Why R U glad? Baker said the man was in his thirties and weighed about 165 pounds, with dark hair and he was wearing a light brown or tan jacket. That does not=CE-150 but does = CE-151. What is not understood there? Baker merely called the long sleeve shirt worn openly a jacket.Warren Commission---Witnesses! Identify this damn shirt!
Witnesses----OK if you want... but I can't be sure 
It's important to point out that there are TWO individuals involved ..... The man that Baker saw WALKING AWAY FROM THE STAIRS in the DIMLY LIT third or fourth floor was wearing a tan Jacket .... This man was about thirty years old and weighed about 165 pounds with dark hair ....
The Other man was Lee Oswald who Baker saw walking by at the time he was writing his affidavit....Baker DID NOT recognize or identify Lee as the man that he saw on either third or fourth floor....and he said that the Shirt that Lee was wearing in the police station did NOT look like the jacket that he had seen the third floor man wearing.
Mr. BELIN - Handing you what has been marked as Commission Exhibit 150, would this appear to be anything that you have ever seen before?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; I believe that is the shirt that he had on when he came (
back to me when I called out and commanded him to "come here". I wouldn't be sure of that. It seemed to me like that other shirt was a little bit darker than that whenever I saw (Lee Oswald) in the homicide office there.