Why should we trust KGB officers and Mexican and Cuban pro-Castro bureaucrats when they say they met with ("a highly unstable") Oswald in Mexico City in late September, 1963?
Regarding the former, why should we trust Nechiporenko, Yatskov, Kostikov, and, yep, that short, blond, blue-eyed, very thin-faced "Third Secretary/Assistant Cultural Attache," KGB Col. Nikolai Leonov who claimed in 1992 to have met one-on-one with Oswald at the Soviet Embassy on Sunday, September 29, 1963(!), and very well could have been the person who provided Sylvia Duran with a taken-in-Minsk "passport-sized" photo of Oswald to be stapled to his Cuban Visa Application, and also could have been the (naturally?) bad English-speaking and (over-the-top?) bad Russian-speaking person who impersonated Oswald over the phone down there?
"Because when they revealed this stuff, the Cold War was over, Tommy!"
Hint: Not as far as the Ruskies were concerned, Bucko.
"But, but, but Mudd Wrassler Tommy, what
evidence do you have?"
"And, and, and ... why would those nice Russians or that nice Fidel Castro want to kill JFK, anyway?"
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy