Baker that questioned him at the 'second floor' encounter and that Oswald said he changed his clothes after he got home.

Which is why relying on witness statements without corroborating evidence is not the best kind of evidence. CE-150 had a hole in the right elbow which Mary Bledsoe pointed out and the bus transfer ticket was found in the CE-150 shirt pocket.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #80 on: January 14, 2019, 11:40:44 AM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #81 on: January 14, 2019, 12:06:05 PM »
Which is why relying on witness statements without corroborating evidence is not the best kind of evidence. CE-150 had a hole in the right elbow which Mary Bledsoe pointed out and the bus transfer ticket was found in the CE-150 shirt pocket.

Oscar, how did Mrs Bledsoe see a hole in Oswald's shirt when he was, according to witnesses, wearing two jackets?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #82 on: January 14, 2019, 02:55:05 PM »
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry....To paraphrase dean Vernon Wormer of Animal House "Basing your opinions on bad information is no way to go through life, boy."

St. Oswald the Patsys' shirt CE-150 was composed of the following fibers; "Gray-black, dark blue and orange yellow cotton fibers. The orange-yellow and gray-black cotton fibers were of uniform shade and the dark blue fibers were of three different shades.. All the fibers were mercerized and of substantially uniform degree of twist." WR, page 591

".....Stombaugh found that a tiny tuft of fibers had caught on a jagged edge of the rifle's butt plate where it met the end of the wooden stock, and had adhered to this edge.....Stombaugh described these fibers as "fresh" ........Examination showed that the tuft was composed of six or seven orange- yellow, gray-black, and dark-blue cotton fibers. These fibers were compared with fiibers from the shirt, Commission Exhibit No. 150, which was also composed of orange-yellow, gray-black, and dark-blue cotton fibers. The orange-yellow and gray-black tuft fibers matched the comparable shirt fibers in all observable characteristics, i.e., shade and twist. The three dark-blue fibers matched two of the three shades of the dark-blue shirt fibers, and also matched the dark-blue fibers in degree of twist." WR, page 592

Contrary to your ill-advised claim that only one fiber (or thread) was found, the actual count is of the five types of fibers found in CE-150 four of the fibers found in the tuft on CE-139 matched.  So, yes. The odds of a fresh tuft of fibers found on CE-139 matching 90% of the fibers found on CE-150 is so low as to be a coincidence that the only logical conclusion is that the evidence presented above points directly at St. Oswald the Patsy having handled CE-139
while wearing CE-150. Add this evidence to all the other evidence that connects ownership of CE-139 to St. Oswald the Patsy, to ownership of CE-150 and of having worn that same shirt on the day of Nov 22, 1963, and all the evidence that points to CE-139 having fired the shots that killed JFK and wounded JBC, and you have solved the crime that links LHO to the murder of JFK and the wounding of JBC.

Lee Oswald the Patsys' shirt CE-150 was composed of the following fibers; "Gray-black, dark blue and orange yellow cotton fibers. The orange-yellow and gray-black cotton fibers were of uniform shade and the dark blue fibers were of three different shades.. All the fibers were mercerized and of substantially uniform degree of twist." WR, page 591

".....Stombaugh found that a tiny tuft of fibers had caught on a jagged edge of the rifle's butt plate where it met the end of the wooden stock, and had adhered to this edge.....Stombaugh described these fibers as "fresh" ........Examination showed that the tuft was composed of six or seven orange- yellow, gray-black, and dark-blue cotton fibers. These fibers were compared with fiibers from the shirt, Commission Exhibit No. 150, which was also composed of orange-yellow, gray-black, and dark-blue cotton fibers. The orange-yellow and gray-black tuft fibers matched the comparable shirt fibers in all observable characteristics, i.e., shade and twist. The three dark-blue fibers matched two of the three shades of the dark-blue shirt fibers, and also matched the dark-blue fibers in degree of twist." WR, page 592

Question for you... Mr Narvarroo ( who lives in a zoo)

It is a fact that Lee went to his room and changed his shirt and trousers at about 1:00PM ....  President Kennedy was murdered at 12:30 PM which was about a half hour prior to Lee's visit to his room to change his clothes...

The FBI claimed the tuft of fibers matched the shirt that Lee Was wearing AT THE THEATER....... They apparently didn't know that Lee had changed his shirt, and they assumed that it was the same shirt that he was wearing at the time the carcano rifle was allegedly being fired at JFK.  They thought that the tuft of fibers would link Lee Oswald to the alleged murder weapon.

But even a addled brained dunce could probably understand that the tuft of fibers should have matched the shirt that Lee had left in the rooming house and NOT the shirt that he was wearing at the time of his arrest....

IF the fibers matched the shirt that Lee was wearing when he was arrested then it's obvious that those fibers got on the butt plate of the carcano AFTER both the rifle and the shirt were in the hands of the police.....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #82 on: January 14, 2019, 02:55:05 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #83 on: January 14, 2019, 05:01:30 PM »
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry....To paraphrase dean Vernon Wormer of Animal House "Basing your opinions on bad information is no way to go through life, boy."

St. Oswald the Patsys' shirt CE-150 was composed of the following fibers; "Gray-black, dark blue and orange yellow cotton fibers. The orange-yellow and gray-black cotton fibers were of uniform shade and the dark blue fibers were of three different shades.. All the fibers were mercerized and of substantially uniform degree of twist." WR, page 591

".....Stombaugh found that a tiny tuft of fibers had caught on a jagged edge of the rifle's butt plate where it met the end of the wooden stock, and had adhered to this edge.....Stombaugh described these fibers as "fresh" ........Examination showed that the tuft was composed of six or seven orange- yellow, gray-black, and dark-blue cotton fibers. These fibers were compared with fiibers from the shirt, Commission Exhibit No. 150, which was also composed of orange-yellow, gray-black, and dark-blue cotton fibers. The orange-yellow and gray-black tuft fibers matched the comparable shirt fibers in all observable characteristics, i.e., shade and twist. The three dark-blue fibers matched two of the three shades of the dark-blue shirt fibers, and also matched the dark-blue fibers in degree of twist." WR, page 592

Contrary to your ill-advised claim that only one fiber (or thread) was found, the actual count is of the five types of fibers found in CE-150 four of the fibers found in the tuft on CE-139 matched.  So, yes. The odds of a fresh tuft of fibers found on CE-139 matching 90% of the fibers found on CE-150 is so low as to be a coincidence that the only logical conclusion is that the evidence presented above points directly at St. Oswald the Patsy having handled CE-139
while wearing CE-150. Add this evidence to all the other evidence that connects ownership of CE-139 to St. Oswald the Patsy, to ownership of CE-150 and of having worn that same shirt on the day of Nov 22, 1963, and all the evidence that points to CE-139 having fired the shots that killed JFK and wounded JBC, and you have solved the crime that links LHO to the murder of JFK and the wounding of JBC.

My Dear Oscar...  It is with deep regret that I'm compelled to deliver to you... bad news.....

Please review  the reports of the witnesses at the scene of the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit,  And also check  the DPD radio description of the man who was wanted for shooting JD Tippit.   

I believe you'll find that the man was wearing a WHITE shirt.....

What color was Lee Oswald's shirt when he was dragged from the theater?

It is with deep regret that I'm compelled to point out that Mr Oswald's shirt was NOT WHITE.....

With deep regret and sympathy...


Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #84 on: January 15, 2019, 11:04:45 PM »
What needs explaining?

Mary Bledsoe positively identified the shirt well before her deposition. Well before she was ever asked to give a deposition actually. She was shown the shirt on Dec 4, 1963 by two FBI agents and, because of the hole in the right elbow, was able to positively identify it for them. She did not receive notification that she was required to appear before the Commission until March 1964.

When was it proven that LHO wore CE 150 to the TSBD on the morning of November 22?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #84 on: January 15, 2019, 11:04:45 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #85 on: January 15, 2019, 11:11:05 PM »
When was it proven that LHO wore CE 150 to the TSBD on the morning of November 22?

When was it proven..

There was a trial?

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #86 on: January 15, 2019, 11:16:48 PM »
When was it proven..

There was a trial?

So that is a no. Got it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #86 on: January 15, 2019, 11:16:48 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: O H Lee and the Beckley Rooming House
« Reply #87 on: January 15, 2019, 11:26:06 PM »
So that is a no. Got it.

'Brown shirt, silver stripes'--- William Whaley*

Got it?

*You know, the guy that drove the cab