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Author Topic: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?  (Read 37898 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2019, 05:00:26 AM »
The Single Bullet Theory...
But it is still just a theory...a could have been. There could have been other shots from other shooters...also a theory. Neither theory was really explored much it seems. CE 399 was worshiped as the one true explanation of everything and so the story ends.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2019, 05:00:26 AM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2019, 05:07:32 AM »
But it is still just a theory...a could have been. There could have been other shots from other shooters...also a theory. Neither theory was really explored much it seems. CE 399 was worshiped as the one true explanation of everything and so the story ends.

The "other shots from other shooters" theory has no support. There's no evidence for it and it doesn't stand up at all under any scrutiny. CE399 wasn't worshiped. It just was. It exists. It is evidence that fits very well with the Single Bullet Theory.

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2019, 09:00:36 AM »
The "other shots from other shooters" theory has no support. There's no evidence for it and it doesn't stand up at all under any scrutiny. CE399 wasn't worshiped. It just was. It exists. It is evidence that fits very well with the Single Bullet Theory.

How come there was no DNA on the MB?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2019, 09:00:36 AM »

Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2019, 05:32:24 PM »
Well, here are some witnesses on the north Elm sidewalk near the Stemmons sign.

    "The motorcade had just passed me when I heard something that
     I thought was a firecracker at first, and the President had just
     passed me, because after he had just passed, there was a loud report,
     it just scared me, and I noticed that the President jumped, he sort
     of ducked his head down, and I thought at the time that it probably
     scared him too, just like it did me, because he flinched like he jumped.
     I saw him put his elbows like this, with his hands on his chest."
          -- Jean Newman

Newman is a two-shot witness. She's described the jump-and-duck shot occurring when "the motorcade had just passed" and before the head shot. Her Nov 24th affidavit states: "A car carrying the President and another person had just passed her when she heard a report and saw the President jump. raising his hands to his chest area."
She was a two shot witness in the sense that she could recall only two shots for sure.  She did say to the FBI that she could not be sure that there were not additional shots.

In any event, she is still a "JFK reacted to the first shot" witness.  Your speculation that the first shot did not register with her is not evidence. Your premise that someone can hear an ear-shattering noise and then another a few seconds later and forget that they heard the first one is, on its face, a bit absurd.  You would need some empirical evidence that this can and does occur often in humans. 

The motorcade (ie: limousine) was still in front of Newman at Z195. Much of the front of the car was pass her position by Z223.
As far as I can determine, Jean Newman was the woman to the left of the space and to the right of the man with the black hat (Ernie Brandt) in between the lamppost and the Thornton sign. She was opposite the President at about z197.  Newman said that the first shot occurred as the motorcade had just passed her.  That puts the first shot in the same place that dozens of others put it.  In fact, not a single witness puts the shot anywhere near z160 where you put it and others definitively put it much later (for example: Hughes stopped filming about z187 and said he stopped before it; Betzner said it was after his z186 photo; motorcade witnesses said the VP car had just finished its turn and the VP security car was almost finished its turn - both are still turning at z191).
In a letter written Nov. 22, 1963, June Dishong wrote: "here come the president and his wife?His arm in the air waving?He drops his arm as they go by, possibly 20 feet. Suddenly--a sound.  Gun shots? So hard to tell above the clamor of the crowd. The president bent forward into his wife?s lap as his arm slipped off the side of the car."

The President drops his right arm as he goes behind the sign, which is after your Z195 shot.
And where do you see that occur before z206?  His arm appears to have dropped slightly by z206 from its highest position at z193.

A Z150s first shot would be lost in memory ("So hard to tell above the clamor of the crowd").
A "horrible ear-shattering noise" was forgotten within 3 seconds? What on earth are you basing that on? This is not only speculation, it is speculation that is contrary to normal human experience.  People observe/hear things and just because they don't understand immediately what caused it doesn't mean it vanishes from their consciousness.

A Z195 shot would have occurred before he lowered his arm and was so near to Dishing, I doubt it would be lost to "the clamor of the crowd". Dishong recalls him reacting after he lowered his arm and when he was near to her. This is more supportive of a shot heard at Z223 than Z195.
June Dishong was about 4-5 feet from Jean Newman - a one-person space plus one person between them, which puts the President directly opposite her at about z200.

She did not give a statement to the FBI but she did write out a vivid description of the events - undated but apparently written shortly after the events.  It came to light only after her death in 1998.  You have given part of what she said but here is a bit more to provide context:

Quote from: June Dishong handwritten statement
A pink suit. Pill box hat to match. Black hair just as we had seen them so many times on T.V. - it was beautiful.

He drops his arm as they go by - possibly 20 feet. Suddenly - a sound. Gun shots? So hard to tell above the clamor of the crowd.

The President bent forward into his wife?s lap as his arm slipped off the side of the car. Jackey circled him with her arm. Another shot. Panic among the people. Woman with children. Parents pushing them to the ground. No one knows where the shots are coming from.

(page 7)

A cry. The President has been shot.

A third shot. People scatter.
The source is from a post by Don Roberdeau who is pretty reliable.

Karen Westbrook said the first shot occurred as the President waved towards them ("She was leaning over the President and pulling her hair out of her eyes as they were waving to us. And that is the image that I remember when the first shot was fired..."). We have to assume it was only the President waving and that Westbrook misinterpreted Jackie doing something with her hair; that's what the Zapruder film suggests as the car approached Westbrook).

The President is turned her way and about to wave by Z160 (roughly a quarter-second after a late-Z150s shot). By Z195, Westbrook can't see Mrs. Kennedy and the President isn't looking her way.

After the first shot was fired I saw the President's hands gradually come up".

Between Z162 and Z193, the President's right hand gradually raises up fairly high ("I thought he was going to hold up his hands and say 'Ah, you got me.'")
?? That's your take?  He was smiling and waving - hardly looking like he had been shot!! Westbrook was to the immediate left of June Dishong so she was opposite JFK around z198-200.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2019, 06:23:51 PM »
  CE399 wasn't worshiped. It just was. It exists. It is evidence that fits very well with the Single Bullet Theory.
It just was. It exists. ---- So does BS:
"It is evidence that fits"- [Like 20 lbs of crap in a 5 lb sack]
Real evidence..testimony of a credible witness. Beginning at a line from the previous page....
we just made the turn when I heard what I thought was a [rifle] shot..I turned to my right
the rest here...
It destroys the SBT. Resistance is futile

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2019, 06:23:51 PM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2019, 06:30:41 PM »
It just was. It exists. ---- So does BS:
"It is evidence that fits"- [Like 20 lbs of crap in a 5 lb sack]
Real evidence..testimony of a credible witness. Beginning at a line from the previous page....the rest here...
It destroys the SBT. Resistance is futile

I'm sorry, what? You're going to have to explain to me how Connally's WC testimony destroys the SBT. Because I don't see it. In fact, I see just the opposite.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2019, 07:49:30 PM »
The central hole does not appear to be very big.  The large dent could result from the smaller projectile impacting the metal frame and spreading the metal apart.  A .45 calibre bullet is 11 mm in diameter or about 7/16 of an inch - almost half an inch.   I have a feeling that a .45 bullet striking that frame would do much more damage than that.

Here's a question: if there was an elaborate conspiracy, why would the plan be to use a handgun - and then have such a poor shooter miss by so much?

I have a feeling that a .45 bullet striking that frame would do much more damage than that.

Mr Mason...You are ill prepared to evaluate and dis cuss the dent in the chrome molding....

A 45 ACP cartridge was designed to STOP a foe or enemy...  It was NOT designed to penetrate .....the heavy ( 230 grains) soft lead bullet  traveling at subsonic velocity of 850 fps has a walloping 400 ft pounds of energy.

The cartridge was not designed to penetrate Thus it merely dented the steel molding .....

PS.... It was NOT fired from a handgun....

Nobody said anything about a hand gun.... 

Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2019, 09:00:59 PM »
I have a feeling that a .45 bullet striking that frame would do much more damage than that.

Mr Mason...You are ill prepared to evaluate and dis cuss the dent in the chrome molding....

A 45 ACP cartridge was designed to STOP a foe or enemy...  It was NOT designed to penetrate .....the heavy ( 230 grains) soft lead bullet  traveling at subsonic velocity of 850 fps has a walloping 400 ft pounds of energy.

The cartridge was not designed to penetrate Thus it merely dented the steel molding .....

PS.... It was NOT fired from a handgun....

Nobody said anything about a hand gun....
Can you provide us with the make and model of a rifle that could fire .45 calibre bullets and was made in or prior to 1963?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Magic Bullet - Fact or Fiction?
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2019, 09:00:59 PM »