Norman recalled that the motorcade was at main and never bothered mentioning the scene that was taking place on Houston? Doesn't that seem rather odd?
I think the point is that they left about that time....well after 12.20. Their journey takes them passed the lunchroom and about 2-3 minutes later they are in position on the fifth floor. Maybe it?s 12.25......don?t think it really matters. Williams then has to depart the SN and go down, joining them a minute or so later. This corroborates Rowland who claimed to have seen a coloured man in the SN prior to 12.25. It could not have been Norman and Jarman on the floor below. It also is consistent with Brennan who arrived in position about this time and saw two men on the fifth floor and a human form leaving the SN and returning. Both Brennan and Rowland reference the seizure event.
The sixth floor was crucial in the investigation from only minutes after the assassination. That is why Williams was at DPD when he saw Oswald brought in. Fritz had ordered Senkel to gather everyone who had been on the 6th floor that day to be brought in for questioning. On that day Williams says nothing about having been there. If his story is true he was there only a few minutes before the shots. Yet he mentions nothing of this. Dougherty does in his statement but the police do not realise the implications of his actions. Williams lunch was left in the SN and initially thought to be the assassin?s according to numerous media reports in the coming days.