Are you serial? Didn't the Cuban missile crisis teach you anything? You gotta at least have the nuclear football on hand if a commie assassinates your POTUS.
PS Prove that Gearhart was aboard AF1 with the football. Citing Manchester doesn't cut it. Johnson didn't give a sh@t about the football even though he left Parkland railing against the commies for assassinating JFK. But as Nixon proclaimed, LBJ was an animal and capable of anything. Especially given the choice between going to jail or becoming the POTUS . He was Texas mob all the way, as was his henchman, Malcolm Wallace. Are you actually defending LBJ? LOL
-- Jackster 
Who told you swarthy, 53 year-old, glasses-wearing Ira D. Gearhart wasn't on AF1 with Johnson?
Roger Stone or his lackey, Robert Morrow? Jerome Corsi? Alex Jones? James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio or one of his Tinfoil Hat-Wearing acolytes?
Got a
reliable source?
You can see Gearhart's full dark-complected face (with both lenses of his glasses visible) in the famous photo showing LBJ leaning over to "console" Jackie. Tommy

PS What's the matter, Jack, is Manchester too "Deep State" for you?
Larry Hancock at the EF thinks highly of him.