Clearly. Suicide by light injury.
Yeah, clear as mud. Define what the doctor in his experience meant by a "light injury" as compared to say a "heavy injury"?
For instance Dr Iacoletti tell us in your own words what type of injury is seen in the following photos, light or heavy?

Not Oswald.
I reckon every injury has to be viewed in context from the many wounds that the doctor must have seen, the first photo above would be heavy, the next is not life threatening and is only medium and the slashed wrist in comparison is significantly smaller and would have be to viewed as a light wound, that if caught early enough only requires some stitches to repair, much like Oswald. Oswald was unconscious and had already lost enough blood to make a Woman Scream!
Btw let's not lose sight of the most important evidence, the Doctor never wavered from insisting that Oswald slashing his wrists was a
suicide attempt and
Oswald himself also admitted that it was a suicide attempt but Iacoletti for some reason thinks he knows better than Oswald's doctor and Oswald himself. Wow!