Dear Steve,
You haven't read Bagley's
Spy Wars or his 35-page pdf
Ghosts of the Spy Wars, or even watched John Newman's two-part youtube
Spy Wars presentation from last March, have you?
Pity that.
If you'd read Bagley's book, you'd realize that not only was Nosenko a false defector (as now acknowledged by none other than John Newman and Peter Dale Scott), but that KGB was much more highly compartmentalized than our CIA, and that in very impostant cases it sometimes misled most of its own officers so that they would unwittingly spread disinformation, themselves (Kalugin and Gordievsky come to mind as regards the subject at hand), so "in my book," it's either that, or Kalugin and Gordievsky are still working for the "KGB" (telling the U.S. 98% truth, and 2% very important lies).
Here's Bagley's pdf: (I highly suggest that you read the six pages that constitute
The McCoy Intervention part of it.)
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS Instead of my giving you potentially confusing instructions on how to go about finding the pertinent Angleton quotes in his 1) June 19, 1975, and 2) in his February 9, 1976 CHURCH COMMITTEE TESTIMONY, why don't you just go to chapters 5 and 6 of Bill Simpich's
State Secret and then press "F" and "Ctrl" simultaneously (for each of those two chapters, obviously), and type in the search term
byetkov ? This is a FB message I sent to Bill Simpich on 9/14/18, followed by his reply:
Hi Bill.
I'm dropping this note to you to let you know that I've recently realized that the triple-agent "Byetkov*?" JJA referred to in his June 19, 1975, Church Committee testimony must have Ivan Obyedkov (pronounced ah-bee-ED-cough), the Soviet embassy security guard who volunteered Kostikov's name to "Oswald" on 10/01/63. It's easy for me to see how the stenographer could misspell Obyedkov's name like that. Also, it's interesting that Oybedkov's 201 file has so many redactions in it.
-- Tom..............
Here's Simpich's unedited 9/14/18 reply:
That is a great find. I spent a lot of time puzzling over that one. I tried to solve it the wrong way, assuming it started with a B. I do believe you have solved it.