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Author Topic: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting  (Read 110926 times)

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #264 on: February 03, 2019, 04:02:44 PM »
"The thing is that it wasn't Oswald. The little rat claimed that he ate alone on the first floor during his initial interrogation. Oswald said that he took the Coke bought in the second floor lunchroom and then "stood around" ate lunch in the employee lunch room, then "went outside and stood around for five or ten minutes with foreman Bill Shelley" then left for home because Bill Shelley's remarks led him to reach the conclusion there was no more work to be done that day. Bill Shelley denied both seeing Oswald and saying anything that would lead Oswald to reach believe he could go home"[

How in the world do give weight to 100% second-hand information, when there is no document which speaks to his specific location at the time of the shooting?
How is it that you love to use Harold Norman to corroborate anything? Right below is McCloy asking Norman about time-

Mr. McCLOY. Do you have any rough recollection of the amount of time that passed between the time you heard the first shot and when you ran down to the west end of the building and looked out the window there and the time when you left the fifth floor and finally came down to the first floor where the police officers were? Can you give me a general estimate of about how much time that took?
Mr. NORMAN. To come down from the fifth floor?
Mr. McCLOY. Yes. From the time you first heard the shot and saw what was going on in the motorcade and then ran down toward the western end of the building and then as I understand your testimony, you left there and went down to the did you go down to the fourth floor first or did you go all the way down?
Mr. NORMAN. I believe we went all the way.
Mr. McCLOY. Until you got down to the first floor, how much would you say was the entire length of that time, from the first shot until you got down on the first floor?
Mr. NORMAN. Oh, I would say somewhere between 10 or 15 minutes, somewhere like that.

10 to 15 minutes???? How long did he hear a weapon being fired, 3 or 4 minutes??? Maybe a minute per round??
Why does this fool answer every question with a question?

Mr. McCloy.  Can you give me a general estimate of about how much time that took?
Mr. NORMAN. To come down from the fifth floor?

No Norman, to come down to 1st floor from the basement. What a reliable witness

Already covered in a previous reply to JohnI.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #264 on: February 03, 2019, 04:02:44 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #265 on: February 03, 2019, 04:12:36 PM »
"It was during their WC testimony that many things were cleared up, previous statements they were alleged to have made corrected "

Of course they were they had to have been to make the story stick. :D :D :D :D

Yeah, the cover up that involved dozens of people from all over the country that to this day has yet to produce a single piece of evidence that indicates that the final conclusions reached by the WC was in error. That is, that LHO killed both JFK, wounded JBC, and killed Officer Tippit without outside assistance. Let's add that Oswald also took a pot shot at General Walker. I might have worded this statement a bit confusing. After 55 years, three further investigations and, I guess, millions of declassified documents, no evidence has been uncovered that would lead to the conclusion that the essential conclusions reached by the WC are not valid.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #266 on: February 03, 2019, 04:41:44 PM »
Norman never changed his time approximation for 3 shots fired which is according to his several interviews recorded including also at the mock trial, has 3 shots fired in less than 5 seconds.

His WC testimony also states he heard the 1st shot, saw JFK "slump" and then heard the next 2 shots

Mr. NORMAN. I believe it was his right arm, and I can't remember what the exact time was but I know I heard a shot, and then after I heard the shot, well, it seems as though the President, you know, slumped or something, and then another shot and I believe Jarman or someone told me, he said, "I believe someone is shooting at the President," and I think I made a statement "It is someone shooting at the President, and I believe it came from up above us."
Well, I couldn't see at all during the time but I know I heard a third shot fired, and I could also hear something sounded like the shell hulls hitting the floor and the ejecting of the rifle, it sounded as though it was to me

so if Norman heard these 3 shots in less than 5 seconds as per his several video taped interviews as he does his boom clak clak sequence renactiment, then the 1st shot Norman is hearing and then seeing the President slump, must be the shot at Z223

Yet there are many other witnesses who claim to have heard the first shot much earlier. There's the testimony of Couch, Dillard, Jackson and Underwood who heard the first shot when their convertible was either just entering Houston St. form Main St. or was further along Houston St. I would be interested to know the position of their car in relation to that of the presidents limo when they heard the first shot. Calling Jerry Organ!!!!!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #266 on: February 03, 2019, 04:41:44 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #267 on: February 03, 2019, 04:52:50 PM »
Like cherry picking Norman"s, 12.15 from one statement as a time for their ascent. Pot....kettle.

Bonnie Ray was not the most reliable witness regarding any placement, movement or timing was he? Wonder why. He just happened to be in the SN up until about 12.25. No pressure on him.

Norman's 12:15 is not a stand alone piece of evidence. There's Arce and Givens statements of NO BRW with Jarman and Norman so.....where was BRW at 12:15 PM? His testimony before the WC says 6th floor, behind third set of windows or thereabouts. You're basing your claim that BRW had to be IN the SN on the testimony of Arnold I right?

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #268 on: February 03, 2019, 09:03:23 PM »
Yeah, the cover up that involved dozens of people from all over the country that to this day has yet to produce a single piece of evidence that indicates that the final conclusions reached by the WC was in error. That is, that LHO killed both JFK, wounded JBC, and killed Officer Tippit without outside assistance. Let's add that Oswald also took a pot shot at General Walker. I might have worded this statement a bit confusing. After 55 years, three further investigations and, I guess, millions of declassified documents, no evidence has been uncovered that would lead to the conclusion that the essential conclusions reached by the WC are not valid.
Well there it is everybody....the definitive solution! Why then post any further? What more can be said? Why wile away any more time on these benign arguments? Just curious ::)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #268 on: February 03, 2019, 09:03:23 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #269 on: February 03, 2019, 09:22:41 PM »
Well there it is everybody....the definitive solution! Why then post any further? What more can be said? Why wile away any more time on these benign arguments? Just curious ::)

Are you askin Navarro why he wastin time attacking CT's and lying about the case, if LBJ's Special select Blue Ribbon Committee's "essential  conclusions" are accurate and valid....?   

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #270 on: February 03, 2019, 09:56:46 PM »
Are you askin Navarro why he wastin time attacking CT's and lying about the case, if LBJ's Special select Blue Ribbon Committee's "essential  conclusions" are accurate and valid....?   
  The lone shooter guys = horses in this condition-- 

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #271 on: February 04, 2019, 05:15:04 AM »
Norman's 12:15 is not a stand alone piece of evidence. There's Arce and Givens statements of NO BRW with Jarman and Norman so.....where was BRW at 12:15 PM? His testimony before the WC says 6th floor, behind third set of windows or thereabouts. You're basing your claim that BRW had to be IN the SN on the testimony of Arnold I right?

No....wrong again. Seems to be a pattern.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald in the TSBD just after the shooting
« Reply #271 on: February 04, 2019, 05:15:04 AM »