Post #15---,1599.msg41656.html#msg41656Here (below) is the draft copy of the letter that Oswald sent the Soviet Embassy in Washington where he discusses going to Mexico City and visiting the Cuban consulate and Soviet Embassy. The handwriting was identified as belonging to Oswald.

Reply #25
Russian speaking Oswald [who lived and worked in the USSR] sent a letter in English to the Soviet Embassy?
No one even tried to respond to that one.
Both Marina Oswald and Ruth Paine testified that they saw him type the letter.
Isn't it odd with all these Russian speakers at the Paine house that there was no Cyrillic typewriter?
Strange how all this "evidence" was so
conveniently left behind so it could be found by the police/FBI. Was this all filed away along with the "Walker-If something happens to me" letter?
People who were on a bus going to MC said they saw and talked to Oswald. People at the hotel - a cleaning lady and waiter - said they saw him. Cubans at the consulate - Duran and Mirabal - say it was Oswald. The Soviet officials - KGB agents - say the man was Oswald and that the man in the photos did NOT identify himself as Oswald. There's a visa issued to Oswald from the Mexican consulate in New Orleans with his handwriting/signature on it. On and on and on it goes.
Actually, on and on these statements were either discredited or remain dubious. How could Oswald [who scraped together a total of $33 as his last know action in New Orleans] manage to travel all the way to Mexico City and then ostensibly back to Dallas on $33 [even back then]?
Oh he hitch-hiked back from the border? No one ever came forward saying that they had picked him up. You might think they would recognize that face. Based on another thread.. Antonio Veciana stated that Oswald was actually in Dallas [apparently under cover] at the time he was supposedly in Mexico. Link-- would he lie? Why would Silvia Odio lie?