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Author Topic: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting  (Read 110940 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #232 on: February 01, 2019, 10:12:26 PM »
The above is an interpretation of someone who was not even present at the interrogations and who has no idea what was discussed during the interrogations and can only base what was said in those interrogations on the reports filed by those present during the interrogations and/or doing the interrogating. BTW, not that it matters since your commie buddy Oswald was NOT in the Domino Room but a person can go through a doorway and come out the same doorway. But that is just semantics considering that Oswald was talking about eating lunch alone IN THE LUNCHROOM when he allegedly saw "the two colored boys" pass through THE ROOM. Only a complete nincompoop would consider the small open area between the north door and the elevators A ROOM.

The area in front of the elevators on the first floor was the "shipping room"..... And Jarman and Norman walked through the shipping room to get to the west facing gate of the west elevator......

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #232 on: February 01, 2019, 10:12:26 PM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #233 on: February 01, 2019, 10:18:15 PM »
The salient point that you're trying to establish has no bearing on the outcome of events that day but I'll entertain you by producing a timeline that firmly establishes that Brennan's recollections of when he was sitting on the concrete ledge is pretty accurate. Let's begin with the time Brennan said he finished lunch;

Mr. BRENNAN. I finished lunch and I glanced at a clock--I don't know exactly where the clock is located--and noticed it was 12:18. So I thought I still had a few minutes, that I might see the parade and the President. I walked to the corner of Houston and Elm

From there he went to Houston St. and Elm St. This walk took him approximately 4 minutes.

Mr. BRENNAN. Crossed the street to the southwest corner of Houston and Elm.
Mr. BELIN. Do you have any estimate about how long it took you to get there?
Mr. BRENNAN. A possibility I would say more or less 4 minutes.
Mr. BELIN. And then what did you do when you got to the southwest corner of Houston and Elm?
Mr. BRENNAN. I stayed around a couple of minutes. There was a man having an epileptic fit, a possibility of 20 yards east--south of this corner. And they
were being attended by some civilians and officers, and I believe an ambulance picked him up

Here's the amended portion of the DPD radio log transcript (I have omitted only the portion which  is inconsequential)

Caller:                                                                      Conversation:

289 (not assigned)                                                            Give us an ambulance, 100 N. Houston St. - epileptic seizure

Dispatcher (MC DANIEL and HUFFSTUTTER)                  10-4

289 (not assigned)                                                      Make it code - 3 (Emergency Red Lights and Sirens)

Dispatcher (MC DANIEL and HUFFSTUTTER)                   Be a white? (12:19)

Dispatcher (MC DANIEL and HUFFSTATTER)                  What's your location?

606 (ambulance)                                                        About Hardwood and Cedar Springs now

Dispatcher (MC DANIEL and HUFFSTATER)                    10-4 Code 3. (Emergency-red lights and sirens) on a signal 28 (emergency sick call) 100, N. Houston 12:20

Dispatcher (MC DANIEL and HUFFSTATER)                    10-4, 606 (Ambulance), 12:24

Dispatcher (MC DANIEL and HUFFSTATER)                    606 (Ambulance)

606 (Ambulance)                                                         We are en route Parkland (garbled). This is a signal 16 (Investigation injured person)

By 12:24 the ambulance was already on it's way to Parkland. This falls pretty much in line with Brennan's timeline. He was sitting on the concrete ledge no later than 12:24.

What we can agree on is that BRW was not at the SN doing the shooting. Do you agree with both Givens and Danny Arce that BRW was not with them and Jarman before Jarman and Givens left?

Mr. BALL. Was Bonnie Ray Williams ever out there with you?
Mr. ARCE. No, he stayed upstairs with Hank. Junior stayed up there but he was down a little while and I guess he went upstairs.
Mr. BALL. What about Givens?
Mr. ARCE. He was down there with Shields, I guess---I mean Melvin---no, Carl, that's who he was with...?

Mr. BALL. What about Jack Dougherty?
Mr. ARCE. He was on all floors; I couldn't tell you where he was.
Mr. BALL. Was he outside?
Mr. ARCE. No, he was eating lunch; me and Jack Dougherty, same time.
Mr. BALL. Dougherty ate his lunch?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Did he go outdoors after lunch? I don't know; I didn't see him. Who went outdoors with you? Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady; Carl was out there and Charles. You stood there how long before the parade came along?
Mr. ARCE. I am not too sure; it was about 10 minutes, somewhere. around there. I am not too sure about that.

Looks like Arce and Givens had to be in on the cover up too

Oscar .........why are you so reluctant to address this. According to the sequence of events.

Williams first day statement indicates he did not go to the 6th floor with his lunch but went usptairs with Jarman and Norman to the fifth floor instead. "Just after" they got there they saw the motorcade pass. Does this sound consistent with a time around 12.25pm to you for their arrival?

It was only a couple of hours since the assassination when he wrote that statement. Of those who worked on the 6th floor that day only Williams, Shelley, Dougherty, Arce and Lovelady were taken in for statements.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #234 on: February 02, 2019, 10:15:44 PM »
Unlike certain blowhards on this forum, I lack the ego and arrogance to claim I 'know' what happened.

No, you just have the ego and arrogance to claim that you know what probably happened.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #234 on: February 02, 2019, 10:15:44 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #235 on: February 02, 2019, 10:17:53 PM »
All we have is Brennan's testimony to go by and if he says he could have positively identified Oswald as the shooter there's no reason to doubt him. There's nothing that I'm aware of that has cast doubts about Brennan being anything but an honest man.

Interesting how the people who you want to believe are the "honest" ones.  Notwithstanding, one can be honest and still be wrong.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #236 on: February 02, 2019, 10:24:12 PM »
You're a nut cake, Cakebread. You've been reading too many kook books and it's affected what little gray matter you have between the ears.

Speaking of "resorting to insults"...

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #236 on: February 02, 2019, 10:24:12 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #237 on: February 02, 2019, 10:27:55 PM »
And I told him there we better get the hell from up here.

Doesn't seem like they got the "hell from up there" in any big hurry.\:

Mr. McCLOY. Have you got any appreciation of the time that elapsed between your hearing the first shot and the time that you got finally down to the first floor, after you had been on the fifth floor and the fourth floor?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir; I could not give you any time.
Mr. McCLOY. Well, you did not give us any time. Do you have any recollection now of about how long that was? Was it 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes? How long did it take from the time that you were looking out that window and you heard that shot until you did get down to the first floor?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, I could say approximately 15 minutes, maybe a little before then, maybe after. I could not say exactly.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #238 on: February 02, 2019, 10:40:14 PM »
The several witnesses who either saw the sniper shooting (A), part of the gun being withdrawn(B), what appeared to be something that could be a gun(C), or movement after the third shot(D) are;

1) Howard L. Brennan(A)

2) Amos Lee Euins(A)

3) Robert H. Jackson(B)

4) Mrs. Earle Cabell(C)

5) James N. Crawford(D)

Since when is seeing "movement" evidence of anything?

Brennan does not belong in category A.

Mr. McCLOY. Did you see the rifle discharge, did you see the recoil or the flash?
Mr. McCLOY. But you heard the last shot.
Mr. BRENNAN. The report; yes, sir.

Besides Brennan never said how he knew the guy in position for the final shot (and thus blocked by boxes) was the same guy he saw earlier sitting on the window sill.  Perhaps he just assumed it.  He also never explained how how could see the guy from the belt up at the time of the last shot.

Brennan embellished his story more and more every time he told it.  Have you read his book?

Only Euins actually claimed to see a person firing a rifle, and the person he saw had a bald spot.  He also told one reporter that it was a "colored man".

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #239 on: February 02, 2019, 10:43:00 PM »
Arnie initially said the figure in the west window was about 10-12 feet (or so) back of the window, but later changed that to 3-5 feet or so. This is one reason why the investigators interviewed him often, and checked his backstory thoroughly.

How inconsistent.   ::)

How about the guy who initially said he couldn't identify the guy he saw in the lineup and then later changed that to "I really could -- I pinkie swear it"?  Who checked his back story?

« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 11:01:25 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #239 on: February 02, 2019, 10:43:00 PM »