To the new member,
It's important not to speculate too much and too wildly. We simply don't know if LHO left in a rush or waltzed down the street after the shooting. Further - does it really matter? You also have to take LHO at his word - he said he was patsy; he said he was "out front with Shelley;" he said he went to "change his trousers and pick up his pistol." He said the backyard photos were fake and in time he could prove it. We should not cherry pick what he said to fit a certain plan that day. The whole key to the case and LHO is that he was steered into that job and that building because the planners had advance knowledge that the car was going to go by on 11/22.
It's important, too, to not get too carried away with ridiculous, outlandish and plain stupid wild and crazy theories. This whole conspiracy did not have to be carried out by hundreds of people; it was not necessary to have a bevy of mad scientists performing all manner of faking the photos and films; it was not necessary for evil agents to take the Z film and remove 67% of the frames from it to cover up "something" in the Z film (what that "something" was has never to this day been revealed); it was not necessary for mad doctors with scalpels at the ready to squirrel the president's body away enroute to Love, throw it down into the cargo hold, then sneak it out the back on the Andrews tarmac and onto a thrumming helicopter where all manner of body alterations took place; it was not necessary to have a LHO clone from way back in 1953, a clone that was discovered in eastern Europe no less, and this clone literally living in the real LHO's shadows for 10 years until 11/22. If you start falling for ridiculous stuff like this, then you might as well start believing the moon landings were fake.
For CTers who really and truly believe in this garbage, they simply cannot help themselves. For the Lone Nutters who, to this day, believe every single word the WC put out back in 1964, I think what it really boils down to for them is this - they simply don't like Kennedy, for whatever reason. He was rich; he was a playboy; his Dad was crooked; he was soft on Communism; he was a Democrat; he was too liberal; he supported African Americans and their civil rights; and on and on. In their warped way of thinking, because they simply don't like Kennedy, they absolutely refuse to open their eyes just a little bit to see the many discrepancies of the case. Put another way, If the shoe was literally on the other foot, that if it was a family member who had been murdered or one of their favorite all-time heroes, you can be sure they'd be combing through the reports looking for something contrary. But for Kennedy, in their mind, pbbtt - he doesn't "deserve" a fair and partial investigation of his murder.
I suggest you read George Michael Evica's books A Certain Arrogance and We Are All Mortal. They are free online. Also read Bill Simpich's State Secret, also free online. Pat Speer also has a great website where he covers pretty much the entire case in great detail.
Good luck.