Tom - from the very same link you posted:
If she married a foreigner to come over to play spy all plans were shattered with the assassination of John Kennedy. The KGB wanted no part of that. For the Warren Commission she went along with the flow. Now she says her late husband was innocent of any crime. In the Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts, she comes off as a dunderhead, not remembering anything or knowing much of anything. She comes off strangely detached from all of the events around her. One can read, ?I don?t know?? without end.
Marina knows plenty but playing dumb works.
It's possible she was some kind of agent but the above dashes it IMO. Why? Because if Russia was really trying to kill Kennedy, it makes no logical sense to have one of their so-called own be so close to that murder.
Who says the KGB sent her over here, with a deadbeat husband and an infant, to spy?
Spy on what?
Bell Helicopter?
The Diaper Industry?
Regardless, the KGB has always had a lot of excellent actors, and I'm convinced Marina was one of them.
Take, for example, false defector Yuri Nosenko, triple-agent Aleksei Kulak ("Fedora" who fooled JEH for fifteen years), triple-agent Dimitri Polyakov (who, after he had left the U.S. and was stationed in Burma/India, actually
did start secretly working for the CIA, was arrested years later in Moscow by the KGB and executed for his troubles), and triple-agent Igor Kochnov (who didn't dupe Angleton -- who tried to "play" him -- but still managed to lure a true defector in the U.S. back to Vienna to be kidnapped by KGB).
Oscar-winning performances, all, Michael, and those are just a few examples.
-- Tommy

PS If you want to have some fun, google ( arrest polyakov ) and watch the video ...