WHEN did the "Dear Mr Hunt" note first surface in the public domain? I have not checked, but I know the note surfaced long after the Warren Commission closed the book that was given LBJ's stamp of approval that Lee Harrrrrrey Ossssssswald... (Boooooo Hisssss) was a damned cold blooded killer nut, who had no motive.
Which just proves my point, i.e., that it's never too late for the "KGB" to stir the pot, so that tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists will have more to feast on.
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS Did you notice the question I asked you at the end of my (edited while you were furiously typing away) post?
Here it is, again:
Who do
you think wrote the note, Walter?
Harvey Oswald?
Lee Oswald?
Lee Harvey Oswald?
The evil, evil, evil CIA?