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Author Topic: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?  (Read 111335 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #416 on: February 11, 2020, 07:21:51 PM »
Oswald's acquisition of a passport and tourist card are not evidence of an imposter as was stupidly suggested. 
It's pretty straightforward.
I believe I stated that an imposter may have acquired those documents and impersonated's pretty straightforward. 

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #416 on: February 11, 2020, 07:21:51 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #417 on: February 11, 2020, 07:34:01 PM »
I believe I stated that an imposter may have acquired those documents and impersonated's pretty straightforward.

Nope.  You suggested they were evidence of an impersonator because they were not required for Oswald's trip to Mexico and Oswald was too lazy and cheap to have obtained such documents if they were not required.  Why else would you reference Oswald being "cheap" and "lazy" in this context?

"One thing that keeps nagging me. Established earlier...A passport [let alone a visa] was not required to visit Mexico back then.
Why would Oswald [who seemed cheap and apparently lazy in every other way] bother to get a visa some 10 days before he actually was supposed to have left?
I suggest that this visa was obtained by an impersonator who had the necessary credentials with the sole and solitary intent of establishing a paper trail that led straight to Oswald/Cuba."

The acquisition of passport to travel to Cuba and tourist card to travel to Mexico were necessary for Oswald's avowed purpose.  They in no way lend themselves to proving an imposter as you suggested based upon a false premise that they were not required and Oswald would not have gone to the trouble of obtaining them. 

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #418 on: February 11, 2020, 07:45:35 PM »
And for as many times..this was stated after the Mexican Federal goons beat the crap out of her and accused her of a probable affair with the accused assassin.Elena was a nutjob...go read her bio----
Go read this article. Disagree if desired but at least read it. OK?---

  It is a tourist card. Steve Galbraith called it a visa and that slipped by me. One researcher [David Joesephs] made a big deal about the name with the comma after Lee.
It is no big deal.
The tourist card was likely required if someone was going into Mexico using public transportation.
Quote from: Steve M. Galbraith on February 05, 2020, 03:14:15 PM Can testimony on that be linked? These statements are repeated constantly without obvious support.
I still have seen nothing to support these claims. Sylvia Odio actually testified and she is a liar?
From the Report...  Contradiction --I thought he was saying that he was from Ft Worth.
From the Report...   This is no testimony.
From the Report...  From the Report... 
Duran testified to the HSCA that the man was Oswald. She said she was not beaten by the Mexican police but that they were rough with her and tried to force her to admit she was part of a communist plot to kill JFK. She also said she kicked one of them in the "balls".

In any case, she has told others that the man was Oswald.

Here is, again, what she told the HSCA:
HARDAWAY - Going back to when you recognized Oswald, the man whose picture you had seen in the paper as the man who had been at the Embassy three times. Were you certain that the man in the papers was the same man, before you checked your records at the archives?
TIRADO - Yes. Immediately I saw the paper, I told him [her husband] this was the man that I want to check.

"Yes. Immediately..."

She said she then went to the Cuban consulate to check on the visa application to make sure it was the same man. She said it was: Lee Harvey Oswald.

Her fully testimony is here:

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #418 on: February 11, 2020, 07:45:35 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #419 on: February 11, 2020, 08:49:25 PM »
Duran testified to the HSCA that the man was Oswald. She said she was not beaten by the Mexican police  ....
CORNWELL - Would you like to state your name?
TIRADO - Silvia Tirado Bazan.
CORNWELL - And where's your present home address?
TIRADO - Avenida Universidad 1900 Edificio 12 Departmento 402 Colonia Numero De Terrenos
CORNWELL - For the record, my name is Gary Cornwell, and with me here is Ed Lopez, Harold Leap and Dan Hardway. We represent the House Select Committee on assassinations of the Congress of the United States. Also with us here today representing the Mexican Goverment is Honorio Escondon, Dr. Alfonso Orozco Contreras. Today is June 6, 1978 and the time is approximately 5:45 in the afternoon. Would you tell us what your date and place of birth is?
TIRADO - 22nd of November, 1937.
Silvia not likely to ever forget the day of the assassination.
She had to go back home to her family in safety after this interview.
Obviously some people do not understand the ruthlessness of the Federales.
So you guys are saying that Oswald was abandoning his family and leaving penniless with reckless abandon to gain entry into Cuba.
 &----If he was successful... then Kennedy would not have been killed in Dallas. Right?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2020, 03:21:03 PM by Jerry Freeman »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #420 on: February 12, 2020, 03:20:22 PM »

                       PETER DALE SCOTT – The Deeper Truth Still Not Revealed

Peter Dale Scott in Deep Politics 3 writes:

“In the days after the murders in Dallas the U.S. was flooded with dubious stories, most of them swiftly discredited, linking Oswald to either a Cuban or Soviet conspiracy. Those which most preoccupied the FBI and CIA all came out of Mexico. These stories exhibited certain common characteristics.”

1. They all came from either directly from an intelligence source, or from someone in the hands of an intelligence agency. Nearly always the agency involved was the Mexican DFS or secret police. The DFS, along with the Nicaraguan intelligence service, which was also a source, were under CIA tutelage.”

“2 The Stories changed over time, to support either a pro-conspiratorial hypothesis (‘Phase One’) or a rebuttal of this (“’Phase Two’).”

“3. The Warren Commission was led to believe that the ‘Phase One’ stories were without basis. In fact a number of unresolved anomalies suggest that behind them was some deeper truth, still not revealed.”

“4. As noted the two main sources, Silvia Duran and Gilberto Alvarado, gave varying stories while detained by the DFS. Of the two, Duran was actually tortured, and Alvarado reportedly threatened with torture... In retrospect, these stories should not have been taken seriously. In fact the CIA was able to rely on them, not as a source of truth, but as a source of coercive influence over the rest of the government. It will help us to understand what was going on if we refer to the stories, not as 'information' or even as 'allegations,' but as MANAGED STORIES. To say this leaves open the question of who were the ultimate managers – the DFS, U.S. Officers in Mexico, or higher authorities in Washington.”

“The full history is complex and confused, with many unanswered questions. But nearly all of these managed stories, along with others outside Mexico.....resolve into this simple pattern of a Phase One/Phase Two evolution. To this day both 'Phase-One' and 'Phase-Two' versions are trotted out from time to time. These control public perceptions of the Kennedy assassination seize the debate from genuine critics who have less access to the media.”

“I do wish to argue that these managed stories, fleeting and insubstantial though they are, were of central importance in determining the outcome of the Kennedy assassination investigation. In succeeding years, furthermore, the discredited ‘Phase-One’ stories have been revived to manipulate public opinion, even after the CIA and FBI had agreed on a ‘Phase-Two’ interpretation of Oswald's movements in Mexico City. In 2013, for example, the discredited Garro story of the twist party was revived in a mainstream book by Philip Shenon. [Philip Shenon, A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2013), 496-98 etc.].”

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #420 on: February 12, 2020, 03:20:22 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #421 on: February 12, 2020, 05:29:11 PM »
                       PETER DALE SCOTT – The Deeper Truth Still Not Revealed

"The full history is complex and confused, with many unanswered questions. But nearly all of these managed stories,

Managed stories.......The work of J. Edgar Hoover..... 

Lee did go to Mexico City ....He was playing Herb Philbrick  for the FBI.....The naive patsy simply didn't understand that he was being set up.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2020, 05:35:42 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #422 on: February 14, 2020, 11:34:04 PM »
In view of the fact that it contradicted the testimony of three others...why did postal inspector Harry Holmes testify that Oswald SAID in fact that he did go to Mexico City and to those consulates there? The bigger question...Why did the Warren Commission accept this?
Mr. STERN - During the first interview was he asked whether he had ever been in Mexico, and if so, by whom?
Mr. BOOKHOUT - Yes; I recall Hosty asking him if He had ever been in Mexico.
Mr. STERN - What did he say?
Mr. BOOKHOUT - He said he had not.
Mr. STERN. And at what time did you know of Oswald's trip to Mexico City and his apparent appearance there at the Russian Embassy?
Mr. HOSTY. The 25th of October.
How could Mr Hosty have known about this supposed trip to Mexico before Oswald had supposedly ever arrived there?
Mr. McCLOY. I didn't hear you repeating your testimony that he denied ever having been in Mexico.
Mr. HOSTY. Oh, yes; he was being questioned about his activities outside or the United States, where he had been outside of the United States. He told Captain Fritz that he had only been to Mexico to visit at Tijuana on the border, and then he did admit having been in Russia.
Mr. McCLOY. He only admitted to having been at Tijuana in Mexico?
Mr. HOSTY. Right.
Mr. McCLOY. Not to Mexico City.
Mr. HOSTY. Not to Mexico City; that is right.
Mr. BALL. What is your best memory of what you said to him when he first came in?
Mr. FRITZ.... Mr. Hosty spoke up and asked him something about Russia, and asked him if he had been to Russia, and he asked him if he had been to Mexico City, and this irritated Oswald a great deal and he beat on the desk and went into a kind of a tantrum.
Mr. BALL. What did he say when he was asked if he had been to Mexico City?
Mr. FRITZ. He said he had not been. He did say he had been to Russia, he was in Russia, I believe he said for some time.
Mr. BALL. He said he had not been in Mexico City?

Mr. FRITZ. At that time he told me he had not been in Mexico City.
Mr. BALL. Who asked the question whether or not he had been to Mexico City?
Mr. FRITZ. Mr. Hosty. I wouldn't have known anything about Mexico City.
Mr. BELIN. Anything else about Russia? Did he ever say anything about going to Mexico? Was that ever covered?
Mr. HOLMES. Yes. To the extent that mostly about--well--he didn't spend, "Where did you get the money?" He didn't have much money and he said it didn't cost much money. He did say that where he stayed it cost $26 some odd, small ridiculous amount to eat, and another ridiculous small amount to stay all night, and that he went to the Mexican Embassy to try to get this permission to go to Russia by Cuba, but most of the talks that he wanted to talk about was how he got by with a little amount.
They said, "Well, who furnished you the money to go to Mexico?"
"Well, it didn't take much money." And it was along that angle, was the conversation.
Mr. BELIN. Did he admit that he went to Mexico?
Mr. HOLMES. Oh, yes.
Mr. BELIN. Did he say what community in Mexico he went to?
Mr. HOLMES. Mexico City.
Mr. BELIN. Did he say what he did while he was there?
 Mr. HOLMES. He went to the Mexican consulate, I guess.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. BELIN. Now, with regard to this Mexican trip, did he say who he saw in Mexico?
Mr. HOLMES. Only that he went to the Mexican consulate or Embassy or something and wanted to get permission, or whatever it took to get to Cuba. They refused him and he became angry and he said he burst out of there, and I don't know. I don't recall now why he went into the business about how mad it made him.
He goes over to the Russian Embassy. He was already at the American. This was the Mexican--he wanted to go to Cuba.
Then he went to the Russian Embassy and he said, because he said then he wanted to go to Russia by way of Cuba, still trying to get to Cuba and try that angle and they refused and said, "Come back in 30 days," or something like that. And, he went out of there angry and disgusted.
Mr. BELIN. Did he go to the Cuban Embassy, did he say or not?
Mr. HOLMES. He may have gone there first, but the best of my recollection, it might have been Cuban and then the Russian, wherever he went at first, he wanted to get to Cuba, and then he went to the Russian to go by Cuba.
Mr. BELIN. Did he say why he wanted to go to Cuba?
Mr. BELIN. Did--this wasn't reported in your interview in the memorandum that you wrote?
Mr. BELIN. Is this something that you think you might have picked up from just reading the papers, or is this something you remember hearing?
Mr. HOLMES. That is what he said in there.

Well at least Mr Holmes did not report about Oswald reminiscing about the bullfights he saw during his stay in Mexico. ::)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #423 on: February 18, 2020, 11:12:34 AM »
The HSCA report on Oswald and Mexico City...
409 pages

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #423 on: February 18, 2020, 11:12:34 AM »