Here is what Hosty wrote about the note (this is from the book "Assignment Oswald"):

The KGB officers who met Oswald (well before Hosty interviewed Marina) when he went to Mexico City said he was upset and angry about "the notorious FBI" (his words) and that he showed them a revolver that he said he needed to protect himself.
John Fain, the first FBI agent that the Oswalds were assigned to, said that Oswald was surly and uncooperative when he was first interviewed. But he was more cooperative on the second. Fain said he also interviewed Marguerite and Robert.
And, from what I've read, the radical left publications that Oswald read carried stories critical of the FBI's practices. We can add Marina's account in the Priscilla McMillan book. Nowhere does she mention Hosty trying to seduce her.
So, it seems that Oswald could have been angry at Hosty for reasons having nothing to do with his idea that he was trying to seduce Marina.

Hosty wrote the book long after the fact....and naturally he would put the spin he wanted on that note....
Do you really believe that lee would have been livid with Hosty when they came face to face if what he writes in
Assignment Oswald is the truth???..... I seriously doubt that simply asking Marina questions about his employment and where he had a room would have caused Lee to accuse Hosty of "accosting" marina, and threatening to file a complaint.
Marina's account in the Priscilla McMillan book. Nowhere does she mention Hosty trying to seduce her. In the book
Marina and Lee CIA agent Pricilla Mc Millian says that Marina really liked that nice FBI agent ( Hosty)
Lee was trying to tell her to beware of the FBI.....but she was very supportive of Hosty. and described him as being "very nice"......But less than a month later after the murder of her husband Lee, she wouldn't even talk to Hosty.... and Robert Oswald who was there a Six Flags detected Marina's animosity toward Hosty..... Why the change??
Another point that should be mentioned id WHERE AND WHEN did Marina get Hosty's car license plate number so that she could give it to Lee? Lee had that number in his address book.... The Warren Commission tried to determine how Marina was able to obtain Hosty's license number and were unable to discover how she had accomplished that....
Perhaps the nice FBI agent paid a visit to Marina when Ruth Paine was away on an errand ......