Let me guess. Your "tests" were contrived to make a 35" inch package almost touch the ground, right? >>> Watch your mouth. And you guess way too much. And do the math yourself. I held the 35" object straight down at my side and right near the top, with my arm at full length.
I can make a two-foot bag almost touch the ground too if I hold it the right way.>>> Show us that little trick. Show us where I used a 2ft bag. And just how many inches is ‘close’ to you… or are you JAQ again. The ‘right way’ has the bag almost touching the ground.
Are you forgetting that Linnie Mae did her own test?>>> Is she Oswald’s height and did her 2ft bag almost touch the ground?
Oh yeah, how does one fit a 40-inch rifle in your 35-inch bag and fold the top over>>> What bag? My 35” narrow object represents the length of a broken-down Carcano.
It was a leading question. And Specter had a vested interest in what size he reported.>> Specter had a vested interest on how a bag seen to almost touch the ground could now be the size of somebody’s lunch bag.
No, I'm asking you if Specter's 2.5" estimate of what Euins was demonstrating on his own head actually matches Oswald's hairline. If the size of Oswald's hairline gap is not 2.5" then all bets are off.>>> No. It’s an estimation. Plus thinning hair in strong sunlight will reveal more skin making the spot appear larger.
Yep. "Right along in here" doesn't mean much in written text.>>> In isolation, no. In this case it locates the spot.
No, you're being transparently hypocritical and applying a different standard to yourself.>>> Point out any hypocrisy on my part.
..and that means receding hairline, why, exactly? Just because you want it to be?>>> Take a look at Oswald’s hairline over the years and tell us his hairline wasn’t in retreat. And plenty of mention of ‘receding hair’ re Oswald on google groups over the years.
Another useless attempt at being "clever". Nobody saw a receding hairline either. Or Oswald.>>> And yet you called my Satan/Oswald bit 'creative' the other day. Anyway, stop splitting hairs: you brainiacs keep playing this ‘bald spot’-dictionary-meaning thing and I’m going to mock you.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, did you get a very good look at that man, Amos?
Mr. EUINS. No, sir; I did not.>>> He’s never said that he could ID anyone, only that he saw a white spot on a head
Go find a shooter with a bald spot. "Coulda meant Oswald" is hardly conclusive proof of anything.
>>> That’s your job. We have a guy with the spot Euins described. Better not show up with an sn shooter completely bald or with an Afro is what I’m sayin’.