Are we discussing C.E.P. or E.C.P.?
A bit stingy with the wiggle room, aren't we? Is this not a question of competence, of reliable analysis?
Amusing Url.....
From the Master Debater website article you quoted:
"It should not go unremarked that Clare Petty made his case [against Angleton?] and resigned from the CIA in 1974, the same year that John Le Carre published Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, a novel advancing the premise that British intelligence had been similarly compromised on the highest level for much of the cold war. If Petty has ever been asked about this fictional synchronicity, the results remain unpublished. Strange resonance aside,
his report was instrumental in giving William Colby the leverage to get Angleton out of power and radically remake the Agency."
Which report was that, Tom? Can you post a link to it, here?
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS. It's interesting that another website I came across about an hour ago says Petty never seriously considered JJA to be a "mole."
If true, then Petty was quite a decent chap, after all.
PPS Can you give me any more specifics? Like the names of the people involved in that Canadian homing pidgeon case, for example?