FBI Agent Bookout's statement that Lee said that he witnessed Jarman and Norman.... "walking through" the lunchroom makes no sense given the layout, but "walking by" does.
That's absolutely right and reasonable.... The 1st floor lunchroom had windows on the east and north sides of the room.....And Jarman and Norman would have walked by those windows as they traveled to the back door of the TSBD as they were on their way to the fifth floor at about 12:26/ 12:27.
And Lee Oswald couldn't have avoided noticing them as they "walked by"
And so trying to use them by way of an alibi if he knew they were not near the lunchroom at that time makes no sense. Any fool would know the police would check and the alibi would easily be shown to be a lie. Especially as he had not mentioned the day before. in that interrogation he was eating alone, why now try to change to be eating with those two. Makes no sense.
However if the conversation went like this.....
Fritz: Lee you told me you were in the lunchroom........did you see anyone else when you were in there who might be able to verify your presence?
Oswald: Well the only other employees I saw were Junior and another short guy pass just before the commotion.
Kelley mistakenly assumes he meant he was eating lunch with the. Simple misunderstanding.
The real issue here is that the have 2 key witnesses who were prepared to lie about the presence of someone who was not in there presence. Who they also lie about someone they had seen but claimed not to? Especially if that someone was a dead commie accused Presidential assassin.