If Oswald had been in the Domino room at 12:25, he must have come down, from the 2nd floor lunchroom, abandoning his favorite place to eat alone occasionally, just after Carolyn Arnold saw him still in the lunchroom possibly as late as 12:17. So why would Oswald leave his favorite place, to go down to Domino room? Was he worried that since Carolyn was one the 2nd floor office women, that she might inform Mrs Reid , the supervisor, that one of the workers was using the lunchroom instead of the Domino room, the designated place for floor workers to eat lunch?
Where exactly is Oswald when the shots are fired?
The timeline for Mrs Reid meeting Oswald 30 seconds after Baker Truly saw Oswald in the lunchroom, doesnt makes much sense to me, because of Oswald being seen in only a white T shirt, opening the door and seeing Mrs Reid, and CONTINUING into the office, and walkiing slowly, and just with an unopened coke too. This does not quite fit the logic that Oswald is supposed to be trying to get ouf the TSBD asap and was only interrupted by Baker and Truly in trying to accomplish that task.
This is why I suspect the Malcom Couch film is a composite film of the seqment of Couch film capturing Wiegman on the Grassy Knoll at approx 13 sec post shots, by reference of Wiegmans own film cut at that point, and another seqment of film by Couch or someone else, of Baker running to the TSBD. They had to do this to establish that Mrs Reid did not return into TSBD BEFORE Baker did, and that Mrs Reid may have started her return in to TSBD at about 10 sec post shots, if taking her WC testimony as reference to a specitc event: People BEGINNING to fall to the ground.
In the Malcom Couch film, supposedly beginning at 24 sec post shots, there is about a 5 sec pan past what appears to be Mrs Reid along with other office women. Mr.Campbell is no longer anywhere near Mrs Reid at this point in Couch film. But Mr Campbell can be seen running by the Stemmons freeway sign, at about same time as Couch captures Weigman turning on the Grassy knoll. This is at 8 sec into Couch film.
Mrs Reid does a total 180 degree turn, faces the TSBD and it looks like shes about to start back in, as is another 'stout" woman does. . But Couch pans away past Mrs Reid, by about 5 secs into his film. At approx 8 sec mark, captures Wiegman, another cameraman, on the Grassy Knoll. This point in Couch film cannot be 30 sec post last shot, because Wiegman turning around at that point, means he has just CUT his film sequence, which from the time of jumping off his car, after 2 shots fired, and cutting the film 15 secs from jumping from the car, means that cut occurs approx. 13 sec post last shot fired.
For Couch to have managed to record Weigman on the Grassy Knoll TURNING AROUND, ie: meaing, at the point in Wiegmans film, where Wiegman CUTS his film after approx 13-15 secs from having jumped from his car, and that event in Couch film occurs at the 8 sec mark into Couch film, defacto means that Couch MUST have started his film as early as 5-7 sec post last shot.
The only other possibility, is that Wiegman cut his film at the 15 sec post last shot, and then just stood there looking at the same people he had just been filming, for another 10 seconds. This imo, does NOT seem plausible for a professional cameraman to be doing, wasting time not fliming.
Since Malcom Couch stated, that even 10 seconds is a LONG TIME in the camera business, I have to wonder if Wiegman would do nothing for another 10 seconds other that just keep staring at the 2 subjects he has just stopped filming.
If anyone else is more of an expert in this Wiegman vs Couch film and can confirm with some statement from Weigman that he DID take another 10 seconds pause after cutting his camera, before he turned around, and restarted his camera to film the seqment of the Newmans on the ground, this would HELP ME TREMENDOUSLY because rigtht now, its a true DILEMMA to resolve.