Oswald's visa picture. The very same picture appears as CE-2788.
The Report states that CE-2788 is a picture that was taken after "his [Oswald's] return from Russia". I cannot understand how he was sent by the Cuban embassy to have his visa picture taken in the first week of October '63 and then he comes back with this identical picture 

Dear Jerry,
What's so hard to understand about the following scenario (bearing in mind that the Armeggedon-fearing and FBI-protecting Warren Commission mistakenly assumed that the photo of Oswald had been taken after he returned to the U.S.):
Short, blond, blue-eyed, very thin-faced "Third Secretary / Assistant Cultual Attache" KGB colonel Nikolai Leonov not only impersonated Oswald over the phone in Mexico City, but provided Sylvia Duran with the taken-in-Minsk photo of him, and told her and her colleagues what to do and say (with permission from Fidel Castro, of course).
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS It's interesting to note that in this scenario, The Man Who Was Not There (Oswald) "somehow failed to take passport-sized photos of himself to the Cuban Consulate (even though he was a seasoned international traveler and must have passed several photo shops on his way from Hotel del Comercio to the Consulate that morning) and had to leave the Consulate and come back a couple of hours later with some taken-in-Mexico City photos of himself" ...
Why in the world would the KGB/DGI create such an implausible narrative?
... Well, to emphasize the "fact" that The Man Who Was Not There (Oswald) had -- LOL -- "actually been in Mexico City."