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Author Topic: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?  (Read 111484 times)

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2019, 09:28:17 PM »
Dear Thomas...
If I show you a gun concealed in a holster under my coat.... How do you really know that there are bullets in it? You just assume there are :-\
Did you know that JFK withdrew US missiles from Turkey over that 'crisis'?
Now let's all return to Mexico City shall we?

Dear Jerry,

Are medium range ballistic missiles used for anything other than delivering nuclear warheads?

Do you think Khrushchev and Castro just wanted to make Kennedy think those missiles were nuclear-tipped, but really weren't?

Can you prove that they weren't nuclear-tipped?

Do you think the specialists who analyzed the photos taken by the U-2 plane over Cuba somehow misidentified the kind of missles in the photos?

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

PS  Yes, Jerry, I knew that JFK secretly agreed to withdraw our Jupiter missiles from Turkey, in exchange for Khruschev's agreeing to remove his nuclear-tipped missiles from Cuba.

PPS  Do you believe Oswald went to Mexico City?

If not, do you have any theories as to who impersonated him over the phone there, bearing in mind that on Sarurday 9/28/63 the over-the-phone impersonator spoke "bad English and bad Russian"?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 09:52:29 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2019, 09:28:17 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2019, 09:42:42 PM »
..weapons in Cuba. I know about U2 pictures...missiles etc but what actual solid evidence was there that they were equipped with nuclear tips?
In my unsupported guesstimation ...Oswald was not the only American with a cloudy background that was impersonated in Mexico City.

There are many things that ordinary citizens are not told....You'd be surprised to learn how many times nuclear armed airplanes have been scrambled.....

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2019, 09:59:55 PM »
There are many things that ordinary citizens are not told....You'd be surprised to learn how many times nuclear armed airplanes have been scrambled.....

Dear Walt,

You got a secret back-channel to The Truth, or something?

Why would Khruschev put phony MRBM's and IRBM's in Cuba, Walt?

To make JFK pee his pants and allow Khrushev to do anything he wanted in the Western Hemisphere, including threatening a first-strike against Washington D.C. from Cuba?

Who besides Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, Walt?

(By the evil, evil, evil CIA, right?)

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 10:13:27 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2019, 09:59:55 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2019, 10:01:08 PM »
Dear Jerry,

After the failed U.S. attempt to overthrow the Castro regime in Cuba with the Bay of Pigs invasion, and while the Kennedy administration planned Operation Mongoose, in July 1962 Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev reached a secret agreement with Cuban premier Fidel Castro to place Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba to deter any future invasion attempt. Construction of several missile sites began in the late summer, but U.S. intelligence discovered evidence of a general Soviet arms build-up on Cuba, including Soviet IL?28 bombers, during routine surveillance flights, and on September 4, 1962, President Kennedy issued a public warning against the introduction of offensive weapons into Cuba. Despite the warning, on October 14 a U.S. U?2 aircraft took several pictures clearly showing sites for medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles (MRBMs and IRBMs) under construction in Cuba. These images were processed and presented to the White House the next day, thus precipitating the onset of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

Dear Mudd    You stated that U-2 spy planes were constantly over flying Cuba and taking photos ....
Men with the clearance, who were trained and qualified to load and unload the highly sophisticated cameras of the U-2 were few and far between.   

Lee Oswald had been associated with the U-2 for years....and isn't it strange that he abruptly quit a job that he enjoyed after a man in a suit visited the shop where he worked....and then disappeared for about two months during the missile crisis. He left Marina and June behind and simply vanished....

Some of the U-2 planes were operating out of Carswell AFB which is near Fort Worth Texas.....

What would you guess Lee Oswald was doing in October of 1962??

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2019, 10:05:40 PM »
Dear Mudd    You stated that U-2 spy planes were constantly over flying Cuba and taking photos ....
Men with the clearance, who were trained and qualified to load and unload the highly sophisticated cameras of the U-2 were few and far between.   

Lee Oswald had been associated with the U-2 for years....and isn't it strange that he abruptly quit a job that he enjoyed after a man in a suit visited the shop where he worked....and then disappeared for about two months during the missile crisis. He left Marina and June behind and simply vanished....

Some of the U-2 planes were operating out of Carswell AFB which is near Fort Worth Texas.....

What would you guess Lee Oswald was doing in October of 1962??

Dear Walt,

I said "constantly"?

Regardless, you ask too many ambiguous, rhetorical questions.

Why don't you fill us all in with The Truth According To Walt Cakebread?

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

PS  Fascinating stuff that Oswald "disappeared for two months during the Cuban Missile Crisis," Walt. Where did you read or hear that?

What was he doing during those two months, Walt?

Was he on a mission for the evil, evil, evil CIA? The evil, evil, evil FBI? The evil, evil, evil ONI?

From Interactive Timeline of the Life of Lee Harvey Oswald by W. Tracy Parnell:


August 25, 1962: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of Paul Gregory, where they meet several members of the local Russian ?migr? community.

September, 1962: The Oswalds meet George De Mohrenschildt and his wife.

October, 1962: Marina and June move in with Elena Hall while LHO looks for work in Dallas.

October 9, 1962: LHO visits the Texas Employment Commission in Dallas where he scores well on aptitude tests. He also rents a PO Box under his own name at the main Post Office.

October 10, 1962: LHO fills out a change of address form forwarding his mail to the new PO box.

October 11, 1962: LHO is referred to Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall Co. by the Employment Commission, and he is hired.

October 12, 1962: He begins work at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall.

October 15, 1962: LHO moves into the YMCA.

October 16, 1962: June is baptized without LHO's knowledge.

November 4, 1962: The Oswalds are reunited at 604 Elsbeth St. in Dallas, where LHO had found an apartment.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 11:51:20 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2019, 10:05:40 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2019, 05:00:06 AM »
TG...Don't take that timeline according to the scribes of the Warren Report as gospel.
This anomaly was introduced a few months ago......

  Note that on July 26 1963 Lee H Oswald signed in [as a visitor from the Soviet Union living on Dallas Rd in Dallas] at the Atomic Energy Museum in Oak Ridge, Tennessee----According to the official timeline......
July 19, 1963: LHO is fired from the Reily Coffee Co.
July 22, 1963: He files a claim for unemployment benefits.
July 25, 1963: LHO's request for a review of his undesirable discharge is denied. 
July 27, 1963: LHO speaks to the Jesuit group for 30 minutes on the subject of "Contemporary Russia and the Practice of Communism".
August 5, 1963: LHO offers to help anti-Castro Cuban Carlos Bringuier in his struggle against Castro.
Maybe Oswald gave that presentation to the Jesuit group 10 hrs and 600 miles from New Orleans where he was supposed to be?

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2019, 05:22:01 AM »
TG...Don't take that timeline according to the scribes of the Warren Report as gospel.
This anomaly was introduced a few months ago......

  Note that on July 26 1963 Lee H Oswald signed in [as a visitor from the Soviet Union living on Dallas Rd in Dallas] at the Atomic Energy Museum in Oak Ridge, Tennessee----According to the official timeline...... Maybe Oswald gave that presentation to the Jesuit group 10 hrs and 600 miles from New Orleans where he was supposed to be?

Dear Jerry,

Point being?

Regardless, do you really think Oswald would have written "USSR" in that guest book?

Is there a "Dallas Road"?

Do you think Oswald went to Mexico City in late September, 1963?

(The title of this thread is Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy   :)

PS  That anomaly was introduced years ago.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 05:25:34 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2019, 05:44:13 AM »
Point being? [I believe the point is clear ...all is not as it seems] Regardless, do you really think Oswald would have written "USSR" in that guest book? [Somebody did]
Do you think Oswald went to Mexico City in late September, 1963? [No]
 PS  That anomaly was introduced years ago. [This forum is a year old I was referring to here]
Thomas Graves you are in violation of  the forum rules to not skip lines between sentences as it sucks up too much web space......
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JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2019, 05:44:13 AM »