Suicide by Cop!
1. After being denied entry into Russia, Oswald went full on Kook and slashed his wrist creating a 2 inch gash which rendered him unconscious, produced copious amounts of blood and required stitches. Now I'm aware that there is some speculation that the suicide attempt was just for show but to those that believe this I dare you to start slashing at your wrist and recreate a 2 inch wound that bleeds excessively, knocks you out and requires stitches and then if you live try and convince your local shrink that you are A'OK! Btw do secret agents usually mutilate their own bodies in some type of ritualistic rite of passage?
Not Oswald.But no need for speculation In Oswald's "Historic Diary" he tells us in his own words he is ready to die!
Oct. 21 (morning). Meeting with single official. Balding stout, black suit fairly good English, asks what do I want? I say Soviet citizenship. He ask why I give vague answers about "Great Soviet Union." He tells me "USSR only great in Literature," wants me to go back home. I am stunned; I reiterate. He says he shall check and let me know whether my visa will be (extended it expires today).
Eve. 6.00 Receive word from police official. I must leave country tonight at 8.00 P.M. as visa expires. I am shocked!! My dreams! I retire to my room. I have $100. left. I have waited for 2 years to be accepted. My fondest dreams are shattered because of a petty official; because of bad planning. I planned too much! 7.00 P.M. I decide to end it. Soak wrist in cold water to numb the pain. Then slash my left wrist. Then plug wrist into bathtub of hot water. I think "when Rima comes at 8 to find me dead, it will be a great shock." Somewhere, a violin plays, as I watch my life whirl away. I think to myself, "how easy to die" and a sweet death, (to violins). About 8.00, Rima finds my unconscious (bathtub water a rich red color). She screams (I remember that) and runs for help. Ambulance comes, am taken to hospital where five stitches are put in my wrists. Poor Rima stays by my side as interpreter (my Russian is still very bad) far into the night. I tell her, "go home" (my mood is bad) but she stays, she is "my friend" She has a strong will. Only at this moment I notice she is pretty.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. In the Walker note in early 1963 Oswald tells us again he is prepared to die "
If I am taken alive...", so again Oswald is willing to die for what he believes.

3. In the Texas theater there was a stack of Police and apparently many were openly carrying shotguns/rifles so instead of innocently just letting his revolver be seized and answer a few questions, Oswald instead pulls the trigger and tries to go out like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid.
