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Author Topic: Did C.E.P. Destroy The Lives of People Who Shouldn't Even Have Been Suspected?  (Read 7818 times)

Offline Thomas Graves

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Old Codger, who do you think fed Suzy or Morley what they reported?

I have no idea, Master Eighteen-Points Inscrutable.

Joseph Stalin from the grave?

James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio?

Michael "Gas-X" Clark?

Nosenko fooled some of the Langley folks ...

Yeah.  Richard "Possible Mole" Kovich, Leonard McCoy, John Hart, George "Possible Mole" Kisevalter, William Colby, ...

... and Bagley fooled all of the Langley folks except Petty.

How so? In correctly claiming that Nosenko was a false defector, or in somehow "hiding" the "fact" that he (Bagley) was a "mole," Master Eighteen-Points Inscrutable?  LOL


Regardless, your beloved Peter Dale Scott's mind was working beautifully last March when he "got" that GRU colonel Pyotr Popov was betrayed to the KGB in early 1957 by his former dead-drop handler in Moscow, honey-trapped traitor Edward Ellis Smith, and he "got it" (with a big smile on his face and a look of wonderment in his eyes) when John Newman explained the great lengths KGB had gone to to protect Smith after that, including letting Popov continue to give valuable information to CIA for a year after he was (unbeknownst to him) uncovered, and how the KGB secretly arrested Popov in Moscow in November 1958 and "tripled" him in order to feed the CIA some Edward Ellis Smith-obfuscating/deflecting information before they finally arrested him (Popov) publicly a year later in October 1959, "tried" him, and executed him.

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

PS  I mean, my God, man, haven't you watched John Newman's two-part "Spy Wars" presentation on youtube (from last March in San Francisco)? Why don't you watch it and judge for yourself the state of Dr. Scott's mind, based on his reaction I described, above, and on the quality of the questions he asked and the statements he made near the end of Part II (while James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio was undoubtedly still picking his nose on the other side of the table).

Caveat: I disagree, of course, with most everything PDS says at the end of Newman's presentation, and I believe he does make one factual error about what was said during "the Tuesday call"  -- see if you can catch it.

Part II

« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 04:46:58 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Thomas Graves

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Dear Master Eighteen-Points Inscrutable,

Please just ... spit it out.

I mean, I mean, I mean've been composing that "Beautiful Mind" collage of yours for about two hours now!

The whole world is waiting, Mast.

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

PS  Got enough string, rubber bands, and scotch tape to "connect" everything?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 03:45:08 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Where-oh-where did Master-Inscrutable go?

The last time I checked (about eight hours ago) he was ... gasp ... still still still still ...

"Posting on Did C.E.P. Destroy The Lives Of People Who Shouldn't Even Have Been Suspected?"

(Did he decide that discretion really is the better part of valor?)

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy :)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 11:58:46 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum