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Author Topic: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy  (Read 40719 times)

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« on: December 22, 2018, 06:02:44 PM »
Lets for arguments sake assume LHO did take a shot at walker.

This is where it all comes undone. On one hand they are presenting this like a totally innocent coincidence where they get him the job by chance and good intent but on the other is the walker evidence being revealed after the fact showing him to be an aspiring assassin all along.

So which one is it? You can?t have both.

Oh and BTW the route was changed, security was relaxed, the roof was off and the rear seats were raised up.

You wanna talk about getting Dracula a job at the blood bank?

What are the odds of this? any city in america,any route,any building on said route,any vip,any day. Thats one lucky lone gunman.He waited 5 weeks for his unlikely opportunity. So when was the last time a sitting US president drove through Dealey Plaza? NEVER? A mathematical impossibility? So If DNA evidence is based on mathematical probability why isn't this real evidence?

So If I follow the logic here he might have worked there for 10 years before someone famous drove by.Or perhaps 25 years.He was not planning an execution he was saving up for June's shoe's.He was at work.working.

No I'm sorry this did NOT happen by chance like Ruth Paine and the WR say's.

This is real evidence (circumstantial) but undeniably strong as to a wider conspiracy In Dallas and it was provided by the Warren Commission.

She mention's Lee's problems getting a job but NEVER say's she got him the job.
Why isn't she overcome with guilt and grief?
She says "I wish I could have done something"
Well,you could have not gotten him the job!
then the world would never have heard of LHO - right?
He worked hard there for 4 weeks unaware that JFK was coming to Dallas.
She seems pretty cool and calm for a housewife who's clear actions just got the president murdered.

RP does not know about the rifle (but it is not hidden well wrapped in a blanket.)
She had the FBI come to her home to question the Oswalds. (who were under active federal surveillance)
LHO was known to intelligence.Hardly a "nobody"
She tries to portray herself as just an "observer" but she has played VERY active role in this getting LHO the job and revealing evidence to investigators.
After the fact she becomes a "spy" and finds the damning walker confession.
She is super pro lone gunman and helps bury Oswald to the media.

The TSBD was not just a building on the route but a perfect building to shoot from under these perfect conditions. (open top, slow speed, no detail) Think about that. He didn't even call about the job himself and If the government?s evidence is true and correct he would not have known until around the Tuesday at the very earliest that the motorcade went anywhere near his building (So with only 2 full days to prepare)

Mrs. PAINE - ?And the subject of his looking for work and that he hadn't found work for a week, came up while we were having coffee, the four young mothers at Mrs. Roberts' house, and Mrs. Randle mentioned that her younger brother, Wesley Frazier thought they needed another person at the Texas School Book Depository where Wesley worked.? WC Testimony

a lie, she did not. Then she claimed to LMR that Buell was going to ask for her, another lie.The DPD were very rough on Buell Frazier.

Mrs. RANDLE ?Mrs. Paine said that, I had told Wesley that he might--that she said he was going to call over there. In fact, Mrs. Paine asked me if I would call and see if there was a job available and I told her, no, that I didn't know anybody over there, and if she wanted to call over the place she would have to do it because I didn't know if there was any job openings over there. ? WC Testimony.

I believe Buell Frazier and Linnie May Randle were manipulated by Mrs Paine and I also believe LMR felt she was being manipulated when RP tried to get her to call the TSBD on behalf of a virtual stranger. My opinion is she knew something was wrong being asked to do that.She had only met RP once or twice before.They were not ?close?.The testimony of Frazier and Randle, who each stated on two occasions that the bag they saw was much too short to have contained the rifle, even in its disassembled state. Frazier also claimed that the bag Oswald had carried was a standard grocery store bag.

The public only knew on the morning of the 19th (Tuesday) the motorcade route and it was depicted as going straight down main street. At this point lets just agree there is confusion over who printed what map when and If the route was changed at all, who approved it? Lets just say If you were a lone assassin you wouldn?t know where to shoot from or when exactly.

From the Evidence you have to charge Ruth Paine with conspiracy to murder don?t you? The rifle is kept at your house? You speak Russian? You got him the job.

If a DA can get Clay Shaw to trial surely RP qualify's too given the evidence.

October 16, 1963: LHO begins work at the TSBD. 5 Weeks.

Does he apply for a dozen jobs all along the motorcade route? No

Who are the ONLY people who might have foreknowledge of the route? The secret service,JFK administration and Officials of the city of Dallas.

Was the route changed? It doesn?t matter. The City of Dallas was ultimately responsible for the route. The secret service don?t plan the route in someone else?s town.

Who did LHO work for? The city of Dallas.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 03:24:03 AM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« on: December 22, 2018, 06:02:44 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2018, 07:57:07 PM »

Seeing as how George DeMohrenschildt effectively handed Oswald off to Russophile Ruthie, and how GdM was probably a long-term "KGB" "illegal" (according to CI/SIG analyst Edward Clare Petty), I suspect that Ruthie was KGB, as well.

-- Tommy  :)

« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 08:00:48 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Steve Howsley

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2018, 08:19:05 PM »
55 years have passed and you guys have nothing. Do you think when the 100th anniversary comes around there will be something that might cast serious suspicion in the mind of a serious, smart unbiased investigator from the new generation coming through?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2018, 08:19:05 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2018, 08:33:30 PM »
55 years have passed and you guys have nothing. Do you think when the 100th anniversary comes around there will be something that might cast serious suspicion in the mind of a serious, smart unbiased investigator from the new generation coming through?

55 years have passed and you still can't prove with evidence that Oswald did it.  Will you ever be able to?

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2018, 10:08:12 PM »
She started training in Russian in 1957
Her family is heavily involved in intelligence
If her family was intell and she is learning Russian in Texas
She is obviously being groomed as a
US Counter Intelligence agent for the CIA
Handed off by the obviously CIA GdM
RP was smart enough to not make the same mistake George did
IMO a legitimate CIA operation monitoring the Oswald's

Is it your contention this murder fell into Oswalds's lap  by chance?
I don't mind you challenging this - but what do you have to offer?
I have shown my hand - what do you have?

BTW I am an unbiased investigator
I do not consider myself part of a group at all
I have simply gone where the evidence took me
It brought me to Mrs Paine

I can't say 100% who shot at JFK but I do know 100% who didn't.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 10:14:27 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2018, 10:08:12 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2018, 10:43:05 PM »

"[Oswald was] [h]anded off by the obviously CIA GdM."


Edward Clare Petty, who had come to believe that James Angleton was working for the KGB (LOL), told author Richard Russell that he thought DeMohrenschildt was a long-term KGB "illegal".

From one of my posts on another forum:

According Richard Russell, CI/SIG officer Clare Edward Petty told him there were some Venona intercepts that indicated to Petty that GdM might have been a Ruskie spy.
"Clare Petty, a former official on Angleton's staff, told me that shortly before his CIA retirement in 1974, he was examining a potential de Mohrenschildt link to some Soviet cipher traffic first intercepted by American intelligence in World War II. Known as the VENONA material, 'it Was only partially broken,' according to Petty, including lots of agent cryptonyms that we never found out to whom they applied. I had started to consider the possibility of whether a certain Soviet illegal might have been de Mohrenschildt. It was clear that whoever was being described in the codes had been in the United States, went to Mexico during he war, and was a real wheeler-dealer. He also had another nationality; my recollection is that it was Polish.'"

-- The Man Who Knew Too Much,  Dick Russell pp. 273

Hmm. Let's see, the KGB agent ...

1 )  Was from Poland, or some other northern Slavic country
2 )  Was in the U.S. before WW II
3 )  Went to Mexico during WW II
4 )  Was a real wheeler-dealer
Hmm ...

1 ) George "von" Mohrenschildt was born in Mazyr, Belarus, about 300 miles east of the Polish border
2 )  He immigrated to the U.S. in May, 1938.
3 )  He and his girlfriend, Lilia Larin, lived in Mexico for several months in 1942, and then returned to the U.S.
4 )  He was a wheeler-dealer. (Insurance Salesman, His Own Art Work, Sugar Speculator, Oil Speculator, Film Producer ...) 

--  Tommy  [:sun]
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 12:33:42 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Eddie Haymaker

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2018, 11:12:41 PM »
Why would the Russians want to kill JFK?

and replace him with a "screaming hawk" like LBJ?

JFK is giving them everything they want

the Jupiter missiles are gone

No sorry, not on board with that

This was a coup d'etat by the RIGHT

There is no "left" involved

Thats why LHO is a square peg in a round hole
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 11:14:33 PM by Eddie Haymaker »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2018, 11:48:03 PM »
Why would the Russians want to kill JFK?

and replace him with a "screaming hawk" like LBJ?

JFK is giving them everything they want

the Jupiter missiles are gone

No sorry, not on board with that

This was a coup d'etat by the RIGHT

There is no "left" involved

Thats why LHO is a square peg in a round hole


Have you read the page from Mark Reibling's book "Wedge" that I laboriously typed out and posted on another thread about a month ago?

Here's the thread.

Feel free to reply to it, there (near the bottom of page 2, this forum).


-- Tommy  :),1444.0.html

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine - Absolutely part of a conspiracy
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2018, 11:48:03 PM »