Before I get to my response to this thread I read the Three Stooges thread and was impressed by your arguments and with the information provided, so kudos to you. It's too bad that it was temporarily hijacked by Tutti and Frutti but that can't be helped.
Nevertheless, I was not persuaded to adopt the conclusion you appear to have arrived at for the following reasons. BRW was very vague as to where he left the remains of the chicken lunch, the bag, and even the Dr. Pepper bottle. This ties in with Mooney's testimony as to where he found the chicken bone and the paper bag. He placed the chicken bone and the bag laying on the top of one of two boxes (see CE-513)
Mr. BALL - Does that show any place where you saw the chicken bone?
Mr. MOONEY - If I recall correctly, the chicken bone could have been laying on this box or it might have been laying on this box right here.
Mr. BALL - Make a couple of marks there to indicate where possibly the chicken bone was lying.
Mr. MOONEY - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Make two "X's". You think there was a chicken bone on the top of either one of those two?
Mr. MOONEY - There was one of them partially eaten. And there was a little small paper poke.
Mr. BALL - By poke, you mean a paper sack?
Mr. MOONEY - Right.
Mr. BALL - Where was that?
Mr. MOONEY - Saw the chicken bone was laying here. The poke was laying about a foot away from it.
Mr. BALL - On the same carton?
Mr. MOONEY - Yes, sir. In close relation to each other. But as to what was in the sack--it was kind of together, and I didn't open it. I didn't put my hands on it to open it. I only saw one piece of chicken.

These boxes marked by Mooney formed part of the wall of boxes between the SN and the area where BRW said he was during his stay on the sixth floor. BRW could just as easily have placed the chicken and the paper bag from outside the SN and not seen LHO in the SN if he was there during the time BRW was at the sixth floor. IMO, LHO could have been just about anywhere on the sixth floor and have made it to the SN from the time BRW left the sixth floor on his way down to the fifth floor to meet up with Junior and Norman without beeing seen by BRW. Where I don't believe LHO could have been was on the SW end of the sixth floor where Arnold Rowland says he saw someone with a rifle at about 12:15 p.m. because BRW had a clear line of sight from where he claimed to have been eating his lunch towards the west of the TSBD facing south. I also don't believe that Rowland saw a man who could have been BRW inside the SN because it's not recorded in any of the previous interviews before his testimony to the WC and never mentioned it to his wife. While Rowland was probably a nice young man he was prone to exxagerations and many of his other observations during his testimony were just fabrications.
As to Norman's and Jarman's statements these guys got together before their WC testimony and ironed out the differences in their statements because, IMO, they wanted to be as accurate as possible but not to come clean for past attempts to cover for BRW.

This is an authentic photo of the so called "Sniper's Nest" as it appeared at about 1:15 that afternoon....
Notice that there is a stack of three boxes of Rolling Readers within inches of the south wall and the window in that south wall is less than half way open.
The stack of three boxes ( "X" on top box) that are closer to the camera were about 1 foot from the stack of rolling Readers. And the boxes on the left were against the East wall. This should be enough to show how small and cramped the so called "Sniper's Nest" was....and the impossibility of anybody STANDING and firing a rifle from that site.
A)The window is not open wide enough to allow a standing gunman to fire down on to Elm street. ( The bullet would hit the cement ledge beneath the window)
B)He could not have stood behind the stack of rolling readers because there was room enough between the two stacks of boxes( the stacks with the two X's)
C) He could not have stood behind the taller stack of boxes with the X because He couldn't have declined the barrel of the rifle and he would have been too far back from the window and behind the stack of boxes so nobody ( Howard Brennan) could have seen him from the street in front of the TSBD.
D) He could not have been sitting on a box to the left ( along the east wall) and utilized the stack of Rolling Readers as a rifle rest because he could not have declined the barrel don and hit a target on Elm street.